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2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习增分篇专题巧突破专题四任务型阅专题限时检测二十五任务型阅读二A(xx南京、盐城高三一模) Until about 18 years ago, it was widely assumed that most of brain development occurs in the first few years of life. But recent research on the human brain has shown that many brain regions undergo prolonged development throughout adolescence and beyond in humans. This advancement in knowledge has increased old worries and given rise to new ones. It is hugely worrying that so many teenagers around the world dont have access to education at a time when their brains are still developing and being shaped by the environment. We should also worry about our lack of understanding of how our rapidly changing world is shaping the developing teenage brain.Decades of research on early neurodevelopment suggested that the environment influences brain development. During the first few months or years of life, an animal must be exposed to particular visual or auditory stimuli (听觉刺激) for the associated brain cells and connections to develop. In this way, neuronal circuitry (神经元回路) is shaped according to the environment during “sensitive periods” of brain development. This research has focused mostly on early development of sensory brain regions. What about later development of higherlevel brain regions, which are involved in decisionmaking, control and planning, as well as social understanding and selfawareness? We know these brain regions continue to develop throughout adolescence. However, we have very little knowledge about how environmental factors influence the developing teenage brain. This is something that should concern us.Theres a lot of concern about the hours some teenagers spend online and playing video games. But maybe all this worry is misplaced. After all, throughout history humans have worried about the effects of new technologies on the minds of the next generation. When the printing press was invented, there was anxiety about reading corrupting young peoples minds, and the same worries were repeated for the invention of radio and television. Maybe we shouldnt be worried at all. Its possible that the developing brains of todays teenagers are going to be the most adaptable, creative, multitasking brains that have ever existed. There is evidence from adults that playing video games improves a range of cognitive functions such as divided attention and working memory. Much less is known about how gaming, social networking and so on, influence the developing adolescent brain. We dont know whether the effects of new technologies on the developing brain are positive, negative or neutral. We need to find out.Adolescence is a period of life in which the brain is developing and shapable, and it represents a good opportunity for learning and social development. However, according to UNICEF, 40% of the worlds teenagers do not have access to secondary school education. The percentage of teenage girls who have no access to education is much higher, and yet there is strong evidence that the education of girls in developing countries has multiple significant benefits for family health, population growth rates, child mortality rates, HIV rates as well as for womens selfesteem and quality of life. Adolescence represents a time of brain development when teaching and training should be particularly beneficial. I worry about the lost opportunity of denying the worlds teenagers access to education.Worrying about the teenage brainIntroductionDifferent from the previous studies, a new one reveals that brain development will (1)_ even in the teenage years and beyond, which (2)_ some worries.Variousfactors (3)_ the teenagebrain and new worriesParticular visual or auditory stimuli are a must for animals to (4)_ neuronal circuitry at the early time of life.We should be (5)_ about what influence the environment has on the developing teenage brain.Humans always face new technologies with a sense of anxiety that young peoples minds are (6)_We are supposed to find out what kind of role new technologies play in the (7)_ of the teenage brain.Education is of great (8)_ in adolescence when the brain is developing and being shaped. However, it isnt (9)_ to two fifths of the worlds teenagers, girls in particular.We are expected to be (10)_ of the effects of education on the developing brains.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文,介绍了一项新的发现:人的大脑在青春期及以后会继续发育、成长。1continue信息转换题。根据第一段第二句可知,新的研究发现大脑的许多区域在青春期及以后会继续发育。故填continue。2causes信息转换题。根据第一段第三句可知,知识的进步引起了人们的担心。关系代词which指代前面整句话的内容,表示单数概念,所以从句谓语动词用causes。3affecting/influencing信息概括题。根据文章第二至四段的内容及表格右栏中的内容可知,此处讲的是影响青少年大脑发育的各种因素和新的担心。此处用现在分词作定语修饰名词factors。4shape信息转换题。根据第二段第二、三句可知,特别的视觉或听觉刺激是动物在生命早期形成神经元回路的必须条件。故填shape。5concerned/worried/anxious信息转换题。根据第二段最后两句可知,我们应担心环境对青少年发育中的大脑有什么影响。be concerned/worried/anxious about意为“对担心”。6corrupted信息转换题。根据第三段第四句可知,面对新技术,人们担心青少年的大脑被损坏。故填corrupted。7development信息转换题。根据第三段最后两句可知,我们应该查明新技术对青少年大脑的发育起什么样的作用。故填development。8importance/significance/benefit信息概括题。根据第四段前三句内容可知,当大脑发育时,教育是相当重要的。介词of后接名词,故填importance/significance/benefit。9accessible/available信息转换题。根据第四段中的“However, according to UNICEF, 40% of . have no access to education is much higher”可知,五分之二的青少年尤其是女孩没有机会接受教育。此处用access的形容词accessible或available。10aware/conscious信息概括题。根据第四段最后两句可知,我们应该意识到教育对发育中的大脑的影响。be aware/conscious of意为“意识到”。