高中英语:Unit1《Being a teenager》素材 冀教版必修1

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111Unit1 Being a Teenager 知识总结Read the following first and then answer the questions after it(or have a discussion).Teenagers speak of themselvesOn parents, teachers and the generation gap. The generation gap(代沟)is widening but it seems they(parents and teachers)dont care. Most of them think theyre always right and are always shouting shut up at us. My parents just cant forget those silly mistakes I made in primary school(小学)and continue to suggest that Im devoid of any merits(没有一点优点).They never show any appreciation(欣赏)when I make progress. They always peer in at(偷看)my room, looking as if they care about me a lot, but they never ask, Hey boy! What are you thinking about these days? I want more conversations, conversations on an equal level with adults. At present, theyre only telling me things, not listening to me.Questions: l. How are you getting on with your parents or teachers?2. What do you expect from parents or teachers? 常言说,行为决定习惯,习惯决定性格,性格决定命运。青少年时期是个多梦的季节,青少年的性格也多是开朗活泼、自信可爱。此处特选取与青少年生活关系密切的材料供教师备课参考。PERSONALITYTEST性格自测Do you know who you are?Editors notes:The Chinese Zodiac(生肖)consists of a 12-year cycle, each year of which is named after a different animal that is said to bring distinct characteristics(突出的特征)to its year. Some Chinese believe that the year of a persons birth has something to do with their personality traits(性格特征), degree of success and happiness. Just for fun, here are 4 signs from your age group.Charming, smart and cheerfulif you were born in the year of the Rat(1984), you make an attractive friend to almost anyone. You may appear to be silent, but its just that you prefer to hide your feelings. Actually excitement finds its way easily into your heart. You often poke your nose into others business, but you mean well You are thrifty(节俭的), but when it comes to close friends and relatives, you can be very generous(大方的). This is because you treasure your relationships with them.Hard-working and imaginative, you are likely to be a perfectionist. But you do tend to be critical(爱批评的), especially about others laziness and waste. With a surprisingly strong memory and natural instinct for accumulating(积攒). Rats make excellent writers and journalists.Your keen minds always seek out new knowledge. This ever-curious Rat also welcomes challenges as a way to stay sharp. With high aims, you are usually successful. Even in terrible times, you can overcome difficulties almost immediately, for self protection is your strongest instinct.The biggest stumbling block on your way to success is greed(贪婪). You often want to do too many things at the same time, which diffuses(分散)your energy.Tigers(born in 1986)are broad-minded and quick to take action. But you are also sensitive(敏感的)and suspicious. Sometimes you cannot make up your mind, which can result in a poor, hasty(草率的)decision, or a good decision made too late.Born under the sign of courage, you are a natural leader. But you often feel things stronger than others, which affects your moods easily. You can react poorly under pressure and are likely to flare up suddenly.You might be rebellious, as you hate obeying orders. You are never one to step back from a fight. You can be over-sensitive to others criticism.Honest, open and generous, you have a magic sense of humour. You are tender especially to babies and animals. You do everything with energy and enthusiasm(热情). Once you get into your job, you may forget all other things, even breathing.Full of new ideas, you never stay in one place for long. Your life is a series of ups and downs, but you are very adaptable(适应性强的).A lesson that you should learn is moderation in all things. Once you can find out your centre and direct your considerable energies toward worthwhile goals you will be highly successful. 突破思路 本教材信息量、容量比较大,每个单元一开始就是课文,也没有与课文内容相配合的练习。教师感到不好下手,学生更感到束手无策。因此对本单元内容的处理宜遵循(1)Integrative;(2)Interactive;(2)Inclusive;(4)Inductive;(5)Take risks的原则。