2019-2020年高三仿真模拟 英语(5.31).doc

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2019-2020年高三仿真模拟 英语(5.31)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)1What can we learn from the conversation?AThe new shirt doesnt suit him.BThe man forgot to wear his new shirt.CHe has no chance to wear his new shirt.2What time did Julie leave?AAt 8:00.BAt 8:15.CAt 8:50. 3What does the man suggest to the woman?AGet a new bicycle.BBuy a second-hand bicycle.CIts up to the woman to decide.4What is the weather like now?ARainy.BSunny.CCloudy.5What can we learn about the boy?AHe got the part he tried out for.BHe didnt want to get a role on the play.CHe failed to get the part but wasnt discouraged.听下面一段对话,回答第6至8题。6What were they talking about?AMike had to stay at home.BMike got injured in a match.CMike was knocked down in the street.7Who told the woman about Mikes stay in hospital?ABob.BTom.CThe doctor. 8How was Mike hurt?AHe was walking in the street when Tom knocked into him.BHe was talking with Bob when he was hit from the back.CHe was playing baseball and was suddenly hurt accidentally.听下面一段对话,回答第9至11题。9What does the man want to learn?AA language.Bputer science.CSkills such as driving.10How long does the course last?AAbout 20 days.BAbout 30 days.CAbout 35 days.11When can he taken the final exam?AFrom September 15th to 20th BFrom August 16th to 18th.CFrom July 12h to 16th .听下面一段对话,回答第12至14题。12Where is the conversation most probably going on?AIn an office.BIn a camp.CIn a house.13Why cant they leave that night?AThey have to get things ready.BThey need a good sleep.CThey have to change their tickets.14What will they do now?AThe man will pack up things and the woman will have the car fixed.BTo woman will pack up while the man will get away from the garage.CThe woman will get out camping things and the man will check the car.听下面一段对话,回答第15至17题。15What has made working at home possible?APersonal puters.Bmunication industry.CLiving far from panies.16Why do some people prefer to work at home?ATo save time.BTo get more jobs.CTo make more money.17What might happen in the future according to the text?AWe could call for the labor in Spain.BWe might work at home for a foreign pany.CThe British firm could move to Belfast.听下面一段独白,回答第18至20题。18Where do American farmers go shopping?AIn big cities.BIn their own villages.CIn the towns nearby.19Whats the life like in Asia pared with that in America?ADifferent both in cities and on farms.BCity life the same and farm life different.CCity life different and farm life more or less the same.20What is the talk mainly about?ASchool life.BCity life in America.CFarm life in America.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分35分)21Is Tony the student awarded at the graduation ceremony in your class?There is tony, but Im afraid he isnt one you mentioned.Athe; theBa; aC/; theDa; the22Which car is better, the red one or the black one?I prefer the red one, but it is really a matter of personal .AtasteBstyleCaffairDtradition 23According to the school rules, no students go out of the school after nine oclock at night without the teachers permission.AmustBwillCshallDmay24Did you see a man in black pass by just now?No, sir. I a newspaper.AreadBwas readingCwould readDam reading25The Wetland Park is attractive in spring and autumn, for the weather is pleasant in both seasons.AmostlyBhardlyCequallyDmerely26In xx, this cartoon was among the list of the worlds most valuable cartoons, $ 3.8 billion a year in sales worldwide.AmadeBto makeCmakesDmaking27Our car broke down suddenly and heavy rain our helplessness.Amake outBadded toCturned outDled to28Finally, the team reached the top of the mountain, they found some rare plants.AwhyBwhichCwhereDas29You shouldnt have brought that up during the meeting.I didnt know it was such a issue.AsensitiveBpositiveCcreativeDrelative30Could I borrow the book by Mo Yan? .AYes, you couldBYoure weleCBy all meansDI am afraid so31Many pupils said they were not happy because varieties of classes their playtime.AoccupiedBwastedCcoveredDdivided32According to the research, was once considered rare and healthy food is no more than something ordinary.AthatBwhatCallDwhich33 I cant fully understand what his music conveys, his performance is quite impressive.AAsBSinceCIfDWhile34Mr. Smith owns collection of coins than anyone else I have ever met.AlargerBa largerCthe largerDa large35He should have been warned of the danger. , but he wouldnt listen to me.ASo he hadBSo had heCSo was heDSo he was第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)Years ago a professor gave a group of graduate students this assignment: Go to the slums(贫民窟). Take 200 boys between the ages of 12 and 16 investigate their 