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2019年高考英语二轮复习增分篇专题巧突破专题三阅读理解专题限时检测十八阅读理解推理判断类之写作意图题(xx镇江市高三期中考试)The biggest “civil war” of summer in the US was supposed to be Captain America and Iron Man facing off. But in the past few months, battle lines have been drawn all over pop culture, mostly on the Internet.There have been arguments about DC ics movies vs Marvel ics ones, US singer Kanye West and his wife Kim Kardashian vs US singer Taylor Swift. Fans of the superhero movie Suicide Squad vs those who disliked it.“What I see right now is the whole world seems to be going to hell in a handbasket, and thats creating a lot of tension and anger, and so as a result, people bee negative and aggressive,” says Devin Faraci, editor in chief of a film site. Its not so much that people hate things as that they are defending what they like, thinks Mike Ryan, senior entertainment writer for Uproxx website. According to Ryan, the negativity gets into everything even fans favorite ic book characters. “People cheer for DC ics or Marvel ics like they cheer for their favorite team,” Ryan said.Being very interested in music, TV and movies isnt always a bad thing, according to David Schmid. For example, the discussions about director Paul Feigs remake of Ghostbusters with female stars “enabled a larger conversation to take place about the role of women in superhero movies and in movies in general”. When the movie opened, Feig acknowledged both sides, tweeting, “Its been quite a ride. Supporters, you rock. Haters, Ive heard you all. Now lets all just have fun. We need it.”Trolls (恶意挑衅的帖子) are a major part of social networking websites, which have removed age boundaries, according to Devin Faraci. A 14yearold could be arguing with an adult on the Internet, and the adult would never know it. Grownups are getting involved, too. For example, there has been a fight between Kanye Wests and Taylor Swifts teams. “If famous people are constantly taking the negative path, it can feel like the way things are done,” said Kate Erbland, film editor at IndieWire website. So is it fixable? Erbland offered a threestep process:“Better movies, better discussion and maybe less time on social media.” But Faraci argued that if people just realized they were actually talking to other people on social media, they might not be so unkind. “Were talking to a real human being who . is living an actual life outside of his or her opinion on Suicide Squad,” he said.语篇解读:流行文化往往会引起人们观点上的冲突,越来越多的人通过社交平台来捍卫自己的观点,批评他人的观点。本文主要就这一现象进行了说明。1According to Mike Ryan, what mainly caused the arguments on the Internet?APeoples dislike for popular culture.BPeoples aggressive personality.CPeoples defense of their favorites.DPeoples dissatisfaction with society.解析:选C细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Its not so much that people hate things as that they are defending what they like, thinks Mike Ryan”可知,引发网上争论的主要原因是人们对自己最喜爱的事物的维护而不是人们对某些事物的讨厌。故选C。2.What is Paul Feigs example used to show?AEveryone has his own taste.BArguments are useful to attract eyeballs.CRacism is a serious problem in the USA.DAttention to entertainment isnt no good.解析:选D写作意图题。根据第四段中的“Being very interested in music, TV and movies isnt always a bad thing, according to David Schmid.For example .”可知,David Schmid认为对音乐、电视和电影感兴趣并不总是坏事,下文所举的Paul Feig的例子正是为了证明他的观点。由此可知,作者使用Paul Feig的例子的目的是说明关注娱乐并不总是没有好处的。故选D。3.Whats the purpose of this passage?ATo call for kindness of Americans.BTo make people mind their manners.CTo ask people to limit their social media use.DTo show that popular cultures getting negative.解析:选D写作意图题。本文讲述了对流行文化持有不同观点的人通过网络这一平台进行“互掐”的现象,以及人们对这一现象的看法,故本文的写作目的应是告知流行文化引发了社交媒体上的“战争”,即流行文化正向负面方向发展这一现象。故选D。4What is Faracis attitude toward Erblands suggestion?ADisapproving.BCautious.CNeutral. DPositive.解析:选A推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“But Faraci argued that if people just realized they were actually talking to other people on social media .”可知,Faraci对Erbland所提出的解决问题的策略是不赞成的。故选A。(xx南京一中高三一模)I think that most of us know by now that hot water is essential to our survival. While a glass of hot water may not quench your thirst after a workout, it can have some amazing effects! As an Alabama water delivery service, we know a few things about how drinking hot water can benefit the human body. Lets take a look.While drinking liquids of any kind can aid in the breakdown of waste, hot water does it faster much faster! This makes the food you love easier to digest. Do you know that toxins (毒素) cause tiredness, brain fog, allergies, and even illness? Drinking hot water raises your temperature, which helps you sweat out the toxins that exist in your body.Additionally, hot water can help get rid of a cold. It cleans out your nasal (鼻的) passages and provides some sore throat relief. Cleaning out those passages may be your first step towards a full recovery. Its time to kiss that cold goodbye!Drinking hot water not only gets toxins out of your body but can lead to clearer skin. No more fearing the mirror! Drinking hot water can also strengthen your hair. How? Drinking hot