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动词不定式翻译练习,在正式的书面文体中,如果是不定式作句子的主语,那么要将不定式后置,而用引导词it 来取代它的主语位置。It 在句中没有任何意义,是句子的形式主语;真正的逻辑主语还是不定式。 另外,如果要说明不定式短语的逻辑主语是谁,可在不定式前面加for sb.短语; 在某些形容人的品质的形容词作表语时,则要用以of sb.短语(这类形容词常见的有:kind , good , nice , wise , unwise , clever , silly , wrong , right , foolish , stupid , careless , considerate , rude , naughty , impolite),动词不定式作主语,1.乘飞机去那儿将只花你两个小时。 2.将这件事再做一遍需要时间。 3.让他在一周内完成这件工作是很困难的。 4.对我们来说,参加这个会议是件快事。 5. 你给予我们这么多的帮助,真是太好了。 6.他们拒不采纳那个建议是愚昧的。,动词不定式作主语,It will take you only about tow hours to get there by air.,To do it once more needs time .,It is difficult for him to finish the work within one week.,It is a pleasure for us to take part in the conference.,It is very kind of you to have given us so much help .,It is foolish of them to turn down the proposal .,7.她最大的愿望是将自己的知识用于实践。 8.他的计划是要对他们的设计进行完善。 9.他们似乎已成功地做完了试验。,动词不定式作表语,Her best wish is to put her knowledge into practice.,His plan is to perfect their design.,They appear to have accomplished their experiment.,动词不定式作宾语,10.她年青的时候就学会做饭了。 11.他父亲答应今年夏天带他去意大利。 12.那位女孩给我们演示怎样跳迪斯科。 (疑问词+to do) 13.我没想到会在比赛中获得第一名的。 14.他们保证在星期一以前完成工作。,She learned to cook when she was young .,His father promised to take him to Italy this summer .,The girl showed us how to dance disco.,I didnt expect to win the first place in the competition.,They undertook to finish the work by Monday.,动词不定式作宾语,15.他听到那个消息啼笑皆非。 (疑问词+to do) 16.我要给你出怎么办的主意。 (疑问词+to do) 17.他同意和我们一起干。 18.他们计划研制一种新产品。,He didnt know whether to laugh or to cry when he heard the news.,Id like to advise you what to do.,He agreed to join us .,They plan to develop a new product .,动词不定式作定语,19.我们达成了共同干这工作的协议。 20.她有讲四种语言的能力。 21.他们制订了一个研制新产品的计划。 22.他无事可做。 23.他们仍有许多要克服的困难。,序数词first ,second 等以及last,best,only 等词常用不定式来作它们的定语。,She has an ability to speak four languages .,We reached an agreement to do the work together .,They made a plan ( n. ) to develop a new product .,He has nothing to do .,They still have many difficulties to overcome.,动词不定式作状语,24.她昨天来看我了 25.他曾去新西兰深造过。 26.那人为了养家不得不在业余时间做些另活。 27.要当尖子学生,你应更加努力学习,She came to see me yesterday .,He has been to New Zealand for further education.,The man has to do some part-time jobs in his spare time so as to support his family .,You should study even harder in order to be a top student.,28.不要让他在这会儿进来。 29.请提醒我下午把信寄出去。 30.那故事使大伙都笑了。 31.没有人注意到他们离开了屋子。 32.听见有人开门。 (用被动语态),动词不定式作宾补,Dont allow him to come in at this moment.,Please remind me to post the letter this afternoon.,The story made all of us laugh .,Nobody noticed them leave the house .,Someone was heard to open the door .,


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