高中英语 Module4 第3课时Cultural Corner课件 外研版必修1.ppt

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成才之路 英语,路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索,外研版 必修1,A Social Survey My Neighbourhood,Module 4,第三课时 Cultural Corner,Module 4,.根据所给汉语或首字母填写单词 1Fill in the form and write down your name, address and o_. 2He was u_ for two months after leaving that factory. 3How many _(专业的) teachers are there in your town? 4At that time of night, there was no _(交通) on the roads. 5My reasons were stated in writing to all _(委员会) members.,ccupation,nemployed,professional,traffic,committee,6There are several talented people in that _(组织) 7I grew up as part of a large _(家庭) 8Work done by machines has replaced m_ labour. 9He left his home to look for _(工作,就业) 10We _(交换) addresses and promised to write to each other. 11Moscow is the most _(迷人的) place I have ever been to.,organization,household,anual,employment,exchanged,fascinating,12We need a bigger house, but we just cant a _ the rent. 13Just eight passengers _(幸存) the plane crash. 14You can always _(联系) me at my home number.,afford,survived,contact,.短语互译 1so far _ 2up to now _ 3till now _ 4exchange ideas _ 5get away from _ 6许多;大量 _ 7达到预期目的;做到;获得成功;及时赶到 _ 8在周末 _ 9上升 _ 10赚钱 _,到目前为止 直到现在 到现在为止 交换想法 摆脱 a great many/a number of make it at/on weekends go up make/earn money,.完成句子 1但是有时候我需要乡村的和平和宁静。 But there are times _ _.(when引导的定语从句) 2第二,因为乡村常常没有就业机会,人们便搬到城里去找工作。 Secondly, people move to the cities to find work,_ _.(as引导原因状语从句) 3另外一个问题是农民依靠农场挣钱越来越难。 Another problem is _ _.(that引导的表语从句),When I need the peace and quiet of the,countryside,are often very few jobs in the countryside,as there,that it is becoming more and more difficult,for farmers to make money from their farms,.语篇理解 根据教材CULTURAL CORNER中的内容补全短文 In some countries in western Europe,_1_ France, Spain and Britain, the countryside is changing. Life _2_ difficult for many villages,and some are _3_. Why? There are some reasons _4_ this. Firstly, young people usually want to live _5_, so people move to the towns and do not return. Secondly, in the countryside, therere _6_ jobs to find, so they move to the cities to find work. Thirdly, the price of the house _7_ and people from the area _8_ it. Another problem is that farmers find _9_ more and more difficult to _10_ their farms,so they sell their land and leave there.,答案:1.such as 2.has become 3.disappearing 4.for 5somewhere livelier 6.few 7.goes up 8.cannot afford 9it 10.make money from,1.remain vi.剩下;遗留;留下;逗留 Sometimes villages remain because people from the cities have bought a “second home” in the village, where they come and stay at weekends. 有时村子保留下来是因为城市的人们在村子里买房作为“第二个家”,他们周末可以到这里来居住。 Only a bowl and a pair of chopsticks remained on the table. 桌子上只剩下一个碗和一双筷子。 The most difficult part remains to be completed. 最难做的部分有待去完成。,拓展 remain to be done 有待被做 remain名词/形容词/介词短语 一直保持,仍然(处于某种状态) remaining adj.剩余的;剩下的,点津 remain用法小集合 (1)remain意为“剩下;剩余;遗留”时,为不及物动词,不用于进行时态,也没有被动语态。 