高中英语 3.3 Cultural Corner课件 外研版必修5.ppt

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1_ vt. 与相似 2. _ vt. 塑造;创作 3. _ n. 例外 4_ vt. 警告 5. _ adj. 浅的 6. _ adj. 坚决的 7_vt. 强迫;迫使 8. _adj. (描述)生动的;逼真的 9. _ vt. 确立;确定;建立 10. _ n. 名誉;名望;声望,resemble,create,exception,warn,shallow,determined,force,vivid,establish,reputation,.单词识记,1_首先 2_出发;启程 3 _发财 4. lead an adventurous life_ 5. up and down_,to start with,set off,make ones fortune,过着冒险的生活,上上下下;来来回回,.短语天地,1He left school early, and as an adolescent, determined to make his fortune in South America, set off from his home in Hannibal, Missouri, for New Orleans. 信息提取 determined to make his fortune in South America为形容词短语作状语。 例句仿写 他离开了这个地方,下决心再也不回来。 He left the place, _.,determined never to come back,.句型搜索,2He arrived in New Orleans without a penny in his pocket only to find that there were no boats for South America. 信息提取 only to find that.作结果状语。 例句仿写 他急急忙忙赶到车站,却发现火车已开走了。 He hurried to the station_.,only to find the train had gone,3Forced to change his plans, he worked for several years as a pilot on a steamboat, taking passengers up and down the Mississippi. 信息提取 forced to change his plans 过去分词短语作状 语。 例句仿写 尽管被告知多次,他仍犯同样的错误。 _, he still repeated the same mistake.,Told many times,1From the first paragraph, we can know that_. AMark Twains life was full of adventures BMark Twain was just Huckleberry Finn CMark Twain was an actor DMark Twain was the real name of the author,.预读理解,A,2From the text, we can know that _. AMark Twain was a college student BMark Twain was born in a rich family and his father left him a lot of fortune CMark Twain left school early and he went to make his own fortune DMark Twain started writing early and made his fortune in California,C,3Mark Twain decided to take a boat to the Amazon _. Abecause he could write the book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn there Bbecause he wanted to meet Huckleberry Finn there Cand he arrived in South America as he wished Dbut he found no boats there at all and so he had to change his plan,D,4From the last paragraph, we know that _. AMark Twain started writing when he was still young Bwhat Mark Twain started writing about was the life on the river Cthe author of this text has no interest in Mark Twains stories Dthe author believes Mark Twain is still alive,B,5From the passage we can see that _. Alike many writers, Mark Twain wrote his stories on the basis of his own experiences BMark Twain was famous for his stories only in the last century CMark Twain was famous as an American writer and he grew up in Canada DMark Twain used to be a traveler who collected materials for his writing,A,1resemble vt.与相似 She resembles her mother in appearance but not in character. 她的外表像她母亲,但脾气不像。 John closely resembles his father.约翰长得很像他的父亲。 【归纳拓展】,【名师点津】 resemble不能用于进行时态也不用被动语态,还不与like, as 连用。 【翻译句子】 它们的形状相似,但颜色不同。 _,They resemble each other in shape but not in color.,2exception nU/C例外,除外 Girls like dolls and Im no exception. 女孩子们喜欢洋娃娃,我也不例外。 Most children go to school at 6 years old,but there are some exceptions.大多数孩子六岁去上学,但也有些例外。 【归纳拓展】,【单项填空】 All men between 18 and 45 without_ are expected to serve the army during a war. Aresult Bdoubt Cwarning Dexception 解析 句意:在战争期间,年龄在18到45岁之间的男人,毫 无例外,都要参军。without exception 毫无例外,由句意可 知选D。,D,3warn v. 