2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 5 Music reading教案 新人教版必修2.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 5 Music reading教案 新人教版必修2.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 5 Music reading教案 新人教版必修2Period 1 (reading)Teaching aims:Students will be able to:Sum up the main idea of each paragraph.Understand the details about the passage.Procedures:Step 1Warming-up1. Before the class begins, let the Ss enjoy “Im a believer” played by “The Beatles”.2. Let the Ss enjoy some different kinds of music on the tape and ask them to match the music with the right picture.Step 2Pre-readingTalk about the famous bands in the world. (P33 Pre-reading)1. Ask the Ss: Have you heard about any of the famous bands in the world? List some if you have. Then the teacher will show the Ss some pictures of some famous bands like “The Beatles”, “Backstreet Boys”, “West Life” and “Zero Oclock” on the screen and ask the Ss to name the bands and tell the teacher where they e from. 2. Ask the Ss: Which one do you like best? Why?3. Ask the Ss: Dou you know anything about “The Monkees”? Then the teacher will show the Ss two pictures of “The Monkees” and say: If you want to know more about “The Monkees”, please turn to Page33 and lets e to Reading “The Band That Wasnt”.Step 3While-readingFirst reading: read the passage again then answer the following questions:1. Why do most musicians like to be in a band with others?2. Which two musical bands are mentioned in the passage?3. How do some bands formed by high school students earn extra money?4. When did the “Monkees” break up and when did it reunite?Second reading: get the main idea of each paragraph. (Finish P35, Ex 2)Step 4Post-readingGive the Ss the following adjectives “popular, lively, funny, foolish, attractive, brave, crazy, noisy, classical, rich, honest, famous” and ask them to choose the ones that they think best describe “The Monkees” and give their reasons. (Finish P35 Ex 3)(The teacher will first ask the Ss to discuss in pairs and encourage the Ss to express their opinions. There is no definite answer.)Step 5DiscussionDiscuss the following topics in groups of four.1. What can we learn from “The Monkees”?2. If you are to form your own band, what will you do?(After discussion, ask the Ss to express their own opinion.)Step 6Summary Today we have enjoyed some beautiful music and learn something about some famous bands. Remember: Success lies in hard work.Step 7Homework1. Retell the text.2. Collect some information about your favorite music.


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