高中英语 Unit1 The written word Reading课件2 牛津译林版选修8.ppt

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牛津高中英语,(模块八 高二下学期),Advance with English,Reading 2,板块:教学设计课件,Unit,1,Appreciating Literature,Unit 1,课件描述:,本课件分为四个部分,分别为revision、language points、consolidation 与 homework。 在“revision”环节,教师将要求学生复述上节课所学课文作为本课的开端;一方面提高口语,激发其学习兴趣,另一方面通过回顾上节课的内容形成自然过渡,起到承上启下的作用,为进新讲知识打下一个基础。在“language points”环节,教师将以两步走的方式开展教学。第一步,教师将引导学生利用已学知识进行新语言点的习得,即“practice to present”;第二步,教师将引导学生根据第一步所学进行相关练习,即“practice”。在完成学习的基础上,学生将在“consolidation”环节对所学知识点进行总结性练习,以达到巩固的目的。,Language Practice,1. Key Words,What is c_ literature? C_ are the a_ of the l_ world, which are still well received today. They are e_ of great writing and wisdom. Many a_ films are based on the classics. For example, in 1998, a modern a_ of Charles Dickens novel Great Expectations, one of his best-known works, was released in cinemas.,antiques,award-winning,adaptation,classic,Classics,literary,examples,Great Expectations is s_ in England in the early 1800s. The main character in the novel is Pip. He lives with his mean sister and her kind and simple husband, Joe. It is a m_ night when the story begins. Mist is a s_ of danger which adds interest, t_ and deeper meaning to the text. Later in the story, Pip receives a large sum of money from a generous stranger, which is a twist in the p_.,plot,set,misty,symbol,tension,He uses the f_ to move to London. He settled there so he can become an e_ gentleman, but he gradually develops the shortcomings of being shallow and being prejudiced against his old companions, because he has rigid ideas of what it means to be c_ and to be a gentleman. What it means to be a gentleman is an important t_ in Great Expectations. By the end of the story, Pip learns that w_ doesnt buy happiness and that friends are more important than a fancy education.,fortune,educated,civil,theme,wealth,Practice,1. He likes _ novels and Jane Austens novels are among the best-loved _ in English literature. (classic) 2. Though she is interested in _, she is not a _ writer. (literary),classic,classics,literature,literary,3. Michael _ to the new job very well, which was beyond our expectations. The plot had to be changed a little bit since the film is an _ of the book. (adapt),adapted,adaptation,4. The girl and her best friend were both very _and nervous about the results of the examination. The argument over the game created _ between the two of them. (tense),tense,tension,2. Key Phrases,1.由改编 2. 在世界占一席之地 3. 在架子上尘封 4. 被改编成电影 5. 每一次,be adapted from,to gather dust on shelves,have a place in the world,be made into films,at a time,6. 肥皂剧 7. 古典文学 8. 出版 9. 一心想要做 10. 华而不实的教育,soap operas,a fancy education,classic literature,come out,be bent on doing ,Comparison,at times at one time at a time in time in no time at no time,曾经;一度 每次;逐一 有时 及时;赶得上 在任何时候决不 立刻;马上,We were _ for the train. _ Chinese were regarded as Asian patients, but now we are strong enough to hold the Olympics. _ will Chinese people bow(低头) to huge difficulties even though we have suffered a lot.,in time,At one time,At no time,3Key sentences:,1. His tomb reads, By his death, one of Englands greatest writers is lost to the world. (L24),read: to show 刻着,显示着,墓碑上这样写着: “他的去世令世界失去了一位最伟大的作家。”,那个牌子上写着“止步”。,The sign reads “stop”.,2. Pips sister seldom has a kind word to say, but Joe is a kind and simple man, who would rather die than see any harm come to Pip. (L29),皮普的姐姐几乎没有什么善言好语, 但乔却是一个善良淳朴的人, 他宁愿死也不愿看到皮普受到任何伤害。,3. He has rigid ideas of what it means to be civil and to be a gentleman, and is embarrassed by Joe because he does not fit these. (L44),他对文明和绅士有着刻板的观念,而乔让他尴尬,因为乔与这些观念不匹配。,4. Key sentence structures,1. Why else would many films based on them be successful?,许多以他们为依据的电影成功的原因还有哪些呢?,= other, another, different, additional: 其他的,2. If this dictionary is not yours, _can it be ? (2001 全国春) A. what else B. who else C. which elses D. who elses,1. I hear they arent pleased with the house youve chosen for them. Well, _ could they live in such comfort? (2003 北京春) Awhere else Bwhat else Chow Dwhy,A,D,2. Pip dislike it when Joe comes to visit him in London.,作形式宾语,代替由不定式,动名词或从句所表示的真正宾语。,May I take it that you will write to me?,高考链接,Have you got used to your school life here? Yes, but I dont like _ when we have to do exercises on cold winter mornings. That B. it C. those D. this I would appreciate _, to be frank, if the goods could be delivered as soon as possible. A. You B. this C. it D. myself,B,C,Consolidation,My guitar has just been _ since I injured my hand. Many films _ classic works. 3. A lot of new books _ every day. By the death of Ba Jin, one of Chinas greatest writers _ the world. 5. He _winning at all costs.,gathering dust on the shelf,are adapted from,come out,is lost to,is bent on,be lost to/be bent on/gather dust on the shelf/ come out /be adapted from,根据首字母提示完成下列句子:,1. Many people were g_ enough to donate enough money to the people in the disaster regions. 2. The play is an a_ of a short novel. 3. Anns uncle died suddenly, leaving all his f_ to her. 4. He was v_ about his looks, spending hours in the gym. 5. Prisoners reported being regularly a_ by their guards. 6. Keep a c_ tongue in your head! Dont speak rudely. 7. The _ (曲折)in the plot is always the attraction to literature lovers. 8. Parts of this school are in d_ need of repair.,enerous,daptation,ortune,ain,bused,esperate,ivil,twist,Translation,1. 作为一位母亲,她情愿自己挨饿也不愿孩子受到任何的伤害。(would rather than /come to),As a mother, she would rather go hungry than see any harm come to her child.,2. 你这样说真有礼貌。(civil),Its civil of you to say so.,Homework:,Memorize the words, phrases and sentences we learned today. Make up a short story using the given adjectives.,


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