2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 18 Inventions知识精讲 人教版第二册.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 18 Inventions知识精讲 人教版第二册【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容:Unit 18 Inventions(一)重点单词(二)重点短语(三)重点句型二. 本周知识精讲:(一)重点单词1. reject vt.拒绝;排斥;抛弃;剔除 其后跟名词或what引导的名词性从句作宾语,但不接that及其他wh-引导的从句,不接动词不定式。短语:reject a request 拒绝请求 reject different ideas拒绝不同的观点1)Disappointingly, after the transplant, his body rejected the new heart.令人失望的是,他的身体排斥他新移植的心脏。2)When we make jam, we usually reject the over ripe fruit.制果酱时,我们通常除去熟透的水果。3)Most of the people present at the meeting reject what you said just now.大多数出席会议的人不接受你刚在会上说的话。区分:reject 和refusereject意为“拒绝;拒收;扔掉”,只可接名词或what引导的名词性从句,主语只能是人,不能用于拒绝别人的邀请或帮助。refuse“拒绝”,可接名词、代词、不定式,主语可以是人或物,指拒绝请求、帮助、邀请等。1)My colleague rejected the saying that he was a liar.我的同事拒不接受别人说他是说谎者。2)He is so kind a person that she cant refuse him anything.他是如此好心的人以至她什么也不能拒绝他。3)With her parents quarreling continuously, she refused to go home.因为父母老是吵架,她拒绝回家。Exercises : We shouldnt _different ideas just because we disagree on them.A. realize B. reject C. recognize D. remind I felt very disappointed when my repeated request that I join the club was_. A. replaced B. resisted C. refused D. removed答案:1. B 2. C2. aware adj. 察觉到的;感觉到的;意识到的 be/bee aware of“意识到”, be/bee aware that“知道;意识到”1)Finally we were aware of the mistake that couldnt be corrected. 最后我们才意识到这个错误是无法改正的。2)The woman became aware of footsteps hurrying after her. 那位妇女觉察到身后有匆忙的脚步声。3)The unexpected disaster happened without my being aware of it. 意料不到的灾难在我不知不觉中发生了。4)As her close friend, I became aware how she might feel. 作为她最好的朋友,我觉察到她会有怎样的感受。5)The soldier is well aware that its an adventure to save the child trapped in the flood. 那个战士清醒的意识到去救被困在洪水中的那个孩子是件冒险的事。Exercises :You must be aware_ you are doing is quite illegal. A. that B. that what C. what D. that howWhat seems the most dangerous is that they havent been_ of this ing disaster. A. sensitive B. tired C. aware D. known_(你可知你坐在我的帽子上了吗?)_(我们十分明白)the importance of the exam. 答案:1. B 2. C 3. Are you aware that you are sitting on my hat. 4. We are well aware of3. otherwise (1)用作连词,意思为“否则;要不然”,相当于 or,or else 或 if not . 1)Well go early,otherwise we may not get a seat. 我们得早点去,要不然就没有座位了。2)Seize the chance,otherwise you will regret it. 抓住机会,要不然你会后悔的。3)I was ill that day,otherwise I would have taken part in the sports meeting. 那天我病了,否则我会去参加运动会的。4)We didnt know you were in trouble at that time,otherwise we would have given you a hand. 我们当时不知道你遇到了困难,要不然我们会帮助你的。注意:如果说的只是一种与事实不符的假设,otherwise后的句子要采用虚拟语气。otherwise本身相当于一个虚拟条件句,所以它后边的句子采用主句中虚拟语气的构成形式。(2)otherwise 用作副词,具有下列意义:a. 意为“另外;别样”。相当于 differently 或 in another way.例如:1)He evidently thinks otherwise. 他显然有不同的想法。2)She is otherwise engaged. 她另外有事。3)We were going to play football,but it was so hot that we decided to do otherwise. 我们原打算踢足球,可是天气太热,我们就决定去干别的事情了。b. 意为“在其他方面”。相当于 in other 或 different ways. 1)The rent is high,but otherwise the house is satisfactory. 房租是贵,可这房子在别的方面倒令人满意。2)He is noisy,but otherwise a nice boy. 他爱吵闹,但在其他方面倒是个好孩子。3)The article is long,but not otherwise blameworthy. 这篇文章就是长,其他倒没什么不好的。c. 意为“相反地;要不然;否则”。相当于 in the other way 或 on the contrary . 例如:1)He is guilty until proved otherwise. 在证明他无罪之前他是有罪的。2)He reminded me of what I should otherwise have forgotten. 幸亏他提醒了我,要不然我就忘了。3)I hate her and I wont pretend otherwise. 我讨厌她,而且我不愿装作喜欢她。4. possibility(1)Un. 可能性,可实现性;后常跟of或that引导的同位语从句1)There is a good possibility of rain tonight. 今晚很可能要下雨。 2)Is there any possibility that he will be elected chairman?他有被选为主席的可能吗?(2)Cn. 可能的事, 可能发生的事Life on other planets is a possibility. 