Lesson 1《World News》教案(北师大版必修4)

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Lesson 1《World News》教案(北师大版必修4)_第1页
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111 Lesson 1 World News教案 Objectives To practise using the Passive. To practise identifying the type of newspaper an article is from. To talk about what is in the news. Resources used World map (Before you start), Grammar Summary 5, a selection of the days newspapers (in Chinese). Possible problem Students should have no great difficulties with the form of the Passive, but need to be aware that the Passive is used more in English than in other languages (which use other impersonal structures instead). Background Montserrat (population about 15,000) is a British colony in the Caribbean. Its capital and main port is Plymouth. It is a mountainous island with active volcanoes. In 1997 there was a major volcanic eruption in the south of the island and most of the inhabitants had to be evacuated. Routes through the material . If you are short of time, set some of the exercises for homework (e.g. Exercises 9) and omit Exercise 8. . If you have time, do the Options activities. . If you have two lessons for this unit, a suitable natural break is after Exercise 5. Language Power: pages 66-67. Mini-grammar: 11. Reading Before you start Exercise 1 As a whole class, students discuss what areas of the world are in the news at the moment and why. If you have a large world map on the wall, have students come and point to the areas of the world they are talking about. Read to learn Exercise 2 Students work individually answering the questions They then compare their answers in pairs before checking them as a class.Answers 1 Because scientists believe there will soon be a large volcanic explosion in that area. 2 They were moving to a safe zone in the north of the island. 3 They are going to give financial help to the islanders. 4 Because the government should have acted sooner and also because the people are being evacuated to areas that are still dangerous. 5 It measured 6.3 magnitude. 6 China, Germany, Russia and Spain are involved. 7 Because further quakes cannot be ruled out. 8 A special fund to rebuild the cities and towns which be announced. Exercise 3 Students work in pairs, asking and answering the questions. Have some students report their partners decision to the class and give reasons for his/her decision. Language Power: the Word Corner on page 67 practises vocabulary (news stories). Language Study THE PASSIVE Exercise 4 Read through the first sentence in the table (Present Simple) with the class and do the next two sentences (Past Simple, Present Continuous) with the whole class. Students then work in pairs completing the sentences. Check students answers by having them read the sentences aloud. Answers 2 was 3 are being 4 were being 5 has not been 6 had been 7 will be 8 cannot be 9 are going to beExercise 5 Read the sentences with the whole class and discuss who the “doer” is in each action and whether the “doer” is important or not. Answers 1 The doer is “the UKs minister of the island” and the doer is important because he represents the authority and he has to be responsible for what he says. 2 The doer is “scientists at the Montserrat Volcano Observatory” and the doer is important because they are experts and what they say is believed to be true and reliable. Students then find more examples of the Passive in the text and read them aloud, e.g. The region of Qasvin, Western Iran,was hit by a huge earthquake. Later this week, a special fund to rebuild the cities and towns which were destroyed by the earthquake will be announced by officials at the United Nations. Exercise 6 Students do the exercise individually, then compare their answers in pairs before checking them as a class. Check the answers by having students read the sentences aloud . Answers 1 has just been offered 2 was reported 3 will gradually be replaced 4 was voted 5 is being published Exercise 7 Students read the newspaper report individually. Ask students to rewrite the report paragraph by paragraph and compare their answers in pairs. Check the answers by having students read their sentences aloud.Answers A group of children from Montserrat, aged between 10 and 16, arrived in Cuba on Friday. These children have been affected by the stress from the volcanic eruptions. Many homes on the island has been destroyed. The children were taken by us to a holiday camp by the Red Cross workers. Leisure activities will be organised for the children. The trip was organised by the Cuban Red Cross last month. The camp at Tarara has been used, which in the past cared for children from the Ukraine and Russia. These children were affected by the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in 1986. Language in Use Exercise 8 Students work in groups of four, discussing and noting down what activities and details may be included in the camp during the week. Students then write a short report of the camp activity in groups. Have some of the groups to read their report aloud to the class. Options Practice Write on the board: write, compose, direct, produce, film, make, sing, play. Students work in pairs, making sentences in the Passive about a film, TV series or musical they know well. Tell the students not to say the name of the film in their sentences. Give them some examples to start with, e.g. The hero in this film is played by ./The story was written by . The pairs then read their sentences to the rest of the class who have to guess the title of the film, TV series or musical. Extension Bring in some copies of the days newspapers. In small groups, students choose one of the stories and translate it into English for an English-speaking reader.Tapescript Phil: Hey, liz. Have a look at this. Liz: Mm? Phil: Its really a sweet advert for Mothers Day. Liz: Dont you see this is an advert for selling flowers? Phil: Really? Oh, I see. Very smart. But I still like . Liz: (interrupts) I cant stand adverts like that. Honestly, no child of that age is going to go and buy her mum flowers I bet the person who. Phil: (interrupts politely) Can I say something? Liz: All right. Phil: I think youre overreacting although you have a point. Many adverts try to create an image of a perfect world or life but. Liz: (interrupts) Of course they do! They think that were all stupid and are going to believe that if we buy their shampoo then well look like supermodels or if we buy flowers from their shop then well have perfect relationships within our families! Phil: (interrupts politely) Can I interrupt a moment? Companies have to sell their products. They do try to make their products appealing but its up to us whether well buy their products or not. If you . Liz: (interrupts) Rubbish! Thats not true. Just think of all the people who are persuaded by fast food adverts to eat more junk food! Phil: Well, I have to disagree with you there. People cant blame adverts for what they buy. Its their decision and . Liz: (interrupts) Youre wrong. Im against all adverts because they use false promises to get people to buy things. Phil: (interrupts politely) Id just like to show you this advert Liz. Its for environmental protection. Surely you agree that . Liz: (interrupts) Nonsense! All adverts are trying to get your money in some way or other 111


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