2019-2020年高三英语unit9词汇 Health Care.doc

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2019-2020年高三英语unit9词汇 Health Care重点单词解释:1. abuse n. C,U 滥用;妄用 U 虐待 U 漫骂;刻薄的话 v. 辱骂;滥用,妄用 abusive adj. 骂人的; 辱骂性的 the dangers of drug abuse 滥用药物的危险 e.g. He was accused of abusing his position for personal gain. 有人控告他以权谋私。2. insurance n. U 保险;保险业保险通常用insure / insurance,英式英语用assure / assurance作保险时,多限于人寿保险。 (Br.E) life assurance (Am.E) life insurance 人寿保险take out an insurance policy 投保 life (health / car / travel / household ) insurance 人寿保险 / 健康保险 / 汽车保险 / 旅游保险 / 家庭财产保险3. whats worse (= worse still) 更糟糕的是to make matters / things worse 使情况等更困难/糟糕/ 严峻go from bad to worse 日趋恶化;每况愈下none the worse 没受到损害worse luck 无辜,可惜,不幸,真糟so much to worse 那就更糟worse off 与to make things worse 类似的结构还有:to tell the truth 说实话 to be exact 确切地说 to be honest 说实话,诚实一些4. allowance n. C,U 津贴;补足;零花钱make (an) allowance for sth. (在做决定时)考虑到某事物make allowances for sth. 体谅(照顾)某人a clothing / subsistence / travel allowance服装(生活/ 旅途)津贴You must take allowances for him because he has been ill.你应该体谅他,因为他一直病着。5. fundamental adj. 基本的,根本的 n. (pl.) 基本原则;基本法则fundamentally adv. 基本上;本质上e.g. There is a fundamental difference in attitude between these two politicians. 这两位政治家的态度有着根本的区别。If the boys are going to camp for ten years, theyll need to know the fundamentals of cooking. 如果这些孩子要野营十天,他仍需要知道烹调的基本知识。6. pressure n. U 压,挤; C,U 压力put pressure on (= bring pressure to bear on ) 对施压under pressure 在压力下e.g. These gas container will burst at high pressures. 在高压下这些瓦斯容器会爆炸。7. consult vt. & vi. 请教,咨询;查阅,参考;向(医生)求诊consultation n. 请教;咨询consultative adj. 咨询的consultant n. 顾问;咨询者consult ones pillow 彻夜思考consult sb. 向某人请教consult with sb. 与交换意见;商议,商量8. statistics n. (pl.) 统计数字 U 统计学Statistics indicates that 90% of homes in this country have a television. 统计数字显示本国九成家庭有电视机。9.fee n. C (私立学校的)学费;(付给医生、律师等的)专业服务费;(加入俱乐部等的)会费doctors fee 医生的会诊费Whats the membership fee? 会费是多少钱?Pay the lawyers fees 付律师费If you want to join, theres an entrance fee of $20 and an annual membership fee of $10. 入会须缴入会费20美元,年费为10美元。区别:fee / tip / tuition 费用1)、fee指酬金或交纳的费用,通常指提前付给专业人员或做某项特殊工作的人。2)、tip 指小费,赏钱;常指付给脚夫、餐馆服务员、出租车司机等的小费。3)、tuition指学费。10.significance n. 重要性;意义;价值significant adj. 重要的;重大的;意义深远的be of no / little significance 无关紧要的The peace talks have taken on a new significance now that there has been a change of leadership. 由于领导层已有变动,和平谈判也就有新的意义了。This is one of the most significant studies of the subject. 这是该课题最重要的研究成果之一。a significant smile 意味深长的微笑11.lay off 解雇;不理会;使下岗lay aside 把搁置一旁;留存,储存lay down 放下,交出;规定,制定lay out 摆出,铺开,展开;安排,布置lay over 作短暂停留lay up 使卧床不起12.incident n. C 事件,在指比较不重要的小事件 event 指有重要意义的历史事件,重大事件occurrence 指任何发生的事情be incident to 易发生于,随着而来的,对是难免的例题:1.It has been revealed that some government leaders _ their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves. A. employ B. take C. abuse D. overlook 2.After the robbery, the shop installed a sophisticated alarm system as an insurance _ future losses. A. for B. from C. against D. towards 3.He abused at the tourist; _, he refused to apologize. A. making things worse B. making things bad C. to make things worseD. to make things bad 4.When he was a student, his father gave him a monthly _ towards his expense. A. salary B. allowance C. wage D. money 5.The puter revolution may well change society as _as did the Industrial Revolution. A. certainly B. insignificantlyC. fundamentally D. paratively Key: 1-5 CCCBC6.The mittee is under _ to reach agreement before midnight. A. duty B. pressure C. control D. influence7.If you want to get a book out of the library you _ the catalogue first. A. consult B. correlate C. instruct D. insult 8.Please ask the solicitor what his _ would be to take the case to court.A. wageB. fareC. fee D. salary 9.The teacher explained the _ of the themes expressed in the poem with passion. A. reference B. significance C. means D. magnificence10. Oil panies in the U.S. are already beginning to feel the pressure. Refinery workers and petroleum-equipment-manufacturing employees are being _. A. laid outB. laid off C. laid down D. laid asideKey: 6-10 BACBB11.As the result of the _, the diplomatic ties between the two countries were severed. A. incident B. accident C. event D. occurrence12.The store had to _ a number of clerks because sales were down. A. lay out B. lay off C. lay aside D. lay down 13.In recent years there has been a _ increase in teachers salary. A. violent B. wide C. significantD. cautious14.Remember to _ with your brother before you decide.A. consume B. consult C. pretend D. experiment15.Since the policy of being open to the outside world was put into practice, a _ change has taken place in China. A. fundamental B. essential C. elementary D. basicKey: 1-5 CCCBC 6-10 BACBB 11-15 ABCBA


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