高中英语复习PPT课件:M2_Unit_3 Computers_

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Unit 3 Computers,请根据以下的情景说明和写作要求,使用5个规范的英语句子描述全部所给的信息内容。 【情景说明】 假设你所在的班将要举行一次以“中学生上网的利弊”为主题的班会,你准备在会上发言,请你根据提示用英语写一篇发言稿。 利:获取信息;了解时事;欣赏音乐、电影。 弊:迷恋网络游戏;诱发青少年犯罪;影响学习。,【写作要求】 1必须使用5个句子介绍全部内容; 2开头和结尾已给出,不计入总句数。 Dear friends, In my opinion, surfing the Internet can bring us both good effects and bad effects. _ Thank you.,Dear friends, In my opinion, surfing the Internet can bring us both good effects and bad effects. As we know, we can get useful information that we need from it to help us study all kinds of subjects, and learn about current affairs both at home and abroad. In our spare time, we can also relax ourselves by enjoying music and movies.,But on the other hand, some students waste too much of their time on the Internet. Some are addicted to playing computer games and some may even commit a crime. Each coin has its two sides, so we must make proper use of the Internet. Thank you.,1. vt. 计算 2. adj. 宇宙的;通用的;普遍的 3. vt. 简化 4. adv. 逻辑上;合逻辑地;有条理地 5. n. 智力;聪明;智能 6. vt. 解决;解答 7. adv. 就个人而言;亲自,_ _ _ _ _ _ _,calculate universal simplify logically intelligence solve personally,8. adv. 完全地;整个地 9. n. 应用;用途;申请 10. n. 金融;财经 11. v. 探索;探究;探测 12. adv. 无论如何;即使如此 13. n. 目标;得分;目的 14. n. 幸福;快乐,_ _ _ _ _ _ _,totally application finance explore anyhow goal happiness,15. vt. 下载 16. v. 发信号 n. 信号 17. n. 类型 v. 打字 18. vi. 出现;发生 19. adj. 电子的 20. n. 性格;特点,_ _ _ _ _ _,download signal type arise electronic character,1. 结果 2. 处理;安排;对付 3. 人类 4. 在某种程度上 5. 有共同点 6. 从时起 7. 如此以至于,_ _ _ _ _ _ _,as a result deal with human race in a way havein common fromon sothat,8. 监视;看守 9. 在的帮助下,watch over with the help of,_ _,1. _ I totally changed my shape. 2.Since the 1970s many new applications _ _(find) for me. 3.After all, with the help of my electronic brain _ never forgets anything, using my intelligence is _ Im all about!,As a result,have been found,which,what,1. simplify vt. 使(某事物)简单;简化;使简易 The masses hope the government will simplify the procedures for handling matters. 老百姓希望政府部门办事时可以简省一些不必要的手续。 simplify our task 简化我们的工作 simplified Chinese characters 简化的汉字 simplify the administrative structure 精简行政机构,根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (1)那可以简化我的工作。 That will _. (2)你可以采用计算机CAD辅助设计系统简化包装设计。 You can adopt CAD system to_ _.,simplify my task/work,simplify package design,(3)美丽人生源于对生活弃繁从简。 A great life is the result of_. (4)我们可以对那些复杂得难以遵循的规则进行简化。 We can _ that seem too complex to follow correctly.,simplifying your life,simplify those rules,2. solve v解决;解答;处理;破解 Factories are obliged to solve the industrial waste problem. 工厂应该负责解决工业废料问题。 solve riddles 猜谜语 remain to be solved 有待解决 clues for solving a case 破案的线索,根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (1)这个奥秘始终未解开。 The mystery _. (2)她创造性地解决了那个问题。 She _ creatively.,was never solved,solved the problem,(3)最近的问题已经解决。 Recent problems _. (4)把这个问题解答完。 Please finish _.,have been solved,solving the problem,3. advantage n. 优点,优势,有利条件 The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. 利远大于弊。,advantageous adj. 有优势的,有利的 disadvantage n. 不利条件,劣势 take full advantage of 对加以充分利用 gain/have / get / win an advantage over (of) 胜过;优于 have the advantage of sb. 比某人强 to sb.s advantage 对某人有利,根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (1)一个小时的比赛,他已肯定取得优势。 For an hours play, _ lay definitely with him. (2)他们充分地利用了旅馆的设施。 