water aids in repairing skin cells. As the cells are rebuilt, our skins elasticity (弹性) gets stronger, reducing the likelihood of wrinkles and tightening any that already exist. Finally, hot water awakens our nerve endings, encouraging the roots of our hair to grow.Another important benefit of drinking hot water is that it improves your blood circulation, which is important for proper muscle and nerve activity. In addition, it keeps your nervous system healthy by breaking down the fat deposits around it.As you can see, drinking hot water is a great idea for your health, but stay away from tap water! Hot tap water may be convenient, but your water heater could contain metals or bacteria harmful to your health. Instead, try investing in a water cooler. Water Way is an Alabama water delivery service that brings a cooler of fresh spring water to your home whenever you need it.语篇解读:本文是说明文。喝热水不仅有助于排除体内的毒素,而且会使得皮肤更有弹性,使发丝更强韧。总之,喝热水的好处可谓不胜枚举。5Whats the main idea of the passage?AA new cure for diseases hot water.BWhat can the Alabama water delivery service offer?CWhy is water essential to human bodies?DUnexpected benefits of drinking hot water.解析:选D主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第一段中的“While a glass of hot water .can benefit the human body. Lets take a look.”可知,文章主要讲的是喝热水有诸多惊人的好处。故选D项。6What can drinking hot water help people do?AReturn to life. BRebuild brain cells.CBrighten skin color. DAccelerate hair growth.解析:选A推理判断题。根据第二段的“Do you know that toxins (毒素) cause tiredness .which helps you sweat out the toxins that exist in your body.”可知,体内的毒素会引起疲劳、困惑、过敏甚至是疾病,而喝热水会提高人们的体温,这有助于人们通过出汗来排出体内的毒素。由此可知,毒素被排出体外后,会使得人们恢复活力。故选A项。7.Whats the authors writing purpose of the last paragraph?ATo warn readers against hot tap water.BTo advise readers not to use water heaters.CTo advertise their water cooler.DTo encourage readers to drink hot water.解析:选C写作意图题。根据最后一段的内容,尤其是“Water Way is an Alabama water delivery service that brings a cooler of fresh spring water to your home whenever you need it.”可知,作者写作最后一段旨在为Water Way的热水冷却器打广告,故选C项。C(xx江苏省高考名校联考)One of the biggest plaints I hear from people is that their friends just arent there for them. More than that, sometimes friends are downright rude or even mean. You cant change people, but you can surround yourself with more positive people. Here are some benefits that spending time with positive friends can provide.With positive friends, you dont need to beg for help when you need it, because chances are that they will be there for you without your begging. Positive individuals want others to be happy, and will go out of their way to help you when youre feeling down. As About. states, “Ideal friendships provide support when youre down, fun when youre up, wisdom when youre lost.”pare that to toxic friends, who might snipe at you or even laugh at you behind your back. Those people celebrate the downfall of others, and as a result youll end up feeling worse about yourself or the situation youre dealing with. Friends of this kind will add to whatever amount of stress you are feeling.Your positive friends will not only help you recover from negative hits you take in life, but they will also inspire you to be the best you can be. For example, perhaps you always want to be a writer. The negative people in your life will probably tell you all the reasons why you wont succeed. Maybe you have already gone over the reasons why you might fail and this is what has prevented you from trying. But with positive people in your life, youll feel more fortable sharing these types of goals because your friends will give you the emotional push you need to go after what you want in life.You naturally attract the kinds of friends who are most like you. So if youre a downer, youll probably find that negative people e to you. The_same_is_true_for_being_positive. The more you are able to maintain a positive attitude, the more likeminded people youll attract in return.语篇解读:本文是一篇议论文。作者以“什么样的朋友才是真正的朋友”为切入点,先分析了积极的朋友和消极的朋友的不同特征,进而说明积极的朋友会带来的各种好处。8.Why does the writer mention the statement of About. ?ATo prove the importance of friendships.BTo show all may face difficulties.CTo pare different friendships.DTo explain what a friend indeed is.解析:选D写作意图题。根据第二段中的“Ideal friendships provide support when youre down, fun when youre up, wisdom when youre lost”可推断,作者提及这一说法的意图是解释真正的朋友到底是什么样的,故选D项。9What are toxic friends like?AThey can be made use of.BThey laugh and cry with you.CThey make you more stressed.DThey celebrate your successes.解析:选C细节理解题。根据第三段中的“pare that to toxic friends”“Friends of this kind will add to whatever amount of stress you are feeling.”可知,损友会让你更加焦虑不安,让你更有压力。10What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?AIt is true that everyone can be positive in life.BIf you are positive, youll attract positive friends.CThe negative people dont like the positive ones.DThe positive people would like to stay with everyone.解析:选B句意理解题。根据最后一段中的“So if youre a downer, youll probably find that negative people e to you .”可知,画线句指的是如果你是积极的人,就会吸引积极的朋友和你在一起,故选B项。

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