2019-2020年高中英语 Unit11 Lesson 1 World News 第一课时教案 北师大版必修4.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit11 Lesson 1 World News 第一课时教案 北师大版必修4.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语 UNIT11 LESSON 1 WORLD NEWS 第一课时教案 北 师大版必修4 教材分析 本课是第11单元的第1课。本课的语篇是两条新闻。学生将在本课了解媒体的各种形 式,解读世界要点新闻。学习有关媒体形式的词汇,理解文章大意,使用略读、细读等阅 读策略。学生要能运用阅读策略SKIMMING ,通过图片、新闻标题获取文章内容信息,把 握主旨大意。 本课的语法是复习被动语态。学生在初中阶段已经学过被动语态的基本用法,本课的 重点是体验和归纳各个主要时态的被动语态形式。学生要能够在语篇中识别、在语境中运 用被动语态。 本课计划按两课时完成:第一课时重点是阅读第一篇文章(Africa on G8 Agenda):1. 让学生了解八国集团(G8),了解他们的主要议题,使用略读和细读等阅读策略,从文章 中提取信息,处理信息;2. 利用文章中的语句,复习被动语态的几种形式,并在语境中恰 当使用。第二课时阅读第二篇文章(London Wins),从文章语句中归纳出被动语态在其它 几个时态中的形式、并在语境中恰当地使用被动语态。 教学内容 话题: 1. 非洲问题摆上八国首脑峰会议题;2. 伦敦赢了 (阅读) 词汇: 重点词汇: be made up of, demand, cancel, escape, host, cheer, delight, prevent from, announce 相关词汇: wealthy, political, major, historical, painful, powerful, widespread, poverty, electricity, health care administration, reform, belief, debt, Olympic Games, International Olympic mittee, crowd, the rush hour, evidence, incident, attack, explanation 语法:被动语态 第一课时 First Period 教学目标 在本课学习结束时,学生能够: 1. 了解媒体的各种形式; 2. 通过略读理解文章大意; 3. 提取、整理新闻中关于G8 的相关信息; 4. 练习使用被动语态; 教学过程 注: IP=Interactive Pattern; T=Teacher; Ss=Students; CW=Class Work; IW=Individual Work; PW= Pair Work; GW=Group Work 步骤 Steps 教学活动 Activities 设计意图 Intentions 互动模式和时间 IP & Time Warm-up Step 1 T introduces his or her daily life related to the media, e.g. In the morning on my way to school, I often listen to the CRI news on the radio. i seldom watch TV because I have to help my son go over his lessons. But my favorite TV programme is sports. 教师通过介绍自己的 日常生活,可以吸引 学生的注意力,引起 他们的兴趣。 CW 1 Step 2 T asks Ss to tell their partners about themselves according to the questions on the screen. (PPT 3) 帮助学生创设语境并 在语境中回忆与媒体 有关的词汇。 PW 2 Step 3 Ss brainstorm as many words related to the media as possible. (PPT 4-6) 归纳、总结媒体词汇, 为后面的话题做铺垫。 GW - CW 2 Lead-in Step 1 T shows some pictures and asks, “Where do we get news from?” and “What areas of the world are often in the news at the moment? Why?” (PPT 7-8) 引出话题,激活学生 的背景知识。 CW 2 Pre-reading Step 2 T asks Ss to predict what will be talked about in the news based on the title, the picture.(PPT 9-10) 根据标题、图片和已 获得信息预测阅读内 容,帮助学生理解课 文,培养学生利用背 景知识进行阅读的策 略。 IW 2 While-reading Step 3 First reading: Ss skim the news and check their prediction. ( The topic on the agenda this week in _ among the G8 leaders is how to _. ) (PPT 11) 核对预测信息,了解 新闻大意。 IW PW 3 Step 4 Second reading: Ss read the news once again with the questions 3 5 in Ex. 2. Ss work in pairs and check the information they get from the news. Then T gets the feedback from the whole class. (PPT 12-13) 提取和整理课文细节 信息。 IW PW CW 6 Step 5 Third reading: Ss read the news in detail and find some specification information about G8 and then fill in 提取和整理课文细节 信息。 IW GW CW the blanks. (PPT 14-16) Step 6 Ss read the news once again to find out the problems and try to deal with them in groups. T walks around and then gives instructions to the whole class. (PPT 17-19) 1. 讲解语言点,以便 更好地理解课文内容。 2. 先让学生自己找问 题,然后在小组中解 决,培养学生自主学 习的意识和习惯。 IW GW CW 6 Post-reading Step 7 Grammar review T takes the first sentence in the news as an example to review the Passive Voice. Then Ss pick out all the sentences with the Passive Voice and put them into the suitable places in the table. (PPT 20) T summarizes the structure and the usage of the Passive Voice. 被动语态在初中已学 过,让学生自己总结、 归纳,培养他们的自 主学习能力。 IW PW CW 6 Step 8 Ss listen to the tape and read aloud after the tape. 有声输入,整体感知, 培养学生语感。 CW 1 Step 9 Ss make up their own sentences with the Passive of different tenses. (PPT 21) T collects several Ss handout and shows them to the whole class. Ss evaluate the writing. 仿照例句自己造句, 帮助学生掌握被动语 态的用法。 IW CW 8 Homework Ss listen to a piece of news and note it down. 附: One of the biggest issues on the agenda this week in Germany among the G8 leaders is how to tackle climate change. And one of the groups involved with the G8 on this issue is the International Energy Agency.

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