Unit 3《Science versus nature》-word power教案1(牛津译林版必修5)

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Unit 3《Science versus nature》-word power教案1(牛津译林版必修5)_第1页
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Unit 3《Science versus nature》-word power教案1(牛津译林版必修5)_第3页
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111Teaching plan of “Word Power”Teaching objects:1. learn prefix and suffix and learn to guess meanings based on prefix and suffix2. learn organs of the bodyTeaching procedures:I Prefixes and suffixesStep I Lead-in appear, novel, regular, respectWe are going to have some questions. Please use these words to help you, but you need to add some letters to the words first.1)You cannot find your new pen. What happened to your pen? It disappeared2) Many people respect Mr. Li and think he is a good man. He helps people out and is a good citizen and friend. So can you find a word to describe Mr. Li?Respectable3) Miss Wang has published several books. She loves her job writing novels. So what is Miss Wangs occupation(职业)? She is a novelist4) You cannot find the order of the numbers in a group of members. So can you find a word to describe the order of the numbers? irregularStep II Introductionindependencein depend enceprefix(前缀) root (词根) suffix(后缀)Prefix: a group of letters that is added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning.Suffix: a letter or a group of letters added to the end of a word to make a different word.Attention !Usually a prefix will change the meaning of word, while a suffix will change the part of speech of a word.StepIII PrefixesSometimes you can guess what a word means by looking at its prefix or suffix. Look at the examples and work out the meanings.PrefixExample Meaning anti-anti-cloning, anticanceragainst, opposed todis-un-disappear, disagreeunfair, unwillingnot, apposed ofin-il-im-ir-incorrect, incomparableillegal, illogicalimmoral, immodestirresponsible, irregular not, withoutpre-preview, preserveearly, beforepro-pro-cloningin favour of, supportingre-recreate, repeat, renewagainStepIV Adding information Some other commonly used prefixesPrefixExampleMeaningde-decompose, declassifyapart, frommal-maltreatment, malnutritionbadly, illnon-non-smoker, non-alcoholic, non-profitnotinter-international, interaction, interruptbetweentele-telescope, telegram, telecommunicationfar offtrans-transport, translate, transnationalacrossmis-misunderstand, mislead, misdeedwrongsub-subtitle, subway, submarineunderover-overeat, overwork, overacttoo muchtri-triangle, tricycle, tricolorthreeauto-autobiography, autoalarm, automobileselfStep V SuffixesSuffix ExampleMeaning-ablecomfortable, noticeable worthy of, able to be-fulcheerful, thoughtfulfull of, characterized by-istscientist, novelistsomeone who does something-lesshopeless, aimlesswithout-mentagreement, treatmentindicate a state or condition-nessdryness, madnessindicate a quality, state or character Step VI Adding informationSome other commonly used suffixes-alcultural, national, originalof or concerning-ioninvitation, competition, protectionaction or condition of-shiphardship, scholarship, relationshipstate of being, skill-domfreedom, kingdomcondition or state of-ishchildish, selfishof the nature of-proofwaterproof, fireproof, soundproofprotect against-enwiden, sharpen, shortenmake or become-wardeastward, homeward, backwardin the direction of-likewomanlike, childlikesimilar toStep VII ExerciseDo you think we should protect nature? Complete what an environmentalist is saying below. Use the words from the box.disrespect, hopeless, illegal, uncertain,understandableI think cutting down trees should be made(1)_ and tighter laws should be introduced. So many people are showing their(2)_ for nature; they dont seem to care that they are destroying the environment. Sometimes I think we are fighting a(3)_ battle against people who just wont listen. I know scientists have worked hard to achieve scientific breakthrough but its(4)_ whether theyll succeed totally.Although its(5)_ that they want to advance technology, I think some things are best left the way they are.Step VIII organs of the bodyLook at the pictures of the major organs of the body and try to recognize them.Key for Exercise B(1) Brain (2) heart (3) liver (4) lungs (5) stomach (6) kidneysStep VIIII Homework1.Complete Part C on page 47 in pairs or groups.2.Read the article in Part A on page 113 and do Par B on the same page.111


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