其他行星上有生命是有可能的。 (3)发展的潜力,希望;一般用复数1)He is a man of possibilities. 他是一个有发展潜力的人。2)I see great possibilities in this project. 我认为这个项目有很大的发展潜力。 5. attempt尝试;企图a. 用作vt. 其后常接:(1)名词:1)I didnt attempt the last question in the exam. 我没有试图去做试卷中最后一题。2)He has attempted a difficult task. 他开始了一项艰难的工作。(2) 后加不定式构成短语:attempt to do sth (=try to do sth /seek to do sth)尝试做某事(暗含不成功的意思)1)He attempted to lie. 他企图说谎。2)He attempted to leave but was stopped. 他试图要走,但被拦住了。3)Id rather not attempt to guess what the result will be. 我不愿去猜测会有什么结果。(3) 动名词 (不如用不定式常见):He attempted swimming across the river. 他试图要游过河去。注意:以上用法有时可互相转换,且含义上没有多少变化:不要企图一个人去做这件事。正:Dont attempt to do it by yourself. 正:Dont attempt doing it by yourself. 犯人企图逃走,但失败了。正:The prisoner attempted to escape but failed. 正:The prisoner attempted an escape but failed. b. 用作名词,是可数名词,其后常接:(1) 不定式:1) He made no attempt to carry it out. 他没有设法把它付诸实施。I failed in my attempt to finish it in time. 我未能及时把它完成。2 介词短语 attempt at:1)My first attempt at English position was poor. 我第一次试写的英语作文很差。2)He made an attempt at winning the first prize. 他试图要获头奖。Exercises:The professor reminded me of what I would _have forgotten. A. therefore B. however C. otherwise D. wheneverEverybody thinks little of the film. In fact there is no_ of it being tried out in the film festival. A. sign B. use C. possibility D. doubtHe_ to escape from the prison, but he couldnt find anybody to help him. A. succeeded B. attempted C. advised D. offered答案:CCB(二)重点短语1. Inventors often rephrase a problem to allow for creative solutions and also try “impossible” or “crazy” solutions. 发明家常常会换一种说法来表述一个问题,考虑那些具有创造性的解决办法,尝试一些“不可能的”或者“不切实际”的解决办法。allow for顾及;考虑到;为做准备。后接名词、代词、或名词性从句。1)We must allow for the train being lateit always is. 我们一定要考虑到火车晚点,它一向如此。2)You cant make it in an hour; you must allow for the heavy traffic. 一小时你是到不了的,你必须考虑到拥挤的交通。3)You have to allow for how the work is finished. 你必须考虑如何完成这项工作。拓展:allow vt. “允许;准许;容许;供给;使得到”,常用于以下结构:allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事;allow doing sth允许做某事1)The mother allows his son ten dollars a month at school. 妈妈每月给儿子10美元在学校里花。2)Please allow me to thank the firefighters for the immediate help. 请允许我感谢消防战士的及时帮助。3)As is ruled, we dont allow smoking in public places. 按照规定,我们不允许在公众场合吸烟。allow of 容许;容得;容忍;多用于否定句The problem our physics teacher gave us allows of only one solution. 物理老师给我们的这道题只能有一种解法。allow into允许进入At that time, black people were not allowed into such places. 当时,黑人不允许到这些地方来。2. If we look only for the correct answer and reject ideas that do not provide a plete answer, we may get stuck. 如果我们只找正确答案,拒绝那些不能给我们完整答案的想法,那么我们就可能被难住。get/be stuck. 遇到困难;陷入困境;被难住;被困住;陷进去1)By no means can we lose heart when we get stuck. 遇到困难时,我们绝不应该灰心。2)The well-known scientist was stuck by this question asked by a three-year-old child. 那个著名的科学家被一个三岁的孩子问的问题难住了。3)John bought an old car and got stuck with it. 约翰购进了一辆旧车,无法脱手。4)Our press truck was stuck in the mud and couldnt get through. 我们的采访车陷在泥里,无法通过。归纳:“get/be+过去分词”结构表被动,意为“受/被”常用此结构的有get married结婚;get dressed穿衣;get lost迷路;get killed被杀;get burnt烧伤,烫伤;get separated分离;get charged充电;get washed洗脸;get beaten挨打;get changed换衣服;get wounded受伤;get drunk醉酒例:1)The several young men got beaten only because of a quarrel with the woman. 那几个青年人仅仅因为和那个妇女吵了几句就挨了一顿揍。2)He must have got caught in the rain, for he was all wet. 他全身都湿了,肯定遇上了大雨。