高考英语二轮复习 基础写作 高效解题密招 观点对比课件.ppt

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高考英语二轮复习 基础写作 高效解题密招 观点对比课件.ppt_第3页
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观点对比,晨 读 背 诵,相关短语,1. as far as I can see依我看 2. promote economic development促进经济发展 3. as for sb./sth. 至于某人/某事物 4. hold /have /take the view that认为 5. hold the opposite view持相反的观点,6. hold the opinion that /think /believe认 为 7. allow sb. to do sth允许某人做某事 8. disagree with/be against/be opposed to反对 9. get out of the habit of 改掉的习惯 10. the majority of /the minority of大多数/少 数,11. agree with/approve of/be in favor of/be for 赞成 12. in my opinion/in my view/from my point of view依我看 13. arouse sbs interest (in)激发某人(对)的 兴趣 14. develop/get into/form the habit of 养成 的习惯 15. have/hold a discussion (on /about) (就) 进行讨论,16. it is convenient for sb. to do sth.某人方便 做某事 17. improve peoples living standards提高人 民的生活水平 18. Some are in favor ofbecause they thinkbesidesHowever, some hold the opposite opinion for the reason that whats worseAs far as Im concerned 有的人赞同因为他们认为而 且 然而,另一些人持相反的观点, 因为更糟的是 我认为,相关句式,1. 最近我们讨论了父母是否该在学校陪读。 Recently we have had a discussion about whether parents should accompany their children at school.,2. 我们中有将近70%的人不赞同,因为他们认为这会使他们养成依赖性。 Nearly 70% of us disagree because they think it makes them fall into the habit of dependence. 3. 而我的同学中大约有30%的人认为父母有必要陪读。 While about 30% of my classmates think it necessary for our parents to accompany us.,4. 有些人同意,他们认为互联网有助于网上交友。 Some people say yes, thinking that Internet helps make friends on line. 5. 我的观点是学生应该把学习、健康和安全放在其他事情之前。 My opinion is that students should place their study, health and safety before other things.,技 巧 点 拨,1. 基础写作是根据所给的内容组织成文,不是自由发挥。部分考生喜欢在文章中使用 “Every coin has two sides”过渡,但是这个句子并不包含任何信息点,不适合在基础写作中使用。,2. 注意使用表示转折和对比的词,如but,however, while,in contrast,compared with等。 3. 如果文章最后要求考生发表自己观点,考生不能简单地说I agree with或者I disagree with,而是要言之有物,有理有据。,典 型 例 题, 方便联系家长和朋友或咨询老师; 学习有困难可随时随地上网搜索学习资源; 随时随地了解时事和最新的消息; 反对方理由: 玩游戏,看电影或网聊浪费时间和精力; 导致分心,影响学习和干扰正常的生活; 辐射(radiation)有害身体健康。,上周六,你班就“中学生是否该用手机”开展了讨论,讨论情况如下: 支持方理由:,写作内容 请根据以上情况写一篇总结,内容包括: 讨论的时间,参与人员和话题; 支持方理由; 反对方理由。 Last Saturday our class had a heated discussion about whether middle school students should have mobile phones,Last Saturday our class had a heated discussion about whether middle school students should have mobile phones. Some of my classmates are in favor of students using mobile phones, claiming that its convenient for them to contact their parents and friends or consult their teachers when faced with problems. Also, they can have access to learning resources online especially when they have trouble with studies as well as keep up with the latest current affairs whenever and wherever.,However, other students are strongly opposed to students having mobile phones at school, stating that its simply a waste of time and energy to play games, watch movies and chat online. Furthermore, it distracts students attention, affects their studies and bothers their normal life. Worse still, the radiation from mobile phones is extremely harmful to their physical health.,课堂练习,Recently, a debate has been carried out concerning the topic “Shall we travel alone or with companions?” in our class and opinions are divided into two groups. 35% of the students choose to travel on our own for we can enjoy more freedom and convenience without time limits or disturbance from others. Furthermore, we can arrange our schedules depending on our needs and desires and take advantage of the opportunity to train our courage and promote our independence.,However, the rest of the students, about 65%, prefer to travel with companions, claiming that accompanied by other travelers, we can rid ourselves of loneliness, exchange experience and share happiness as well. Apart from that, by sharing fares, we can cut down expenses. More importantly, we are able to turn to companions for help once meeting any problems, especially when emergencies arise.,课外作业,Recently, a survey on whether the network language should be used in regular classes has been carried out among all the students in my school and the results are as follows. 26% of the students are in favor of it for the reasons that the network language is fashionable, closely related to daily life and keeps up with the times, reflecting human wisdom and creativity. Besides, it draws great social concern as well as arouses students interest in and enthusiasm about study.,However, about three quarters of the students hold the view that the network language is random, informal and irregular. In addition, it violates grammatical rules and tends to mislead students. Worse still, it has a negative impact on the traditional Chinese culture and badly affects the formation of middle school students values.,

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