人教版八年级上Unit 7 Section A (1a~2d)教案

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Unit 7 Will people have robots?Section A (1a2d)教学目标【知识与技能】1.掌握句型:1) What will the future be like ?2) People will live to be 200 years old. 3) People wont go to work in 100 years. 4) Will people use money in 100 years?- Yes, they will. -No, they wont. 5) There will be more free time in the future. 6) There wont be much pollution in the future.7) There will be more/ less/ fewer 2. 掌握本课词汇: will , wont , in the future, predict, prediction, paper, live to be , world peace, there will be , there wont be3. 掌握本课语法:一般将来时【情感、态度与价值观】To help the students to make their future plan and play a part in saving the earth!教学重难点【教学重点】Master the new words, phrases and sentences.【教学难点】Master the new words, phrases and sentences.教学过程Step 1 Warming up1. Listen to a song.2. Show the title.Step 2 New language presentation.1. T: What will I be in 20 years ? I will be a grandmother. I wont be a teacher in 20 years. wont= will not (将不会)Write; I will be.I wont be. wont= will not (将不会)2. Pair work. A: What will you be in 20 years ? B: I will be a/ an _.A: How will you do that? B : I will _.Write : I will practice playing basketball.3. T: What will our life be like in 100 years?(1) Demonstrate; Learn and read.(2) Students learn in their group.(3) Read. Step 3 Work on 1a.1. Read the sentences.2. How will the world be different 100 years from now? Read the predictions in 1a. Check A for agree or D for disagree. 3. Show their answers: I agree /disagree that _.Step 4 Work on 1b.1. T: Now listen to the recording and circle the predictions you hear in 1a. 2. Play the recording for the Ss to listen and circle the predictions. 3. Play the recording again. 4. Check the answers with the Ss. 5. Read .Step 5 Pair work. 1. Let Ss read the first conversation in 1c after the teacher. 2. Then let Ss ask and answer questions about the predictions in 1a. Then make their own conversation. 3. Let some pairs ask and answer about their conversations.Step 6 New language presentation.T: Make more predictions.Structures :Will there be more schools? Yes, there will. / Yes, there wont.There will be more people.Step 7 Work on 2a.1. Read the sentences in 2a. Tell Ss they will listen to some sentences. They should listen and circle the words in the bracket. 2. Play the recording for the Ss to listen and circle the words. 3. Play the recording again to check the answers. Step 8 Work on 2b. 1. Let Ss read the sentences below. Explain some main sentences for the Ss. Make sure they know what to do. 2. Play the recording for the Ss to check the predictions they hear. 3. Play the recording again to check the answers. Step 8: Work on 2d.1. Read the conversation quickly and answer two Qs.2. Listen and repeat. Then read aloud for 5 minutes to recite.3. Role- play the conversation.4. Make their own conversations.HomeworkMake predictions about 2 or 3 things such as the robots, the schools and so on in 100 years.教学反思

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