2019-2020年高中英语 M10 U1 Words and expressions教案 牛津版选修10.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 M10 U1 Words and expressions教案 牛津版选修10一、Finish the following tasks using the words or phrases in this unit:1. Wenchun Earthquake in xx _ (夺走了近9万条人命).2. After her house was burgled(抢劫), she _ (向索赔) her insurance.3. What type of reader is the new magazine _ (把作为目标)?4. This book will be _ (对象) of bitter criticism.5. The programme _ (目的在于)improving the health of all ages.6. If you _ _ _ (有疑问) about the trip ,you can ask your tour guide.7. It is _ that people pay more and more attention to their health.A . sure B . uncertain C . without doubt D . doubtful8. I dont doubt _ he will e to my party tonight. A . whether B. if C . that D . when9. She doesnt like Mary ,so she always avoids _ with her. A . being leaving alone B . being leaving behind C . being left alone D . being left behind10. The old man lived _ in the _ island. A . alone; alone B . lonely; lonely C . alone; lonely D . lonely; alone11. The sum is wrong , but I cant see where I _ wrong .A . grew B . became C . turned D . went12. They switched the talk _ a more interesting subject. A . off B . down C . to D . on13. Dont throw those bottles away - theyll _ (派上用场) for the picnic next Sunday.14. Its a nice house and its _ (离很近) the station.15. The pressure that the bank has _ on our pany is to reduce its borrowings.A . made B . given C. sent D. put16. Some people work well _ while others get nervous and do badly.A . under way B . under pressure C . under control D . under repairs17. _ borrowing money , he also asked me to lend him my car.A . Beside B . On top of C . Except D . Except for 18. Put the _ of your tongue against your upper teeth when you pronounce the sound.A . tip B . top C . peak D . pole19. You are _ of catching a cold if you dont take any medicine .A . dangerous B . at the risk C . at risk D . in risk20. You are so kind-hearted that you always give me a hand when I am _ (在危难时) .21. Students will be able to _ their learning and language skills gained at our college. A . put into practice B . be put into practice C . make the use of D . take charge of22. Many suggestions have been _ , but a decision is unlikely until after next years general election. A . put away B . put up with C . put forward D . put down23. But when the Watergate scandal broke in the early 1970s , he felt it was too politically risky to continue to _ mind control centers. A . push in B . push out C . push for D . push ahead24. _ (在推广数字电视方面) , the government intends to end analogue TV broadcasts by xx.25. - Oh, dear, dont sleep any longer, we will run out of the time soon. - Do you mean _ ? A. time will run out of B . time will run out C . time will be run out D . few time has gone by26. The school had a swimming pool _ (名不副实) , but it was too small for most classes to use.27. - “You said I was fat.” - “I didnt say anything _ (根本不是)!”28. Do you feel _ when you lived _ in the lonely house? A. alone; alone B . lonely ;lonely C . lonely ; alone D. alone ; lonely29. He could barely keep body and soul together let _ support his family. A . alone B . lone C . lonely D . only30. Mrs Cousins held her breath, and her whole body _ (变得非常冷). The ad _ : “The life is love!” She _ her experience in her report.(用go /read /say /write的正确形式填空)31. My money _ ;I must go to the bank to draw some of my savings out before I have none in hand.A. has run out B . is running out C . has been run out of D . is being run out32 Lets take the front seats _ () we may see more clearly.33. The Frenchman knew _ little English that he could not make himself understood. A . so B . such C . too D . very34. The Great Wall is _ tourist attraction that millions of people pour in every year. (09 上海) A . so a well-known B . a so well-known C . such well-known a D . such a well-known35. Fill in the blanks with one / it / that: (1) These books are so useful that I decide to buy _ . (2) There was only one copy so I bought _ at once. (3) I prefer the weather of Nanjing to _ of Beijing. (4) Liu Xiangs breaking the world record was an exciting moment, _ all of us will never forget. A . that B . one that C . what D . / 二、 plete the following sentences with the new words and expressions in the unit:1. 全球金融危机对于这个已经失业的男子来说无疑是一场大灾难。The _ financial _ is a _ to the _ man _ .2. 在传统家庭中,男性通常是养家糊口之人,女性则是家庭主妇,但在这个设计师的家中情况却不一样。_ usually act as _ while females _ in a _ family, but things are different in the _.3. 