36 and environment and then 37 their chances for the future. He students, after 38 social statistics, talking to the boys and piling (汇编)much data _39_ that 90 percent of the boys would spend some time in 40 . Twenty-five years later another group of graduate students were given the job of 41 the previous prediction. They went back to the 42 area. Some of the boys-now 43 were still there, a few had died and some has moved away. But they managed to 44 180 of the original 200. They found that only four of the boys had ever been sent to prison.Why was it that these, men who had lived in a breeding place of 45 , had such surprisingly 46 record? The researchers were 47 told. “Well, there was a 48 .”They pressed 49 and found that in 78 percent of the 50 it was the same woman. The researchers went to the teacher, now living in a home for 51 teachers. How had she had this remarkable 52 on that group of children? Could she give them any reason why these boys 53 her? “No,” she said, “I really couldnt.” And then, 54 over the years, she said musingly(沉思地), more to herself than to her questioners, “I 55 these boys.” The researchers finally realized that it was the teachers care that made a difference.36AsafetyBnationalitiesChealthDbackgrounds37AadviseBincreaseCpredictDcheck38AconsultingBpreparingCofferingDshowing39AdiscussedBconcludedCintroducedDexpected40AbusinessBschoolChospitalDprison41AtestingBexplainingCfindingDmaking42AspecialBsameConlyDlonely43AworkersBteenagersCmenDstudents44ArecordBfindCknowDtrace45AdiseaseBmagicCdisasterDcrime46AreliableBgoodCdetailedDbad47AnormallyBgraduallyCcontinuallyDnearly48AteacherBdoctorCdirectorDfriend49AtooBinsteadCalreadyDfurther50AcasesBmannersCstatesDways51AdeterminedBwell-knownCretiredDskilled52AtechniqueBinfluenceCcourageDadvantage53ArememberedBrewardedCtreatedDfrightened54Alooking aroundBgoing onCworking outDthinking back55ApersuadedBremindedClovedDtaught第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每题2分,满分40分)AEvery person has its own way of saying things, and its their own special expressions. Many everyday American expressions are based on colors.Red is a hot color. Americans often use it to express heat. They may say they are red hot about something unfair. When they are red hot they are very angry about something. The small hot tasting peppers found in many Mexican foods are called red hots for their color and their fiery taste. Fast loud music is popular with many people. They may say the music is red hot, especially the kind called Dixieland jazz. Pink is a lighter kind of red. People sometimes say they are in the pick when they are in good health. The expression was first used in America at the beginning of the twentieth century. It probably es from the fact that many babies are born with a nice pink color that shows that they are in good health. Blue is a cool color. The traditional blues music in the United States is the opposite of red hot music. Blues is slow, sad and soulful. Duke Ellington and his orchestra recorded a famous song Mood Indigo about the deep blue color, indigo. In the words of the song: “You aint been blue till youve had that Mood Indigo.” Someone who is blue is very sad. The color green is natural for trees and grass. But it is an unnatural color for humans. A person who has a sick feeling stomach may say she feels a little green. A passenger on a boat who is feeling very sick from high waves may look very green. Sometimes a person may be upset because he does not have something as nice as a friend has, like a fast new car. That person may say he is green with envy. Some people are green with envy because a friend has more dollars or greenbacks. Dollars are called greenbacks because that is the color of the back side of the paper money. The color black is used often in expressions. People describe a day in which everything goes wrong as a black day. The date of a major tragedy is remembered as a black day. A blacklist is illegal now. But at one time, some businesses refused to employ people who were on a blacklist for belonging to unpopular organizations. 