Exercises:It takes about two hours to get to their office building, _possible traffic delays. A. allowing for B. to allow for C. allowing D. to allowThe old woman begged to be allowed_ her son who had been put in prison two days before. A. having seen B. seeing C. to be seen D. to seeHis weakened condition would not_ his being questioned by the police. A. allow for B. allow of C. allows D. allow inThe man tried to break into the shop during the night but got_ in the chimney. A. stuck B. to be stuck C. sticking D. to stickCleaning women in big cities usually get_ by the hour. A. pay B. paying C. paid D. to pay3. Creative thinking is a conscious effort to break away from old thought patterns in order to explore new possibilities. break away from摆脱;脱离1)Children must be educated to break away from such bad habits. 必须教育孩子们摆脱这些坏习惯。2)People who break away from group cant be happy. 脱离了群体的人是不会感到愉快的。3)Taiwan attempts to break away to form an independent state, which can by no means be carried out. 台湾企图分裂出去成为一个独立的国家,这绝不可能得逞。break的其他短语:break down破坏;拆散;(和谈)破裂;(计划)失败;身体垮掉;精神崩溃;(机器)坏了;抛锚break up分裂;解散break out(战争,疾病)爆发break in闯入;强行进入;打断;插嘴break through突破;突围;冲垮break off终止;折断 例:1)The rescue car broke down on our way to the flooded area. 这辆援救车在我们去水灾地区的路上就坏了。2)To our surprise, the hero and the model workers marriage broke up. 使我们吃惊的是,那位英雄和那位劳动模范的婚姻破裂了。3)It was found out that the thief broke in through the window. 已经查清,窃贼是从窗子闯进来的。4) We might break through soon in search of a cure for AIDS. 我们可能不久就会在寻找艾滋病的治疗方法上有所突破。5) The two panies broke off business relations. 这两个公司断绝了生意往来。 4. After all, what makes a new invention such a wonderful thing is that it allows us to do something we couldnt do before. 毕竟,使一项新发明成为如此奇妙的事情就在于它可以让我们做以前不能做的事情。after all(1)“毕竟;终究” 在句中起强调作用1)Dont get discouraged by setbacks, we are new to the work after all. 别因挫折而灰心,这份工作对我们来说毕竟还是新的。2)I thought I was going to fail in the exam, but I passed after all. 我以为这次考试要不及格了,可是到头来还是及格了。(2)“别忘了;记着”用来提醒别人要注意或者可能忘了的事情。Dont expect too much of your son, after all, he is still a child. 不要对你的儿子期望太多,别忘了他还是个孩子。(3)“尽管;虽然;”相当于 “in spite of”After all my care in packing it, many of the vases arrived broken. 尽管我包的非常小心,许多花瓶运到时还是坏了。拓展:all构成的其他短语:above all首先;首要;最重要的;all along自始至终;一直;in all总共(相当于altogether); not at all完全不;全然不;确实;根本; first of all首先;all of a sudden突然;all the same尽管如此;仍旧(照样);全都一样; all in all总的来说(作状语)1)Children need many things, but above all they need love from parents. 孩子们需要许多东西,但最重要的是来自父母的爱。2)I knew all along that Chinas economic development will need proper control. 我始终认为中国经济的发展需要适当调控3)Everybody opposed it, but Mary and Tom got married all the same. 尽管大家都反对,可是玛丽和汤姆还是结婚了。5. Now that we are developing new technology at such a high pace, the true challenge is to find new ways of using it. 既然我们正高速的发展新技术,真正的挑战在于寻找新的使用途径。now that既然;由于;相当于连词,引导原因状语从句,表示显而易见的原因,其中that可以省略。但now that不与so, then, therefore等词连用。1)Now that so many old friends have e, all my grief is removed. 因为这么多的老朋友来了,我的悲伤一扫而光。2)Now that you have finished the work, you are free to do what you like. 既然你干完了活,你喜欢干什么就干什么。3)Now that you have passed your driving test, you can drive on your own. 既然你已经通过了驾驶考试,就可以独立开车了。区分:now that; since; as; because和forbecause表示充分的、必然的因果关系,常用来回答以why开头的问句,可以置于主句前后。now that和since; as相同,表示显而易见的原因,多位于主句之前,但as有时可置于主句之后。for用来连接两个并列句, 起对上下文补充说明的作用,不能放在句首。1)Young people love this time of year, because it is good time for sports in the open air. 年轻人喜欢一年的这个时候,因为此时适合户外活动。2)Now that you dont have faith in me, I will never give you any advice. 既然你不信任我,我将不再给你提任何建议。3)Since you cant answer the question, perhaps wed better ask someone else. 既然你不能回答这个问题,或许我们最好问别人。4)As there was no paper in those countries at the time, no written records were kept. 由于那些国家当时还没有纸,因而没有留下任何书面记录。5)Surely there must be nobody in the classroom, for there is no electricity. 教室里肯定没有人,因为没有电。6. Keep track of your mistakes and try to learn from them. 