他那个负债的孙子努力争取每一枚硬币去还清他自己的俩款和利息。His _ _ _ every coin to pay off his own _ and _ .4. 这场竞赛中,他凭借自己的平衡能力,赤脚在一根金属丝上行走,展示了他高超的技能。In the _ , he _ his balanced ability to walk on a _ with _ feet , which _ his excellent skills.5. 因为煤气资源的储量有限且不可再生,所以政府鼓励市民使用太阳能。Because the _ of _ and _ is limited and they are _ , the government encourages citizens to use _ .6. 爱尔兰的这种蚊子通常将孕妇和老人作为吸血的目标。This kind of _ _ usually _ the _ and the _ to draw blood.7. 这个困倦的男子一看到那块手工制作的手绢上的雄鹰就热血沸腾。The _ man had hardly seen the _ in the _ _ when his blood _ .8. 成功的三要素是:第一尊严;第二,意志;第三,决心。There are three factors _ success: _ , _ ; _ , will; _ , determination.9. 操作员正在操作发电厂的发电机来传输电。The _ is operating the _ in this _ to _ _ .10. 一个人提着便携式打字机和手提箱的书呆子撞倒了一个过路人。A _ with a _ _ and a _ knocked down a _ . Cloze test阅读下列短文,在空格处填写一个恰当的单词使全文通顺连贯(注:所填部分均为本单元的单词或短语)。 Earths natural resources provide the energy to do many important things to have a shower, to boil water, to power electrical equipment and to turn oil into petrol. The list is almost endless. To do all these things we mostly depend on fossil (1)_ , such as coal, gas and oil to produce energy. Fossil fuels are found underground and are non-renewable sources of energy, which means they cannot be renewed in a (2)_ period. Were currently consuming fossil fuels at a much higher rate than theyre being produced, If this continues, some people believe oilfields and coal seams will run out in the (3)_ future. On top of this, burning fossil fuels produces carbon dioxide, which is like (4)_ to the environment , Carbon dioxide (5)_ to air, water and soil pollution and causes global warming and acid rain. This why many people are pushing for the use of alternative energy sources. (6)_ energy sources are renewable, which means they can be used without running out Some examples of renewable energy are solar energy, wind energy and hydroelectricity. With people being more conscious (7)_ protecting the environment, these types of energy are being (8)_ popular.Check yourself:一、单词拼写:10分(根据所给汉语或首字母写出空缺处单词的正确形式,使句子完整,语法通顺,每空一词)1. Rice is grown in his area where it has a very heavy _(降雨量).2. Jane and Mary dont live in the same city, however, they manage to meet twice _(每 年).3. Pollution is a _(全球的) problem, to which more attention should be paid. 4. In general, old people in that country still firmly stick to their _(传统的) ideas.5. The _ (尊严) of the occasion was lost when he fell down the steps6. A lot of enterprises think it is their social responsibility to help poor college students finish their studies s_.7. According to the agreement, the i_ shall be divided into three equal shares.8. These after-class activities have brought out the c_ in the students in No. 1 High School.9. They believe the car will remain a leading means of city travel in f _the future.10. Some houses are designed to be smart and others have smart designs, as they are the works of different d_.二、词组翻译1. 对。施加压力 2.落后 3.把。付诸实践4.采取初步措施 5.毫无疑问 6.在关键时刻7.耗尽,用光 8.负债 9.不断要求10.相反 Key: Words and expression:1.claimed about 90,000 lives 2. made a claim on 3. targeting 4. the target5. is targeted at 6. have any doubts 7. C 8. C 9. C 10. C11 D 12. C 13. e in handy 14. handy for 15. D 16. B17. B 18 . A 19. B 20. at risk / in danger 21. A 22. C 23. C24. In the push for digital TV 25. B 26. of a kind 27. of the kind 28. C 29. A 30. went cold / reads / wrote 31 B. 32 so that 33. A 34. D35 one / it / that / B二、 1. global , crisis , catastrophe , unemployed , without doubt 2. Males , breadwinners , housewives, conventional , designers 3. grandchild , in debt , pushed for , loan , interest 4. contest, was dependent on , wire , bare , showed off 5. storage , petrol , coal , non-renewable , solar energy 6. Irish , mosquitoes ,targets , pregnant , elderly 7. sleepy , eagle, hand-sewn , handkerchief , boiled 8. contributing to , firstly , dignity , secondly , thirdly 9. operator , generator , power plant , transmit , electricity 10. bookworm , handy , typewriter , suitcase , passer-byCloze test: 1. fuels 2. short-time 3. foreseeable 4. poison 5. contributes 6. Alternative 7. of 8. increasinglyChecking yourself:一、单词拼写:1. rainfall 2. yearly 3.global 4. conventional 5. dignity 6. smoothly 7. interest. 8.creativity 9. foreseeable 10. designers二、1. put pressure on 2.fall behind 3.put into practice4.take tentative steps 5.without doubt 6.at a crossroads7.run out 8.in debt 9.push for 10.on the contrary


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