Module 1《Our Body and Healthy Habits》同步练习3(外研版必修2)

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Module 1《Our Body and Healthy Habits》同步练习3(外研版必修2)_第1页
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Module 1《Our Body and Healthy Habits》同步练习3(外研版必修2)_第2页
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Module 1《Our Body and Healthy Habits》同步练习3(外研版必修2)_第3页
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111Unit 1 Our body and healthy habits. Use the words in activity one to fill in the blanks1. The words “_, _ and _”are connected with illness.2. Only the w_ businessman can afford the expensive diamond necklace.3. The doctor put the patient on a special d_.4. I had a bad t_, so I can hardly eat anything.5. He keeps himself f_ by running 5miles everyday.6. They are u_ children, because they dont get good food and fresh air.7. He seemed to have got a kind of r_ illness. No one knows how to cure it. . Use the words in activity two to translate the phrase患感冒至少每周一次参加体育锻炼三份(饭,菜)脂肪多的稀少地患牙疼. Enjoy and translate the proverbs then consider your habit1. After dinner sit a while; after supper walk a mile.2. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.3. A merry heart goes all the way.4. Health is better than wealth.5. Laugh and grow fat.6. Eat slow and live a long life.7. Habit is a second nature.8. A close mouth catches no flies.9. Healthy mind is in a healthy body.10. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.Find out the sentences from the text and translate them into Chinese.1. When Zhou Kais mother saw him heading towards the front door without a jacket on, she eyed him anxiously.2. “OK, OK.” Zhou Kai went and did as he was told.3. My mother has always made sure we eat very healthily.4. Im lucky because I dont have a sweet tooth -Id rather eat a nice piece of fruit.5. Two years ago I broke my arm playing football.6. So as you can see from what Ive said, Im a normal kind of person.7. Im crazy about football. Im captain of the class team at school. Read the text then fill in the blanks.Zhou Kai, a senior school student, is _ about football. Hes _ of the class team and hes also a member of the Senior High team. Hes _. That is because his mother always _ sure they eat very healthily. They live near the sea and have _ about four times a week. Fresh fruit and green _ are a very important part of their _. His family doesnt eat much fat and _, so he doesnt have a sweet tooth.But last week, Zhou Kai caught a cold. Thats _ he was stupid enough to play football in the rain. He _ catches a cold. And he takes a lot of exercise and is very fit.请分别写出下列词用作n.和v.时的意义。head voice coat houseeye dress mail motherhand ship face brotherdiet shoulder picture changename work peel helpbook answer nurse lookcheat stop break record1. He is in bad health now. Now and then he _. I think he should more exercise.A. make cold B. gets cold C. catches cold D. catches cold2. Many people _ Germany _ beer.A. connect; with B. join; to C. connect; through D. join; up3. Im sure there are no such ghosts in the world. _, I have never seen one.A. First of all B. Above all C. More or less D. At least4. There is one proverb going like this: An apple a day _ the doctor _.A. keep; out B. keep; back C. keeps; away D. keep; up5. Can you _ any Chinese proverbs connected with health?A. think over B. think about C. think out D. think of 6.The doctors _ his health.A. are eager about B. are eager for C. anxious about D. are anxious about7. The boy was last seen _ by the river before he was lost.A. play B. playing C. played D. to play8. I have changed it _ you suggested.A. like B. as C. just like D. as like9. _ that the lights are turned off when you leave the classroom.A. Make sure B. Be sure C. Make sure of D. Be sure of 10.The hero would rather die than _ the enemy.A. to give up to B. give in to C. give up D. to give in 11. He always works like _, so the boss likes him.A. mad B. crazy C. bee D. dog12. The child was feeding a banana _ the monkey.A. on B. with C. to D. for 13. She is beautiful and kind. She is really fit _ you to get married _.A. of ; to B. for ; to C. of ; with D. for; with14. The taxi stopped to _ a passenger.A. pick up B. get on C. pick out D. get off15. I dont know if the teacher _ us in the party next week.A. joins B. has joined C. will join D. is joining16. Dont worry. This isnt the last test. There _ another one in two weeks.A. will he going to B. will be C. is D. has been17. He wondered whether I _ the birthday party the next day.A. will attend B. attended C. had attended D. would attend18. I _ go on the trip, when it began to rain.A. was to B. was going to C. would D. was about to 19. You _ Bob playing golf on the club whenever you have a chance to go there.A. will see B. would see C. sees D. have seen20. Now if you _ off your clothes, we will fit the new clothes on you in front of the mirror.A. take B. will take C. have taken D. took 21. Turn on the television or open a magazine and you _ advertisements showing happy, balanced families.A. are often seeing B. often see C. will often see D. have often see22. How is that, Joan?Yeah, its from the boss. She _ first, whether she likes it.A. shall go B. ought to have gone C. should go D. must have gone23. He _ for Beijing the day after tomorrow.A. is about to leave B. will be leaving C. is leaving D. is going to go24. The plane is on the point of taking off. This sentence means the plane _.A. is about to taking off B. is going to taking offC. is about to take off D. shall take off25. Why dont you put the meat in the fridge? It will _ fresh for several days.A. be stayed B. stay C. be staying D. have stayed 26. A cook will be immediately fired if he is found _ in the kitchen.A. smoke B. smoking C. to smoke D. smoked27. Healthy _ include fruits, eggs vegetables and some soft drinks.A. diet B. diets C. food D. foods28. He is a warm-hearted person, _ does he refuse to help others.A. Always B. Rarely C. Sometimes D. Often29. It is so important an examination that everyone was _ the results.A. eager B. anxious C. eager about D. anxious about 30. When she sings Carols voice must be loud enough _ by four thousand people.A. to hear B. to be heard C. having heard D. being heard31.Our monitor was chosen to _ our class at the meeting.A. stand for B. instead of C. take the place of D. represent32. Would you please _ me with your managers office? Id like to have a word with him.A. take B. connect C. put D. relate33. Whom would you rather _ with you, Peter or John?A. have go B. have to go C. have gone D. having go 34. Its really dangerous. One more step, _ the baby will fall into the pool.A. or B. and C. so D. but35._ that the door is locked before you leave the room.A. Making sure B. Make sure C. To sure D. To make sure. 1.Flu, get/catch a cold/ toothache; toothache 2. wealthy 4. toothache5. fit 6. unhealthy 7. rare.1. get/catch a cold/ colds 2. at least 3. once a week 4. take exercise5. three portions of 6. fatty 7. rarely 8. get toothache.1.饭后百步, 延年益寿。 2.只用功,不玩耍,聪明的孩子也变傻。3.心情愉快,万事顺利。 4.健康比财富更重要。 5.心宽体胖 6.细嚼慢咽,寿活百年。7.习惯成自然。 8.病从口入,祸从口出。9.健全的精神寓于健康的身体。10.一天一苹果,医生不上门。.1.周凯的妈妈看到他没有穿夹克衫就往前门走去时,她担心地注视着他。2.“好吧,好吧。”周凯照着妈妈说的做了。3.妈妈总是想方设法让我们吃得健康。4.我很幸运因为我不喜欢甜食我宁可吃点美味的水果。5.两年前,我在踢足球时胳膊骨折了。6.从我听说的你可以看出,我是一个平常的人。7.我对足球很着迷,我在校内是班级队的队长。.1.crazy 2. captain 3.healthy 4.makes 5. fish 6.vegetables 7. diet 8.sugar 9. because 10. seldom单选。1.CADCD DBBAB BCBAC BDDAB CACDB BDBDB DBABB111


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