记住你的错误,从中吸取教训。keep track of保持对的联系;掌握的线索;跟上的进程或发展;记录1)As young students, its necessary to keep track of current events. 作为青年学生,有必要随时关心时事动态。2)To be better equipped, James has to keep track of the latest developments in medicine. 为了使自己掌握更多的东西,詹姆斯必须了解医学的最新发展动态。3)Its always a good habit to keep track of every cent one spends. 记录你花掉的每一分钱总是一个很好的习惯。4)Keep track of what the announcer on the radio said. 记下录音机里播音员所说的话。注意:keep track of当“记录”讲时,与make/keep a record of互换。track n. 足迹;痕迹;行踪;轨迹;思路常用短语:lose track of失去的线索;失掉与的联系;跟不上的进程或发展;make tracks for去某地be on the track of sb.=be on sbs track跟踪某人;掌握某人的线索;off the track出轨;离题;离开目标;搞错的;on the track在轨道上;未离题或目标;对头的Exercises:(1)The police found the house_ and a lot of things_. A. has broken into ;has been stolen B. had broken into ;had been stolen C. has been broken into ; stolen D had been broken into ; stolen(2)You are two hours late. The car_ half way for no reason. A. broken away B. broke down C. broken up D. broken into(3)If Tim carries on working like this, he will_ sooner or later. A. break down B. give out C. get down D. hold on(4)As you may know I enjoyed all the other school subjects but history_. A. in all B. after all C. at all D. above all(5)Bob thought he couldnt go to the party because he had too much homework, but he went_. A. after all B. along all C. at all D. above all(6)I wont invite Mr. Smith, your neighbour:_ I dont really know him. A. at all B. above all C. after all D. in all(7)_youve got a chance, you might make full use of it. A. Now that B. After C. Although D. As soon as(8)_you like the car so much, why not drive it back?Well, I cant afford that big a car. A. Now that B. If C. When D. So long as(9)Parents should take seriously their childrens requests for sunglasses_ eyes protection is necessary in sunny weather. A. because B. though C. unless D. if(10)With time going by so rapidly, its really hard for us to keep_ of it. A. speed B. track C. touch D. relation(11)They never asked you to quarrel with the customers, you were_ the track. A. on B. for C. off D. to(三)重点句型1. Each new way of looking at a situation improves our understanding and makes it easier to discover new possibilities. 每一种考虑情况的新方法都能加深我们的理解,使我们更容易发现新的可能性。make +宾语+宾补,此结构中,充当宾补的可以是名词、形容词、不带to的不定式或介词短语1)We make the retired official our head of the club. 我们选退休的那位干部来当俱乐部的主任。2)The news that his house was destroyed in this typhoon made him sad. 他的家在台风中被毁的消息使他伤心。3)The director made me repeat what I should say at the stage. 导演让我重述一下在舞台上将要说的话。4)The host of that family tried his effort to make ourselves at home. 那家的主人尽力使我们不拘束。5)The lazy students are often made to clean the window. 经常让那些懒惰的孩子擦窗子。拓展:make sb. / sth. +过去分词“使被”I do my best to make myself understood. 我尽力让人们明白我的意思。The speaker raised his voice to make himself heard. 为了让人们能听到,演讲者提高了声音。make it+adj. /adj +(for sb.)to do句型中,it作形式宾语,不定式或不定式的复合结构作真正的宾语。The war between the two countries made it inconvenient to travel in the Middle East. 两国之间的战争使得到中东旅行不方便了。2. By thinking about the way we think and practicing good thinking strategies, we can bee more creative. 3. To “think outside the box” is to try new ways to solve a problem. 4. As with thinking outside the box, the process includes a series of different attempts and several false starts. 5. A drawing or a model will help you see things that may otherwise remain hidden. 观察下面句子中的黑体部分,指出其语法功能。1. The problem must be solved soon. _. 2. The homework needs to be done with care. _.3. The baby is looked after carefully. _.4. They will be taken good care of. _. 