They _ the hotels facilities.,the advantage,took full advantage of,(3)她的法国式的教养,使她比班上的同学略胜一筹。 Her French upbringing _ _her classmates. (4)合约对我们有利。 The agreement is/works _.,to our advantage,gives her certain advantage over,4. personally adv. 亲自 (in person);就个人而言 Personally I see no objection to your plan. 我个人并不反对你的计划。,personal adj. 个人的,私人的 personality n. 人格;个性 personally speaking as far as I am concerned for myself 就本人而言,根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (1)我得亲自感谢他们。 I have to thank them _. (2)就我个人而言,我不介意你抽烟。 _, I dont mind your smoking.,personally,Personally/Personally speaking,5. arise vi. (arose, arisen) 出现;发生 Great inventions arise from the inspiration of daily life. 伟大的发明来源于日常生活中的灵感。,arise, rise, raise与arouse arise (arose, arisen)表示“出现;发生”,相当 于happen, appear,而rise无此意。常见搭配: arise from / out of 由引起,由产生 rise (rose, risen) 升起;上升,起立/床,上涨;提高,raise vt. 提高;举起;增加;募捐;饲养;招募(军队等);为及物动词,后需接宾语。 arouse vt. 唤醒,唤起,激起,引起。常见搭配: arouse suspicion 引起猜疑 arouse sb. from sleep 唤醒某人 arouse sb.s enthusiasm 激起某人的积极性,根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (1)一个新问题出现了。 A new problem _. (2)缺乏沟通导致父母与孩子间的问题。 The problem between the parents and children _lack of communication.,has arisen,has arisen out of/from,(3)响声把睡着的警卫惊醒了。 The noise _ the sleeping guard. (4)上课时,老师想办法调动我们对阅读的热爱。 In class, our teacher tries his best to _ in reading.,aroused,arouse our enthusiasm,1. havein common 有共同之处 My sister and I have a lot of things in common in characteristic. 我和妹妹在性格方面有许多相似之处。,have nothing in common 毫无共同之处 have little in common 少有共同之处 have something in common 有些共同之处 in common with sb. / sth. 与一起,一样,common, ordinary 与usual common 所指事物是最平常的。它指常发生,并且是“熟悉的,常见的”事情。 ordinary“普通的,平凡的”,强调无特殊之处(not special)。 usual常用来指由于长时间没有变化而形成的一种习惯或制度,描写一贯的、通常预料所及的事情。,.根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (1)他们侵占了居民共有的土地。 They took up the land owned _ by the residents. (2)孩子们的课外生活很少有相同之处。 The childrens lives have _ in common outside the classroom.,in common,little,(3)与其他学生一样,她锻炼的时间并不多。 In common _ other students, she had little time for physical exercise.,with,.用common, ordinary, usual填空 (4)Its an error quite _ among schools. (5)It was a very _ day today. (6)He sat in his _ seat.,common,ordinary,usual,2. as a result 结果 As a result, his performance was worse than ever before. 结果,他的表现比以往更糟糕了。,as a consequence of 结果 as a result of because of 由于 without result 毫无结果地 result from (因而)产生;发生 result in 导致,用适当的介词完成句子 (1)他的努力终成泡影。 Nothing has resulted _ his effort. (2)做事不先考虑总会导致失败。 Acting before thinking always results _ failure.,from,in,(3)他们把每道工序又检查了一遍,却仍没有结果。 They went over every process again, but _ result. (4)他因锅炉爆炸而受伤。 He was injured _ a result of boiler explosion.,without,as,3. in a way 在某种程度上 In a way, he is a tough politician. 从某种意义上来说,他是个强硬的政治家。,in a big / small way 大/小规模 in the way 挡道的,妨碍人的 be under way 已经开始并进行着 on the / ones way 在路上,即将 by the way 顺便说一下 by way of 借助,通过,用以上短语完成句子 (1)从某种程度上说,你犯那个错误我倒感到高兴,因为它可以对你敲警钟。 _, Im glad you made that mistake, for it will serve as a warning to you. (2)她收集了大量的古玩。 She collects antiques_.,In a way,in a big way,(3)他们经伦敦去法国。 They are travelling to France _ London. (4)一年一度为红十字会募集基金的运动已在进行中。 The yearly campaign to raise funds for the Red Cross is already _.,by way of,under way,(5)虽然他认为他在帮我们准备饭,但他只是碍手碍脚。 