根据新课标和模块教学的特点,对本教材的使用可以有所取舍、选择和整合,以保证最大限度地适应学生学习的需要。Unit l第一课时,先对第一篇课文进行处理,建议当作精读材料来学,先让学生总体感知,掌握大意,然后回答一些与课文有关的问题。对课文中的语言点进行重点归纳与讲解,但同时也要尽可,能地启发学生进行思考。最后应让学生就开学第一天的感受进行讨论,布置一定数量的巩固练习,第二课时Language Learning;第三课时Grammar and Listening;第四课时Speaking and Writing第五课时Passages in Section(可多可少,有选择地进行),其他时间可做相关练习。另外鉴于本书词汇量大这一现实,学习时可抽时间通读一下本单元单词。根据新课标的精神,课堂教学必须由teacher-centered转到student-centered。对高、中、低档三种学生可以有不同的要求。高档学生在较好的掌握课本的基础上,可再扩充一些内容,建议通读另外版本的教材或多做一些课外阅读。中档学生掌握好课本内容。低档学生有重点地掌握好课本内容,对部分内容根据自己的情况有所取舍。 句型剖析 1She was wearing the same jeans as mine, so I guessthe same( .)as和一样。【案例】Is your camera like Bill and Anns?No, but its almost the same as _.A. her B. yours C. themD. their解析:本题考查代词用法,但结构形式是the sameas,意思是“你的相机同贝尔和安的相同吗?不,同你的一模一样。”在本句中强调的是相机的比较。答案为B。yours相当于your camera。注意:如果强调同一个事物要用the samethat。eg. I want to read just the same novel that you read yesterday.点评:注意固定结构的用法。2I must get used to my new school, new teachers and new classmates.be(get)used to / used to / be used to do【案例】He _ home once a week, but after entering middle school, he _ home once a month.A. was used to go; was used to goB. used to go; was used to goC. was used to go; used toD. used to go; was used to going解析:本题考查固定短语的用法。意思是“他过去一周回家一次,但是进入高中后,他习惯了一个月回家一次。”这三个短语形式相似,但意义不同。be / get used( .)to doing是习惯于做某事。(used是 .,to是 .);used to do是过去惯常于做;be used to do是use的被动语态结构。故答案为D。点评:注意相似短语的用法。3Let me see it, she said, dryingand takingdrying / taking是现在分词短语,是伴随着谓语动词said发生的,在句中作伴随状语。这种情况在引文中和考试中比较常见。【案例】The secretary worked late into the night, _ a long speech for the president.A. to prepare B. preparingC. preparedD. was preparing解析:本题考查现在分词短语作伴随状语的用法,答案为B。点评:注意一些新的语言现象。拓展:Cant you read? Mary said _ to the notice.A. angrily pointing B. and point angrilyC. angrily pointedD. and angrily pointing答案:AThe visiting minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks, _ that he hadenjoyed his stay here.A. having addedB. to addC. addingD. added答案:CEuropean football is played in 80 countries, _ in most popular sport in the world.A. making B. makes C. made D. to make答案:AWhen I got back home, I saw a message pinned to the door, _Sorry to miss you; will call later.A. readB. reads C. to readD. reading答案:D4, next time try harder, and youll succeed.本句结构是:祈使句。and简单句(一般用将来时)。其中,祈使句相当于条件状语从句。如本句也可以说成:If you try harder next time, youll succeed.【案例】_ it with me and Ill see what I can do.A. When left B. LeavingC. If you leaveD. Leave解析:本句结构同课文中句子结构完全一样。故答案为D。意思是,把它交给我,我就知道怎么做。点评:要掌握一些特殊句式。5What I wouldnt give is to be seventeen again.本句为含有主语从句的复合句。What I wouldnt give是主语从句。【案例】_ he said at the meeting astonished everybody present.A. What B. ThatC. The fact D. The matter解析:本题考查what引导的主语从句。意思是:“他在会上所说的使到场的每个人都很吃惊。”what所的。常用在名词性从句中。故答案为A。6Do what if I miss a few questions!what if倘使将会怎样;即使又有什么要紧,是一个习惯用法。表示感叹或疑问。【案例】_if I dont pass the examination?A. What happensB. WhatC. WhyD. How the matter解析:显然考查what if结构。答案为B。意思是:即使我高考通不过,又会怎么样?点评:习惯用法,特殊记忆。7I walked out of the kitchen with heavy steps.with heavy steps是with短语,相当于方式状语。with . 经常翻译成“地”。如果在此基础上作些延伸,则变成with . . / . / participles etc. 则变成with复合结构。这一结构有的出现在高考题中。【案例】The murderer was brought in,with his hands _ behind his back.A. being tiedB. having tiedC. to be tied D. tied解析:本题考查with复合结构,说明“杀人犯”被带进来时的状态。意思是:杀人犯被带了进来,双手捆在后面。双手和tie( .)是被动关系,故用tied,答案为D。点评:要注意掌握一些特殊结构。 词汇解读 1affect / effect .【案例】Too much drinking _ him greatly,which meant bad living habits had great _ on his health.A. affects; effectsB. affected; effectC. affected; effects D. affect; effects解析:本题考查词汇基本用法。意思是“过量饮酒对他影响”很大。也就是不良的生活习惯对他的健康产生了很大影响。”这两个词拼写相近,一个是动词,一个是名词。affect作为及物动词,后面直接跟宾语。effect抽象名词,一般出现在短语have great / much / some / no / little effect on中。本题答案为B。点评:注意词汇基本用法。2congratulate ./ congratulation .【案例】We offered him our congratulations _ his passing the college entrance examination.A. atB. onC. for D. of解析:本题考查动词(包括动词的相应名词形式)后介词的用法。意思是“我们对他通过高考表示祝贺”;congratulate是动词,后跟人作宾语。如果说,“在祝贺某人”,则说congratulate sb. on / upon sth. 即使在congratulation(一般用复数形式)介词也用on/upon故答案是B。点评:注意单词基本用法。 111


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