警告;告诫 She has been warned of the danger of driving the car in that state. 已经告诉过她, 汽车这个样子开起来有危险。 They were warned not to climb the mountain in such bad weather. 已经劝过他们天气这么坏不要攀登那座山。 She warned them to be careful. 她告诉他们务必小心。,【归纳拓展】,【句型转换】 They warned us not to leave there. They warned us_ _ there. 【完成句子】 我警告你,下一次进我办公室要先敲门。 I _ you must knock at the door before entering my office next time. 他的职员提醒他可能出现的后果。 His staff _ the possible consequence.,against leaving,warn you that,warned him of,4determined adj. 坚决的;有决心的;意志坚定的 She is a determined young woman. 她是一位意志坚强的女人。 Im determined to find out who is responsible for this. 我决心要查清楚谁应该为此事负责。,【归纳拓展】,【比较网站】 determine to do/be determined to do 二者都表示“决定做某事”,determine to do强调动作;be determined to do 说明一种状态,表示已经下了决心。 He determined to go abroad. 他决定出国。 He was determined to go abroad. 他下了决心要出国。 determine 是非延续性动词,不能与表示时间段的状语连用; be determined 是一种延续状态,可与时间段连用。 He was determined to do it for a long time. (不可说 He determined to do it for a long time.),【完成句子】 他是一个意志坚强的人。 He is a man of _. 我们决定星期五前完成工作。 We are _ the work done before Friday. 他决心实现自己的梦想。 He _ his dream. 经过三个小时的劝说,他的父母使他下定决心去完成这项 艰难的任务。 After three hours persuasion, his parents _ _ this hard task.,great determination,determined to get,determined to realize,determined,him to finish,5force (1)n.力量, 武力 You must use force to open that bottle. 你必须用力打开那个瓶子。 The thief took the money from the old man by force. 小偷用暴力夺走了老人的钱。 (2)vt. 施暴, 强迫, 强夺 He forced himself to speak to her. 他硬着头皮和她搭话。 The president was forced into resigning/to resign. 会长被迫辞职.,【归纳拓展】,【完成句子】 经济危机迫使很多公司倒闭。 The financial crisis _ close down. 一般来说,我们不应该用武力对待这些淘气的孩子。 Generally speaking, we shouldnt treat these naughty boys_. 新规章什么时候开始执行? When do the new regulations _ ?,forced many companies to,by force,come into force,1to start with首先,第一,起初 To start with,we need better computersthen we need more training. 首先,我们需要更好的电脑其次,我们需要更多的培训。 To start with,you should start in time. 首先,你应该及时开始。 【归纳拓展】,【完成句子】 我们唱首歌开始吧。 Lets _ a song. 这故事以喜剧结束。 The story_ a comedy. 我不能去,首先,天太冷了。 I cant go. _, its too cold.,ended with,begin with,To start/ begin with,2make ones fortune发财 Many people went to big cities to make their fortune. 为了发财,很多人去了大城市。 He made a big fortune by planting.通过种植业他发了大财。 【归纳拓展】,【翻译句子】 如今,许多人通过辛勤劳动致富。 _,Today,many people make their fortune by hard work.,3set off (1)动身,出发,启程(后跟介词for目的地) Wed better set off for the station immediately. 咱们最好马上动身去火车站。 (2)(可分开用)引爆(炸弹等);燃放(烟火等) Do be careful with those fireworks; the slightest spark could set them off.一定要小心这些烟火,稍有火星就能引起爆炸。 (3) set sb off doing sth使某人开始做某事 Whatever you say will set her off crying. 不管你说什么都会使她哭泣。,【归纳拓展】,用set短语填空 The monitor suggested that we _ early in the morning, but his idea _ much disagreement. Try to _at least an hour each day for learning new vocabulary. I wanted to _ early in order to avoid the traffic. They want to _ their own importexport business.,set off,set off,set aside,set out/ off,set up,He arrived in New Orleans without a penny in his pocket only to find that there were no boats for South America. 他身无分 文地来到新奥尔良时,却发现那儿没有开往南美洲的船了。 本句中only to find that是不定式作句子的结果状语,含有 “出人意料的结果”之意,意为“没想到”、“结果 却”、“不料”。前面常有only或never之类的词 语。动词不定式做结果状语通常放在主句的后面。,She got there only to be told that they had gone on holiday.她 到达那里,结果被告知他们度假去了。 