高二英语备课《Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World》Words and Expressions及经典时文背诵(外研版必修4)教案

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高二英语备课《Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World》Words and Expressions及经典时文背诵(外研版必修4)教案_第1页
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高二英语备课《Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World》Words and Expressions及经典时文背诵(外研版必修4)教案_第2页
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高二英语备课《Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World》Words and Expressions及经典时文背诵(外研版必修4)教案_第3页
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111Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural WorldSection 3 Words and Expressionsattackv. 1 I or T to try to hurt or defeat using violence: He was attacked and seriously injured by a gang of youths.Army forces have been attacking the town since dawn.Most wild animals wont attack unless they are provoked.2 T to criticize sb. strongly: She wrote an article attacking the judges and their conduct of the trial.The report attacks the idea of exams for 7- and 8-year-olds.3 T If sth., such as a disease or a chemical, attacks sth., it damages it: AIDS attacks the bodys immune system.My rose bushes are being attacked by greenfly.n.1 C or U a violent act intended to hurt or damage sb. or sth.:a racist attackEnemy forces have made an attack on the city.These bomb blasts suggest that the terrorists are (going) on the attack (= trying to defeat or hurt other people) again.The town was once again under attack (= being attacked).2 C or U when you say sth. to strongly criticize sb. or sth.:a scathing attack on the presidentThe government has come under attack from all sides for cutting education spending.3 C a sudden and short period of illness:an attack of asthma/flu/malariaFIGURATIVE an attack of the gigglesexistv. 1. have an existence, be extant: Does life exist on other planets? The problem only exists in your head, Jane. Few of these monkeys still exist in the wild. On his retirement the post will cease to exist. The charity exists to support victims of crime.2. support oneself: He could barely exist on such a low wage. We existed on a diet of rice. They cant exist on the money hes earning.mysteriousadj. 1. having an import not apparent to the senses nor obvious to the intelligence; beyond ordinary understanding: mysterious symbols 2. of an obscure nature: The new insurance policy is written without cryptic or mysterious terms.He died in mysterious circumstances, and there is still a possibility that it was murder.claimv. 1 to say that sth. is true or is a fact, although you cannot prove it and other people might not believe it:+ (that) The company claims (that) it is not responsible for the pollution in the river.+ to infinitive He claims to have met the President, but I dont believe him.All parties have claimed success in yesterdays elections.An unknown terrorist group has claimed responsibility for this mornings bomb attack.2 If an organization or group claims a particular number of members, that number of people are believed to belong to it.divev. 1 to jump into water, especially with your head and arms going in first, or to move down under the water:Look at those children diving for oysters over there!They ran to the pool, dived in, and swam to the other side.Mark dived off the bridge into the river.The submarine dived just in time to avoid the enemy attack.See also nosedive.2 to swim under water, usually with breathing equipment3 to go down very quickly:The plane dived towards the ground and exploded in a ball of flame.The goalkeeper dived for the ball (= tried to catch the ball by jumping towards it and falling on the ground.)coverv.to put or spread sth. over sth., or to lie on the surface of sth.:The light was so bright that I had to cover my eyes.Snow covered the hillsides.She covered him (up) with a blanket.Cover the meat with a layer of cheese.The bandages were covered with/in blood.How much of the Earths surface is covered by/with water?This paint covers well.The President covered the fact that he bugged the offices in the White House. Is this enough to cover the check? adaptv. to change sth. to suit different conditions or uses:Many software companies have adapted popular programs to the new operating system.The recipe here is a pork roast adapted from Caroline ONeills book Louisiana Kitchen.