9A Unit 2 Main taks

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,Unit 2 Colour,The woman is wearing,Red respresents,Maybe she feels She could be,I think,Colours and what they represent Wang Mei, Class 1, Grade 9 The woman in this picture is wearing a _ dress and a pair of _ shoes. This is interesting because red and white are very different colours. Red represents _ and _.Maybe she feels weak and that is why she is wearing red, or she just wants to make herself look more powerful. Her handbag and _ are white. The colour white represents _ and _. She could be _ and the colour white helps her feel peaceful. I think the woman is feeling weak and a little bit stressed, buit she is wearing the right colours to help herself. Red and white are a good match, as the powerful _ balances the calm _.,red,white,power,strength,shoes,calm,peace,stressed,red,white,Colour of T-shirt: _ Represents: _ Colour of skirt: _ Represents: _ Colour of hat: _ Represents: _ Colour of shoes: _ Represents: _ Moods: _ Reasons: _ Is it a good fruit juice advertisement? _ Why? _,green,energy and nature,yellow,wisdom and warmth,white (and orange),calm and peace (and success),blue,sadness or calm,relaxed, peaceful, bright, fresh, cheerful,The man (woman) is wearing Green /Red represents Maybe she/ he feels She/He could be I think ,Colour of shirt: _ Represents: _ Colour of trousers: _ Represents: _ Colour of glasses: _ Represents: _ Colour of shoes: _ Represents: _ Moods: _ Reasons: _ Is it a good mobile phone advertisement? _ Why? _,organge,success and joy,blue,sadness or calm,black,power and protection,white,calm and peace,fast, powerful,Have you ever seen a rainbow ? When can you see the rainbow ? How many colours are there in a rainbow? What are they ?,菩萨蛮 大柏地 毛泽东 1933年夏,赤橙黄绿青蓝紫, 谁持彩练当空舞。 雨后复斜阳, 关山阵阵苍。,Task1,A winding river courses in a black line against the snow-white background,a sleigh in the snow,The leaden sky and leafless trees,The First Snow By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow,The first snow came. How beautiful it was, falling so silently, all day long, all night long, on the mountains, on the meadows, on the roofs of the living, on the graves of the dead! All white save the river, that marked its course by a winding black line across the landscape; and the leafless trees, that against the leaden sky now revealed more fully the wonderful beauty and intricacies of their branches! What silence, too, came with the snow, and what seclusion! Every sound was muffled, every noise changed to something soft and musical. No more trampling hoofs, no more rattling wheels! Only the chiming sleigh-bells, beating as swift and merrily as the hearts of children. 初雪 亨利华兹华斯朗费罗 初雪飘临。多美呀!它整日整夜都在静静地飘着,落在山岗上,落在草地上,落在世人的屋顶上,也落在死者的坟墓上。一片银亮雪世界!惟有蜿蜒的河道在白茫茫大地上印下一道弯弯的黑线。铅灰色的天空下,那些叶儿落尽的树木显现出它们的枝丫原来是如此错落有致,精妙美丽。雪中的世界静谧无比,所有的喧嚣都沉寂了,所有的声音似乎都那么柔和悦耳。听不到马蹄得得,听不到车轮辚辚,只闻雪橇铃儿叮当和鸣,那明快欢乐的节拍如同孩子们心房的搏动。,Task.2,A blind man and his world,We live in a world full of all kinds of matter that are rich and colorful. A blind man lives in a colorless world, a world of darkness. Imagine what a blind mans life would be? write his feelings and the challenges he may face.,


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