The man hurriedly returned home, only to find he had left his key in the office.这个人急急忙忙地回到家,结果发现他把钥 匙落在办公室里了。,【名师点津】 ving也可做结果状语,但这种形式表示一个自然而然的, 意料之中的结果。 The heavy snow lasted 3 days, making the airport closed. 大雪持续下了三天,致使飞机场不得不关闭。,【单项填空】 The girl came _ to the cinema only _the tickets had been sold out. Ato run; telling Brunning; to be told Cand ran; being told Drunning; to tell 解析 考查非谓语动词。第一个空为came的伴随状语,第二 个空为不定式作结果状语,表意外,且与主语the girl之间存 在动宾关系,故应用不定式的被动式。,B,影评 【写作任务】 请根据要点提示,写一篇关于电影泰坦尼克号的影评。 【写作内容】 1泰坦尼克号是由James Cameron导演的一部反映Rose与Jack爱情故事的影片。 2当大船撞上冰山(iceberg)开始沉入水里时,Rose放弃了生还的希望和Jack 一起等待死亡的来临。 3泰坦尼克号真实地演绎了一幕幕感人的场面:家人、朋友在危难降临之际的表现。 4你的感受,【写作要求】 1以上要点必须包含在作文之中,不能逐词翻译。 2词数:120左右。,【写作分析】 第一步:认真审题 1一般来说,影评属于夹叙夹议的议论文。这种文体主要以 一般现在时态介绍剧情内容及发表自己的看法。什么时候观 看或该电影曾获得什么奖项可转入过去时态。人称通常采用 第一、第三人称。 2本篇影视评论可采用“三段式”写法。 第一段:简介背景(setting)。对电影的名称、特点、导演等作 简单介绍。 第二段:情节概述(main plot of the film)。包括主要演员及故 事梗概。电影简介不宜太长,只需把自己要评论的内容突出 即可。,第三段:观后感受,发表评论(making comments/review in some way)。可以有选择性地从不同角度对电影的主题、情节、人物形象的塑造、语言风格、演员的演技、画面特点、环境、颜色的搭配及拍摄理念的使用等方面有针对性地发表个人看法,但不要面面俱到。最后对电影作总体评价。,第二步:提炼要点 1the setting of the film 2my favorite part of the film 3my feeling 4be involved in the feelings 5making comments,第三步:扩点成句 1Titanic directed by James Cameron tells a love story of Rose and Jack. 2My favourite part of the film is that after the super ship hit the iceberg and sank into the deep sea, Rose gave up the chance of surviving and stayed with Jack waiting for the death coming. 3It made us truly feel how the people on the Titanic were feeling at that exact moment.,4We were deeply involved in the feelings the director created. 5The film brought our thought of the meaning of the life: what is the most important in our life?,【参考范文】 Titanic directed by James Cameron tells a love story of Rose and Jack. I personally find it the greatest movie Ive seen. My favourite part of the film is that after the super ship hit the iceberg and sank into the deep sea, Rose gave up the chance of surviving and stayed with Jack waiting for the death coming.This love story created sympathy in which we felt for Jack and Rose. It made us truly feel how the people on the Titanic were feeling at that exact moment. Families, loved ones and friends were being torn apart. We were deeply involved in the feelings the director created.,The film brought our thought of the meaning of the life:what is the most important in our life? It also told us a truth: we must cherish our life.,【亮点展示】 1全文共分三段。第一段介绍了电影的导演和主题内容。第 二、三段分析了电影所表现的主题思想,以及这部电影对我 们现实生活的指导意义。 2文中多处使用了高级词汇sympathy, be torn apart, be involved in, cherish体现了作者较强的英语运用能力。 3文中还使用了一些高级句法结构,如:过去分词作定语, find复合宾语。Rose gave up the chance of surviving and stayed with Jack waiting for the death coming.中的现在分词 作状语。created sympathy in which we felt for.中的定语从 句。It made us truly feel how.的主语从句等,增强了文章的 可读性。,【写作模板】 1对影片的概述 The film was directed by. The film tells us a real story. The film.directed by.is a story about. The film.is set in. The film is a love (romantic/moving) story. 2对影片的积极评价 This is a very touching/a mustsee film. .give an amazing performance in the film. My favorite part of the film is.,3对影片的消极评价 However, many people have complained that the film is too. Another common complaint is that the film. Im disappointed with the film because.,


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