Tom went but his sister remained. 汤姆走了但他的妹妹留下了。 (2)remain意为“仍然;依旧”,为系动词,后面可接名词、代词、形容词、介词短语、分词作表语。 When everyone else was in a panic, she remained calm. 当其他人都在惊慌时,她依然镇静。,即学即用 用所给动词的适当形式填空 The guests came in, but she remained _(sit) at the desk reading. Many problems remain to _(solve) In April, thousands of holidaymakers remained _(stick) abroad due to the volcanic ash cloud.,答案:sitting be solved stuck 句意:因为火山灰云,在四月份,成千上万的度假者依然滞留在国外。句中remain用作系动词,意思是“仍然,依旧”,后接形容词作表语,stuck是形容词,意为“被困住的,不能动的”,与语境相符。,2afford vt.买得起;有能力支付 The price of homes goes up and people from the area cannot afford to buy a house there. 房子价格上涨,那一地区的人们在那儿买不起房子。 点津 afford意为“买得起,负担得起”,常与can,could, be able to连用,后接名词、代词或不定式。 Your presence will afford us great pleasure. 你的光临将给予我们莫大的荣幸。,拓展 afford sth. 买得起某物,负担得起(的费用、时间) afford to do sth. 负担得起做某事的费用 afford sb. sth.afford sth. to sb. 给予某人某物,为某人承担某物,即学即用 完成句子 I cant _ for a trip. 我没有足够的时间和钱去旅行。 I cannot _have a holiday. 我没有闲暇度假。 In order to finish the work on time, we cant _to waste a single minute. 答案:afford the time and the money afford to afford 考查动词。句意:为了按时完成工作,我们不能浪费一分钟。afford to do sth.“承担得起做某事”,符合题意。,3contact vt.& n. U接触;联系 Have you kept in contact with your classmates after graduation? 你毕业后和同学们还保持联系吗? 搭配 in contact 联系/络;接触;接通 make contact with与进行来往;与联系,注意:contact作动词,本身已经含“与”的意义,因而不要再加多余的with;作名词,则常与with连用,如come into contact with。 译明天我和你电话联系。 正Ill contact you by phone tomorrow. 误Ill contact with you by phone tomorrow.,即学即用 语法填空 Two Indonesians have died of bird flu, apparently after _ with sick chickens, raising the number of the dead to 115 in the country. 答案:contact 题意:在与病鸡接触后,两名印度尼西亚人死于禽流感,使得这个国家的死亡人数达到115人。contact“接触”,符合题意。,1.pay back归还(借款等);报复 He has borrowed some money from me. I hope he pays me back next week. 他从我这里借了些钱。我希望他下周还我。 He paid me back by refusing to talk to me. 他对我进行报复,拒绝和我讲话。,辨析:pay back, pay for, pay off,即学即用 选词填空(pay back/pay for/pay off) Weve at last _all our debts after ten years. I have _ these pens. Im certain that he will _ every cent he owes you. 答案:paid off paid for pay back,2go up上升,上涨;升起 Many people came to watch the balloon go up. 许多人来看气球升空。 Prices of fruit and vegetables have already gone up. 水果和蔬菜的价格已经上涨了。,巧学助记,即学即用 语法填空 Good news, Mary. The price of the house in the downtown _(go up) But I doubt whether it will remain to. 答案:has gone up 句意:“玛丽,好消息。市中心的房价已经涨了。”“但是我怀疑价格是否将维持下去。”答语“But I doubt whether it will remain so.”表明是现在的情况,所以用现在完成时。,1.The countryside would be a sadder and uglier place without them. 没有了村庄,农村将是更悲哀更丑陋的地方。 句子中使用虚拟语气,表达与将来某种情形的虚拟,without them表达虚拟条件,相当于if there were not villages.,知识拓展 (1)“without名词/代词/动名词”表达虚拟条件,意思是“如果没有;假如没有”,对将来和现在的虚拟相当于if there were not.;与对过去的虚拟,相当于if there had not been.。 (2)与“but for名词/代词”用法相同,对将来和现在虚拟相当于if it were not for; 对过去虚拟相当于if it had not been for.。,即学即用 语法填空 I_(go)through that bitter period without your generous help. 答案: couldnt have gone 考查情态动词和虚拟语气。句意:如果没有你慷慨帮助,我不可能度过那么艰难的时期。