高中英语 Module3 Reading practice课件 新人教版选修7.ppt

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Dickens London,Reading practice,What do you expect the writer to say according to the title?,Fast-reading,Read the passage and find the answers to these questions. 1) What is the main idea of the passage? 2) What text type is the passage? 3) How many aspects of the city are described in Dickens novels and what are they?,Choose the sentence which best expresses its main idea.,a) Dickens cast of characters lived in London, the largest and richest city in the world. b) Every chapter of his novels describes the sights, sounds, and smells of the city, and provides a social commentary of London life. c) In the middle of the 19th century, London was a filthy city for rich and poor people alike. d) London is very different today, and few people mourn the passing of the old city.,What text type is the passage?,a narrative a description c) an argument,How many aspects of the city are described in Dickens novels and what are they?,Pollution of the city,The poorest district, The East End,The business and financial district of London,Servants and maids,The theatre district of the city, The West End,Try to draw a map of London using the information in the passage,Pay attention to the following locations: the East End, river Thames, the main port, Southwark, the Old City, Further West, Somerest House, Law Courts, the West End,Careful-reading,Few people had a good standard of living because a) the tax payers didnt care about them b) the city was polluted c) there were huge numbers of poor people d) the wealth was distributed unfairly among the population,Poverty was so severe that some people were ill because they didnt have enough to eat children wore rags for school the river became polluted and caused disease and death d) it was dangerous to swallow the water if you fell in the river,The port of London was where the districts of the East End and Southwark were the poorest people lived men queued for work every day Ships came from all over the world to load and unload their goods,The old City of London was The business and financial district of London where Dickens lived where the Law Courts and many restaurants and squares were d) Dickens set his stories,The further west you went in Dickens London a) the more Dickens felt at home b) the richer and more important the people who lived there were c) the safer it was to walk at night d) the less it looks like London today,Magwitch _(从监狱中逃出来) but is soon caught again. Pip meets and _(喜欢) a beautiful girl. However, Estella _(对冷漠) him. , whose fiance left her _ (举行婚礼那天),escaped from prison,becomes fond of,is cold and cruel to,on her wedding day,Language focus,5.PiP learns that an unknown person _(打算)give him money every month. 6.He goes to London, _ (变得有教养)and is able to live very comfortably. 7. Magwitch_ (非法返回英格兰), having made a lot of money in Australia. 8.He has been doing this in order to _(报答) the boys kindness.,becomes educated,returns to England illegally,repay,intends to,Vocabulary,cast Commentary filthy Sparrow Smog Seagull Rag Dustbin Taxpayer compass,演职员表 实况报道;评论 肮脏的;下流的 麻雀 =smoke + fog 海鸥 破布;pl破旧衣服 =Garbage can A person who pays tax You use this to find direction,Anchor Trial Pump Maid Mistress Distribute Unfairly Alike choke,锚 法庭,审判 泵 女佣 女主人;情妇 分配 不公平地 Adv. 相同,一样,相似 Vi/vt. (使)窒息,Inhabitant Swallow Attain Nutrition Starvation Welfare Feel at home Humble mourn,居民 v. 吞 v. 获得(较formal) n. 营养 Noun of starve 福利;幸福健康 感到自由自在 谦虚的;谦卑的 v. 哀悼,Language points:,1. escape v逃走;逃离;逃脱;摆脱 1) vt. escape punishmentbeing punished逃过惩罚 escape doing (doing多用于被动语态being done)逃过 2) vi. escape from/out of(从)逃走,逃出 旅客们尽力从燃烧的大楼中逃出来。 The hotel guests tried their best to escape from the burning building. 3) n.逃亡,逃离 have a narrow escape,2. intend vt.想要,打算,意欲 (1)intend to do sth.打算做某事 She intended to explain but the look on your face suggested “NO”她打算作解释,但你脸上的表情拒绝了她。 (2) had intended to do sth. 本打算做某事,但 I had intended to give you a hand,but I was busy then. 我本来打算帮助你的,但我当时很忙。 (3) intend.for.或be intended for.为而(做、建等),供用、看等 I intended these flowers for your mother. 我要把这些花送给你妈妈。 This dictionary is intended for children.这本词典是给小孩用的。,3. cast n. all the actors in a play/ film the cast list 演员表 v. cast- cast- cast to throw sth. on purpose or with force 扔,抛,投掷 The fisherman cast the net into the water. cast your net wide 撒开大网,4. distribute v. 分发 distribute sth. to/ among sb. The volunteers distributed mooncakes to/ among the orphans. distribution n. 1)分发 the distribution of books/ relief goods 2)分布 The distribution of good public schools in Chengdu is not even.,5. sight n. 1) U 视力 = eyesight have good/ bad sight 视力好/坏 short/ near-sighted 近视的 long/ far-sighted 远视的 lose ones sight 失明 2) Uthe action of seeing 看;看见 We burst into laughter at the sight of his strange hairstyle. at the sight of = when seeing Romeo fell in love with Juliet at first sight. love at first sight 一见钟情 catch sight of sth. 看见 3)U视野; 视线范围 in/ out of sight Out of sight; out of mind.,C sth. that is seen 景象 The crime scene is a terrifying sight. sights (pl.) sth. worth seeing by a tourist 风景名胜 the sights of Chengdu/ London go sightseeing,7. swallow v. let sth. go down your throat 吞下,咽下 Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. -Sir Francis Bacon,8. attain an acceptable standard of living 1)attain= getobtaingain 2)生活水平: standard of living/ living standard(s) enjoy a high standard of living = enjoy high living standards 在过去的10年中,人们的生活水平有了极大改善。 Peoples standard of living has improved a lot over the past 10 years.,9. concern 1) n. worry/ anxiety 担心,忧虑 Food security has long been a subject of public concern. (sth.) be of great(no) concern to sb. 让某人(不)担心,忧虑 Food security is of great concern to the public. 2)v. (sb.) be concerned about for sth. 对 感到担心,忧虑 be concerned with 与有关 The public are concerned about food security.,我们都非常关心他的健康。 We are all very much concerned about his health. as far as sb. be concerned 就而言 As we all know,parents are concerned _ their childrens study,because it is concerned _ their future. Afor;about Babout;for Cabout;with Dwith;about,10. South of London lies Southwark, another poor district. In the old City are housed the many banks and corporations which Dickens mentions. Further west and opposite Southwark stands Somerset House, where Dickens father worked for the nary. Close by are the law courts, where lawyers and clerks, carrying piles of paperwork, would hurry to the trials.,11. accomplish v. succeed in doing sth. 完成,实现 accomplish a task/ ones aim/ ones goal accomplishment n. 1) 完成 Her accomplishment of the task made her boss satisfied. What does it feel like after an accomplishment like that? 2)成就 = achievement,


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