+ to infinitive We had to adapt our plans to fit Jacks timetable.The play had been adapted for (= changed to make it suitable for) children.Davies is busy adapting Brinkworths latest novel for television.disappearvi. If people or things disappear, they go somewhere where they cannot be seen or found:The search was called off for the sailors who disappeared in the storm.This is a way of life that is fast disappearing.I cant find my keys anywhere theyve completely disappeared.The sun disappeared behind a cloud.We looked for her but she had disappeared into the crowd.The film is about a girl who mysteriously disappeared while on a picnic at Hanging Rock.I dont know how its possible for a person to disappear without trace.He disappeared without a trace. extinctadj. not now existing:There is concern that the giant panda will soon become extinct.Many tribes became extinct when they came into contact with Western illnesses.A lot of trades have become extinct because of the development of technology.Threw his extinct cigarette into the stream.evolvev. to develop gradually, or to cause sth. or sb. to develop gradually:Humans evolved from apes.The company has evolved over the years into a multi-million dollar organization.Bacteria are evolving resistance to antibiotics.Modern man evolved a long time ago.fierceadj. 1 physically violent and frightening:a fierce attack/battleTwo men were shot during fierce fighting last weekend.2 strong and powerful:Fierce winds/seas prevented the race from taking place.Fire fighters had to retreat from the fierce heat.3 showing strong feeling or energetic activity:The expansion plans will face fierce opposition/resistance from environmentalists.There is fierce competition to join the Special Branch.generousadj. willing to give money, help, kindness, etc., especially more than is usual or expected:a very generous man+ to infinitive It was most generous of you to lend me the money.Shes been very generous with her time.Theres a generous (= kinder than deserved) review of the book in todays newspaper.reputationn. the opinion that people in general have about sb. or sth., or how much respect or admiration sb. or sth. receives, based on past behavior or character:The company has a worldwide reputation for quality.She has the reputation of being a good doctor.His reputation was destroyed when he was caught stealing some money.The hotel has a bad/good reputation.He earned /established /gained /acquired a reputation as an entertaining speaker.He acquired a reputation as an actor before he started writing.bordern. the line that divides one country from another:Were you stopped at the border?The train crosses the border between France and Spain.The two countries have had frequent border disputes.The rug had a wide blue border.positiveadj. 1 certain and without any doubt: Are you positive (that) you saw me switch the iron off?“Are you sure its okay for me to use your mothers car?” “Positive.”“It was him - I saw him take it.” “Are you positive about that?”2 hopeful and confident, or giving cause for hope and confidence: a positive attitudeOn a more positive note, were seeing signs that the housing market is picking up.The past ten years have seen some very positive developments in East-West relations.There was a very positive response to our new design - people seemed very pleased with it.indicatev. 1 to show, point or make clear in another way: Exploratory investigations have indicated large amounts of oil below the sea bed.+ question word Please indicate which free gift you would like to receive.+ (that) She indicated to me (that) she didnt want me to say anything.2 to suggest sth. as being suitable:SPECIALIZED Antihistamine is indicated for this patient as a treatment for her allergies.HUMOROUS Im so hot and tired - I think a long cool drink is indicated!identityn. who a person is, or the qualities of a person or group which make them different from others:The mans identity was being kept secret while he was helping police with enquiries.I cannot reveal the identity of my source.The informant was given a new identity (= a different name and new official documents) for protection.The newspaper photo apparently showed him in Rome but it was a case of mistaken identity (= it was the wrong person).In prison people often suffer from a loss of identity.I think my job gives me a sense of identity.You can lose your identity when you join the army.They shared an identity of interests.Geneticists only recently discovered the identity of the gene that causes it.经典时文背诵No matter where they look, scientists are finding that global warming is already killing species at a much faster rate than had originally been predicted. “What surprises me most is that it has happened so soon,” said a biologist of the University of Texas, Austin, lead author of a new study of global warmings effects. He and most other scientists hadnt expected to see species extinctions from global warming until 2020. But populations of frogs, butterflies, ocean corals, and polar birds have already gone extinct because of climate change, he said. Scientists were right about which species would suffer first and animals that live only in narrow temperature ranges and those living in cold climates such as Earths Poles or mountaintops.111


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