56Whats the passage mainly talked about? ASome American expressions based on colors.BColors used in American daily life.CDifferent feelings based on different colors.DDifferent functions about various colors.57“In the pink” means “in good health” because .Athe face of healthy people is pinkBpink is lighter kind of red, which stands for bloodCthe newly-born babies are all healthyDm any babies are born with a nice pink color58According to Paragraph 3, blue refers to ?Aa famous bandBa pop music formCa well-known recordedDa beautiful song59A person earns a good fame as well as lots of money, so his petitor will probably say . AIm red hot about himBIm in the pinkCIm green with envyDI have a black day60According to the passage, which of the following can replace the underlined word? If someone drove after he drank some alcohol, he would get in his blacklist.Aillegal recordBwrong activityCevil thoughtDunpopular organizationBHouseplants clean the air and brighten a room. Occasionally, they drive us mad as we wonder how exactly we managed to kill yet another unkillable houseplant. (In that way, they provide great lessons in perseverance as well!) But it looks like theres one more great reason to grow houseplants: their presence in your workspace might actually make you smarter.According to a recent study published in The Journal of Environmental Psychology, just having plants in your work space is enough to increase your attention span. An increase in attention span means that were able to remember more of what we read. To test the hypotheses, the studys authors gave subjects a Reading Span Task, which requires reading sentences aloud, then remembering the last word in each sentence. This requires reading, memorization, and recall abilities, and switching between the three.The researchers had their entire test pool plete Reading Span Tasks to get a baseline reading. Then they moved some of the people to a room with no plants, and others to a room that had four plants around the desk. They were all asked to repeat the Reading Span Tasks, and the people who worked near a plant improved overall, while those without plants stayed roughly the same.Beauty, fresh air, the joy of caring for another living thing all great reasons to have a few houseplants around. If they help increase attention spans, all the better!61The study shows that growing houseplants can .Aclean the airBmake the house beautifulCincrease attention spansDhave the joy of caring62People in the study were asked to .Aread sentences slowlyBrecall all the informationCmemorize each sentence correctlyDchange between the three abilities63The underlined word in the second paragraph probably means . AideasBresearchCtheoriesDexperiments64In the last paragraph, the writer .Aplaces an advertisementBments on the studyCshows his/her opinionDgives people a warning65From the underlined sentence in the first paragraph, we can know_. A. It is illegal to kill a houseplant B. It is a wonder to manage to kill a unkillable houseplant C. We feel guilty for having caused the death of a houseplant D. Driving can make a person madCIt was a youthful indiscretion that scarred the ancient world.A 15-year-old Chinese boy has been outed as the person who scrawled graffiti on a 3,500-year-old temple in Luxor, Egypt. The boys crudely carved message, which was written with Mandarin characters on a bass relief in the Luxor Temple, read, “Ding Jinhao was here.”A photograph of the graffiti taken by another Chinese tourist quickly went viral in China on Friday after being posted to social media site Weibo, where it received more than 100,000 ments. Users on the website were able to identify of the boy and posted his address online. Over the weekend, his schools website was hacked, and reporters descended on his home in the city of Nanjing.Besieged by reporters, the childs mother offered a formal apology on Saturday for her sons behavior.“We want to apologize to the Egyptian people and to people who have paid attention to this case across China,” the boys mother told local newspaper Modern Express.With Chinas economy booming over the past decade, a growing number of the countrys residents have bee global tourists. Earlier this month, Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang addressed what he termed the “uncivilized behavior” of some of tourists that was giving his country a bad name abroad.The teenager whose act now symbolizes a national shame, meanwhile, wishes he could return to anonymity once more.“The boy has known about it since Friday and cried all night. He has had to be moved around because reporters rushed to their house for interviews,” a reporter from the Modern Express who talked with the parents told the Global Times.On the bright side, Egypts ministry of antiquities described the damage to the temple wall as superficial and said it would attempt to restore it.66The passage is mainly about .AChinas economy booming over the past decadeBChinese teenager scrawling graffiti on 3,500-year-old Luxor Temple in EgyptCa tourist guide to Egypt DWhen in Egypt, do as the Egyptians do67From the second paragraph we can learn .ADing Jinhao is admired by his peersBPeople in China are tolerant of Dings behaviorCWeibo is very popular with young peopleDDings graffiti has caused a great wave in mainland