B(xx无锡高三一模)The world would have been so much better if we all knew how to say and do the right thing at the right time. However, that is not the case, especially when it es to instilling (逐步培养) proper behavior in kids. Behavior modification (BM) techniques were recently created to help in instilling proper behavior in children as well as adults.Behavior modification refers to establishing various appropriate behaviors in individuals and discouraging those that are not desired. Behavior modification techniques are developed largely according to the principles of operant conditioning byBF.Skinner, an American behaviorist. These techniques are used in behavior modification treatment that aims to correct and instill appropriate behavior in children.The monly used behavior modification techniques are positive reinforcement (强化), negative reinforcement and punishment. Positive reinforcement refers to reinforcing proper behavior that most desire through the process of rewarding it. This can be done by praising the individual as soon as he performs desired behavior. Negative reinforcement behavioral strategies are based on the removal of a negative consequence or behavior because the desired behavior was performed. For example, not letting a child help in washing dishes because he behaved well at a family gathering is a form of negative reinforcement. Punishment is something we all can relate to. Yes, it is just what it means. However, when put in words, punishment refers to subjecting (使服从于) an individual to a negative condition because of inappropriate behavior.The behavior modification techniques for children are mostly based on positive and negative reinforcement. However, parents should realize that these techniques cant be relied upon totally for child behavior modification. Though the behavior modification techniques lead to quick results, a parent should continuously try to cultivate (培养) in his child the ability to appreciate the reason why such behavior is expected of him. This can be done through effective munication and greater focus on the parentchild relationship. As a parent, dont make the reward a monetary one. Try to make it look more like a privilege than a reward. A parent should also be consistent with his technique and apply it whenever there is a chance so that the child gets a clear idea of what is expected and what is not.Although we talk so much about the role of a parent in bringing positive behavior modification to children, both parents and teachers have equally important roles to play. Teachers play their role through preventive classroom management, teaching skills for solving social problems like alternative thinking, and continuous monitoring of a childs behavior. It is true that there are various behavior modification techniques available for encouraging proper behavior in children. However, there is nothing that can take the place of proper parenting and an affectionate (慈爱) environment.Techniques for Modifying Behavior(1) _ of BMEstablishing various appropriate behaviors and discouraging undesirable ones, aiming to correct and instill proper behavior in individuals.Types of BM techniquesPositive reinforcement: Reinforcing (2) _behavior by means of rewarding it.Negative reinforcement: (3) _ a negative consequence or behavior.Punishment: Subjecting an individual to a negative condition (4) _ to improper behavior.BM techniques for childrenFor parents: Realizing these techniques are helpful in leading to quick results, but they are not totally (5) _.Effective waysmunicating (6) _ with children and focusing more on the childparent relationship.Making the reward more of a privilege rather than a reward.Remembering to (7) _ to the same technique and apply it whenever there is a chance.For teachers: Realizing both parents and teachers have equally important roles. Effective waysPlaying their role through classroom management designed for the (8) _ of potential problems.Teaching (9) _ skills needed in our society.Monitoring childrens behavior continuously.(10) _Proper parenting and an affectionate environment play an irreplaceable role in encouraging proper behavior in children.1Definition信息概括题。根据第二段第一句及表格右栏中的内容可知,这里是behavior modification的定义,故填Definition。2desired/proper/appropriate直接信息题。根据第三段第二句和第三句可知,积极强化指的是通过给予奖励的方式来强化想要的或合适的行为。故填desired/proper/appropriate。3Removing信息转换题。根据第三段中的“Negative reinforcement behavioral strategies are based on the removal of a negative consequence or behavior”可知,负面强化的行为策略是基于移除负面后果或行为的,此句中的removal是关键词汇,故填Removing。4due/owing/thanks信息转换题。根据第三段中的“because of inappropriate behavior”可知,此处应填due/owing/thanks。due/owing/thanks to是固定用法,意为“因为,由于”。5reliable/dependable信息转换题。根据第四段中的“parents should realize that these techniques cant be relied upon totally . ”可知,父母在矫正孩子的行为时不能完全依靠这些技巧。故填reliable/dependable。6effectively信息转换题。根据第四段中的“This can be done through effective munication”可知,父母要与孩子进行有效的交流。故填副词effectively。7stick/keep信息转换题。根据第四段中的“A parent should also be consistent with his technique and apply it whenever there is a chance”可知,父母应该坚持使用同样的方法。stick/keep to意为“坚持”。8prevention信息转换题。根据最后一段中的“Teachers play their role through preventive classroom management”可知,老师通过预防课堂问题行为来优化课堂管理。句中的preventive是关键词汇,再结合空前的the和空后的of可知应填prevention。9problemsolving信息转换题。根据最后一段中的“teaching skills for solving social problems like alternative thinking”可知,此处指的是教给学生处理问题的技能,故填problemsolving。10Conclusion信息概括题。根据文章最后一段及右栏的内容可知,此处指的是结论,故填Conclusion。

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