without your generous help相当于if it hadnt been for your generous help,所以主句用“情态动词完成时形式”表示对过去情况的虚拟,couldnt have done sth.“本来不能做某事(而实际上做到了)”。,2make it 知识拓展 make it是一个习惯用语,可表达以下几个方面的意思: (1)确定 When shall we have the meeting? 我们什么时候开这个会议? Lets make it at 5 pm., OK? 我们定在下午五点钟,怎么样?,How much do I owe you for the meal? 饭费是多少? I make it $ 10.50. 是10.50美元。 (2)成功 Its a very difficult examination; are you sure you can make it? 这次考试很难,你肯定能通过吗?,(3)及时到达目的地或及时约会 The bus goes in ten minutes; you must hurry or you wont make it. 汽车还有10分钟就要开了,你必须快一点,否则就赶不上了。 (4)痊愈;复原 The doctor knew that the man was unlikely to make it. 医生知道这人很可能治不好了。,即学即用 语法填空 You have just 15 minutes to get to the airport. All right, I guess I can_. 答案:make it make it此处意为“能够及时到达”。,.单词拼写 1He is on the _. 他是委员会的委员。 2Well have an opportunity to _ views tomorrow. 明天我们将有机会交换看法。 3This aid _ was founded in the 1980s. 这个援助机构成立于20世纪80年代。 4The _ engineer wrote a dozen applications for jobs but got nothing. 这个失业的工程师一连写了十几份求职信,但一无所获。,5He is a driver by _. 他的职业是司机。 6This is a _ city full of ancient buildings. 这是座有着许多古老建筑的迷人的城市。 7They did not consider whether they could _ the time or not. 他们没有考虑是否抽得出时间。 8Anyone with any information about the incident should _ the police. 知道此事任何信息的人都应该和警方联系。 答案:mittee 2.exchange 3.organisation 4.unemployed 5occupation 6.fascinating 7.afford 8.contact,.完成句子 1Were got only 2, 000 pounds _(目前为止). Were still 500 pounds short. 2Mr. Smith and Mrs. Jones and _ (另外三位老师)were there. 3The prisoners _ (从逃走) their guards. 4Readers will _ (有同感) when they turn to the final page. 5Prices _ (上涨) a lot again. 答案:1.so far 2.three other teachers 3.got away from 4.feel the same way 5.have gone up,.语法填空 1Almost 90% of these_(survey) said that they agreed with what the chairman said. 答案:surveyed/who were surveyed 由句意看,these指被调查的人,these与survey之间为被动关系,因此用过去分词作定语,也可用定语从句who were surveyed “接受调查的人”。 2It was already midnight and only three young men _ in the tea house. 答案:remain 句意:已过午夜,只有三个青年男子还待在茶馆里。remain“停留,待”符合题意。,3The _(unemploy) have to face some difficulties. 答案:unemployed “失业的”为unemployed, 此处指“失业者”,因此用the unemployed表示“失业者”这一类人。 4Id like to have a holiday with you for the weekend, but can we _ a trip abroad? 答案:afford afford和can或be able to连用,表示“能承受得起,能花得起,能负担得起(钱、时间等)”。,5Do you think the housing price will keep _(go up) in the years to come? Sorry, I have no idea. 答案:going up 句意:“你认为在未来几年中房价会继续上涨吗?”“抱歉,我不清楚。”根据句意,“房价上涨”用go up。 6Can you find a place to _ our car? 答案:park “停放车辆”用park ones car。,7Hasnt the $10 you lent me _(pay back)? 答案:been paid back 此处为现在完成时被动语态。 8By the end of next month she_(be)in the small village for more than ten years. 答案:will have been 句意是:到下个月末为止,她已经在这个小村庄住了十多年。next month指将来的时候,by the end of可与完成时连用。,9I _(tell) the sports meet might be put off. Yes, it all depends on the weather. 答案:have been told 由题意知用现在完成时被动语态。 10Do you think it is wise_him to stop smoking? 答案:for 强调事物性质时用for sb. to do sth.。,


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