5. The story was told by her. _.6. The road is being widened. _.7. A new tool was being made. _.8. The novel has been read. _.9. He said that the work had been finished. _.10. He said that the trees would be planted soon. _.11. The classroom is always kept clean. _.12. Nobody was to blame for the accident. _.13. The classroom wants to be cleaned. _. 【模拟试题】(答题时间:40分钟)一、完形填空A land free from destruction(破坏),plus wealth, natural resources, and labor supplyall these were important _1_ in helping England to bee the center for the Industrial Revolution. _2_, they were not enough. Something _3_ was needed to start the industrial process. That “something special” was men _4_ individuals who could invent machines, find new _5_ of power, and establish business organizations to reshape (改造)society. The men who _6_ the machines of the Industrial Revolution _7_ from many backgrounds and many occupations. Many of them were _8_ inventors than scientists. A man who is a _9_ scientist is primarily interested in doing his research _10_. He is not necessarily working _11_ that his findings can be used. An inventor or one interested in applied science is _12_ trying to make something that has an actual _13_. He may try to solve a problem by using the theories _14_ science or by experimenting through correct and error. Regardless of his method, he is working to obtain a _15_ result: the construction of a harvesting machine, the burning of a light bulb, or one of _16_ other objectives. Most of the people who _17_ the machines of the Industrial Revolution were inventors, not trained scientists. A few were both scientists and inventors. Even those who had _18_ or no training in science night not have made their inventions _19_ a ground work had not been laid by scientists years _20_. 1. A. casesB. reasonsC. factorsD. situations 2. A. ButB. AndC. BesidesD. Even 3. A. elseB. nearC. extraD. similar 4. A. generatingB. effectiveC. motivating(动机)D. creative 5. A. originsB. sourcesC. basesD. discoveries 6. A. employedB. createdC. operatedD. controlled 7. A. cameB. arrivedC. stemmedD. appeared 8. A. lessB. betterC. moreD. worse 9. A. trueB. practicalC. pureD. clever 10. A. happilyB. occasionallyC. unwillinglyD. accurately 11. A. nowB. andC. allD. so 12. A. seldomB. sometimesC. usuallyD. never 13. A. planB. useC. ideaD. means 14. A. ofB. withC. toD. as 15. A. singleB. onlyC. specializedD. specific 16. A. fewB. thoseC. manyD. all 17. A. proposedB. developedC. suppliedD. offered 18. A. littleB. muchC. someD. any 19. A. asB. ifC. becauseD. while 20. A. agoB. pastC. aheadD. before二、阅读理解AHumans have observed and explored the oceans since ancient times. But it wasnt until the 19th century that the scientific study of oceans began. The first major scientific expedition, and the one that firmly established the field of oceanography, was the around the world voyage of H. M. S. Challenger. Setting out from England in 1872, the Challenger spent almost three and a half years gathering a wealth of information about seawater, sea life, and the ocean floor. Major oceanographic expeditions since then have included the South Atlantic voyage of the German ship Meteor in 1926 and the Deep-Sea Drilling Project from 1968 to 1983. Many individuals also have played important roles in advancing our understanding of oceans, beginning with Matthew Fontaine Maury in the mid-1800s; his work on oceanography and navigation led to a uniform system of weather reporting at sea. Since Maurys time, oceanography has progressed rapidly. Early oceanographers had to contend themselves with tossing buckets overboard to see what they might haul in. Todays oceanog


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