Although he thought he was helping us prepare dinner, he was only _.,in the way,4. deal with 处理;解决(问题);和(某人)做生意;论及;探讨 One should learn to deal with ones problems by himself. 每个人应该学会自己独立解决问题。,howto deal with sth.whatto do with sth. 怎样处理某事 do / make / conclude a deal with sb. 与某人做笔交易,根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (1)你很巧妙地处理了一个困难的局面。 You _ an awkward situation very tactfully. (2)我同这家商店做生意已经有20年了。 I _ this shop for 20 years. (3)这是一本关于西非的书。 This book _ West Africa.,dealt with,have dealt with,is dealing with,5. watch over 看守;留心,注意;守卫/保护某人 Parents shouldnt watch over their children while they are studying. 父母不应看着孩子学习。,be on watch 值班;注意,提防 watch out 当心 watch out for 密切注意;提防 (be) on watch 值班;注意;提防,根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 用以上短语完成句子 (1)他感觉到上帝在保佑自己。 He felt that God was _ him. (2)值班的警卫必须紧握手中枪。 The guard _ must hold on to his gun.,watching over,on watch,(3)当心!有辆摩托车加速驶过来了。 _! There is a motorbike speeding here!,Watch out,1. And my memory became so large that even I couldnt believe it! 我的存储量变得如此之大,连我自己都不能相信!,根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (1)她兴奋得睡不着觉。 She was _ she couldnt go to sleep. (2)天气如此热,谁也不想干活。 It was _nobody wanted to do anything. (It was _ nobody wanted to do anything.),so excited that,so hot a day that,so hot a day that,(3)他跑得那么快以至于我赶不上他。(倒装) _ I couldnt catch up with him.,So fast did he run that,2. She programs us with all the possible moves she has seen while_watching_human_games. 她把观看人类比赛时所看到的一切可能的动作编入我们的程序。,用括号中所给词的适当形式完成句子 (1)他做着做着功课就睡着了。 He fell asleep while _ (do) his homework. (2)我在北京旅游时碰巧见到了我以前的一个同学。 When _ (travel) in Beijing, I happened to meet a former classmate.,doing,travelling,3. After all, with the help of my electronic brain which never forgets anything, using my intelligence is what Im all about! 不管怎样,在我过目不忘的计算机头脑的帮助下,智能就是我的一切。,根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 这项活动延期了,这正是我们希望的。 The activity was postponed, _ was exactly _ we wanted.,which,what,如何写好并列句(一) 并列连词的意义与作用 1由两个或两个以上的简单句并列连接起来的句子叫并列句 2并列句的基本句型:简单句 并列连词(或连接副词) 简单句 3常用并列连词(或连接副词)的归类与功能概括如下:,(1)表示连接两个同等概念,常用的连词有and, not onlybut also, neithernor, then等,表示并列或递进。 The teachers name is Smith, and the students name is John. (2)表示选择,常用的连词有or, eitheror, otherwise等,表示选择,基本词义为:或者,否则,不然的话。 Hurry up, or youll miss the train.,(3)表示转折,常用的连词有but, still, however, yet, while, nevertheless, in contrast 等,表示对比,基本词义:但是,然而。 He was a little man with thick glasses, but he had a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting (4)表示因果关系,常用的连词有for(因为), so, therefore, consequently, thus, accordingly等,表示结果,基本词义:因此,所以。August is the time of the year for rice harvest, so every day I work from dawn until dark.,选择恰当的并列连接词填空 1. Mr. Smith is an English teacher _ he teaches us English. 2. When you are learning English, use it as often as possible, _ you might drop it. 3. Its a long story, _ there are few new words in it, _ it will be easy for children.,and,or,but,so,4. It must have rained last night _ the ground is still wet. 5. He broke the rules of the school; _ he had to leave. 6. I dont know anything against the man; _, I trust him.,for,therefore,however,7. Jane was dressed in green _ Mary was dressed in blue. 8. _ is your answer wrong _ mine is. 9. You must work harder; _ you will be put into another class. 10. He doesnt talk much, _ he thinks a lot.,while,but also,otherwise / or,or,Not only,


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