China68The underlined expression in the third paragraph can be replaced by .ASurrounded BEncouragedCpermittedDDetermined69What is the boys wish now .Ahe wants to live in America to shy away the attention from the publicBhe just wishes he could live back a normal life Che wants to go back to Egypt to remove his graffitiDhe wants to be one of the working staff for Global Times70The writer uses the quotation by Vice Minister Wang Yang to show .AChina is an influential countryBChina is a civilized countryC people shouldnt go abroadDChinese should reflect upon some misconductsDThe National Park Service in the United State will mark its one hundredth anniversary in xx. As it nears its second century, the Park Service plans to increase its educational programs for students and teachers.The plans include transportation support for one hundred thousand students each year to visit national parks to learn about nature and history. Yellowstone is believed to have been the worlds first national park when it was established in 1872. Other students will get a chance to see parks in faraway places through Skype and other online programs.The National Park Service also works with partners to provide education. One of its partners is a nonprofit organization called NatureBridge. NatureBridge is celebrating its fortieth anniversary and says one million young people have taken part in its programs. The organization works with students from kindergarten through twelfth grade and uses national parks as its classrooms. It provides field science programs at Yosemite National Park and four other locations in California and the northwestern state of Washington.Now, NatureBridge is launching an East Coast center with a four-million-dollar grant from Google. The program will begin in April at the Prince William Forest Park in Virginia. Students stay for three to five days in NatureBridge programs. The activities are aimed at developing their science skills. For example, they learn about different soils and study water quality under a microscope. Jason Morris is executive vice president of NatureBridge. He says when they are not sleeping, eating or in a laboratory, the students spend their time outdoors.Julia Washburn is associate director of education and interpretation for the National Park Service. She says in a time of budget cuts, the agency has to find ways to still meet its goals. And one of the most important services that the Park Services provide every day is nature interpretation.71You can probably red this text in the section of .AEducationBTravelCEntertainmentDHealth72Which of the following is true of the National Park Service?AIt plans to make NatureBridge its branch.BIt provides programs for college students.CIt was established earlier than Yellowstone.DIt offered some educational programs before.73According to the text, NatureGidge .Afinances all the programs aloneBis aimed at laboratory activitiesChas benefited quite as lot of studentsDprovides online field science programs74What will be further talked about after the last paragraph?AWays to raise money.BBudget cuts.CBetter services.DNature interpretation.75The text is intended to tell us that .Astudents are encouraged to learn about nature and historyBmore educational programs will be started in national parksCNatureGridge plans to work with the National Park ServiceDthe National Park Service will celebrate its 100th anniversary第卷(共45分)第一节 阅读表达(每小题3分,满分15分)阅读下面短文并回答问题,然后将答案写到答题卡相应的位置上。(请注意问题后的词数要求)。If you have pets, you must have realized by now that they bee an indispensable part of your lives and you treasure every moment spent with them. But if you dont own one, then this article will give you enough reasons to do the same.1. A pet needs to be taken care of. It needs to be bathed, groomed, fed and there are other such responsibilities that you need to look after. All this will help you in character building, as you will not only learn to do these lovely things for your pets, but in the long run also learn to take up responsibilities on your own. Children can be taught discipline, responsibilities and organizational skills by handling pets.2. Help in making friendsOwning a pet makes you do activities such as taking it to the vet, going for a walk, etc. Thus, you get to meet other pet owners and end up asking queries to each other about your pets. In this way, you make acquaintances who then gradually bee your friends.3. Improve your healthFor old people, having a pet is a relief as sometimes they pour their hearts out to these silent souls. Pets can help to relieve the boredom, loneliness and stress that is mon among aged peopl

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