高二英语备课《Module 5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges》Speaking(外研版必修4)教案

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高二英语备课《Module 5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges》Speaking(外研版必修4)教案_第1页
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高二英语备课《Module 5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges》Speaking(外研版必修4)教案_第3页
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111nformation about the Three GorgesThe Three Gorges (三峡) region is a scenic area along the Yangtze River in China with a total length of approximately 200 km. The Three Gorges occupy approximately 120 km within this region. Although it is primarily famous for its scenery, the Three Gorges region is historically, and culturally an important region in China. Gorge Chinese Length (km) Range Qutang Gorge 瞿塘峡 8 from Baidicheng (Fengjie) to Daxi Wuxia Gorge 巫峡 45 from Wushan to Guandukou (Badong) Xiling Gorge 西陵峡 66 from Zigui to Nanjin Pass (Yichang) The Three Gorges region is located along the Yangtze River between the cities of Fengjie (奉节) and Yichang in Chongqing municipality and Hubei province. Currently the Three Gorges region is most famous for the Three Gorges Dam. The Three Gorges Dam is under construction at a place called Sandouping (三斗坪) in the middle of the Xiling Gorge. The dam is not yet complete, but the construction has already cut off the flow of the river, and therefore the water level in the Qutang, Wuxia, and the western portion of the Xiling Gorges has already begun to rise. In addition to the impacts of the dam on the ecology and people (i.e. the mass relocation of towns and villages) of the region, the dam will also change the scenery of the Three Gorges. Because the water level will be higher, the gorges will be less narrow and the mountains will appear lower. Proponents of the dam point out that because the mountains reach several thousand feet above the river, the gorges are still likely to offer spectacular views of the surrounding cliffs, and it should be noted that most riverboat companies that operate in the Three Gorges intend to continue to offer tours of the region. The increase in width of the Gorges will also allow larger ships through the gorges and it is anticipated that river traffic of all kinds will increase.Step 2: Talking about the Three GorgesA: Would you like to travel to the Three Gorges? B: Today, China is going to celebrate its half completion of Three Gorges Project.C: That makes China No. 1 nation in terms of direct current power transmission in the world.D: The benefits include not only the power, but also the booster to local tourism.A: So do you have any plan to travel to Three Gorges, to see the worlds largest hydropower plant? B: The three gorges will certainly have beneficial effects, but a lot of natural interests haven been sacrificed in order to build the dam. But anyway I believe it will be a pleasant experience to travel there.D: Once, I had a chance to go there three years ago, but unfortunately I had other things to do that were more important. So I lost that chance. The first chance I get, I will go there to see it.C: I just want to appreciate the landscapes through sight seeing. Three gorges will be Ok!A: I went to three gorges twice. I think it is one of my most impressive trips. I would like to make another trip to there if I have the opportunity! Step 3: Role-playing a talk about the Three GorgesA: Where are the Three Gorges?B: They are located along a 193-km-long stretch of the Yangtze River downstream from Chongqing.C: What are the Three Gorges made up of?D: They consist of the Qutang, Wu, and Xi gorges. A: Are the Three Gorges affected by the Three Gorges Dam Project?B: Yes and no.D: Although the project has raised water levels to 135 meters above sea level, the gorges are tall enough that the experience of gazing at the natural landforms remains little changed.C: Tell us something about Qutang Gorge.B: It is the first gorge visitors come to. D: It is considered the most majestic of the three due to large expanses of cliff side and the backdrops of Chijia and Baiyan mountains. It whets the appetite of gorge goers. C: What about the Wu Gorge?S: The 42-kilometer-long Wu Gorge is considered the most beautiful of the three.D: It starts at the mouth of the Daning River and ends at the Guandu Ferry. It forces the Yangtze to narrow at its entrance; where the river begins to snake between the Wus sheer cliffs. The well-known Twelve Peaks of Wushan, resembling 12 fairies, lie on both sides of the river. B: By the way, the Kong Ming stone stele has been re-carved at a higher location. A: And Xiling Gorge? I know nothing about it.B: It zigzags for 73 kilometers, and boasts many dangerous rapids, which is why it is considered the most ferocious of the Three Gorges. D: Its incredibly thrilling to boat down this stretch of rushing river, which is why the experience has been the inspiration of numerous poetic works. 111


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