高中英语 Unit2《Robots》Period 5 教案(新人教版选修7)

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111高中英语 Unit2 Robots Period 5优秀教案 新人教版选修7Teaching goals 教学目标1Target language目标语言a重点词汇和短语explanation,junior,navy,talent,chapter,divorceb重点句型It was when Asimov was eleven years old that his talent for writing became obvious.A robot must not injure human beings or allow them to be injured.2Ability goals 能力目标 Enable students to get some knowledge about Isaac Asimov.Learn to write a paragraph describing a new type of robot.3Learning ability goals学能目标Use their imagination and write a paragraph describing a new type of robot.Teaching important and difficult points教学重、难点Write a paragraph describing a new type of robot.Teaching methods教学方法Listening,discussing,reading and writing.Teaching aids 教具准备Multimedia computer.Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式Step 1Leadin:revisionT:What is the short story about that we learned in the previous lessons?S1:It is a love story between Claire and Tony,a robot.It seems that the robot has emotions and affections,which makes Claire fall in love with it.In this sense,there is a long way to go to improve the robot.T:Well done!Then do you know who the writer is?S2:Isaac Asimov.T:Thank you.Do you know anything about him?Students answers may vary.Step 2First readingT:Now lets read Asimovs biography and learn more about him.Ask the students to glance through the text and find the answers to such questions as:1Which paragraph tells you when and where Asimov was born and died?2Which paragraph tells you about his education?3Which paragraph tells you about the awards he received?Then get them to scan the text for specific information by asking the following questions:1What subject did Asimov teach?2When did he start having stories published?3How many children did he have?Step 3Second readingT:Now,please read the text in pairs,helping each other with anything that you dont understand.Then try to complete the following timeline:Read about Isaac Asimov and complete the timeline of the events in his life.DateEvent1920 Born in Russia.1922 _.1923 _. Parents bought a candy store.1929 _. Mother had her third child._ Started to take himself seriously as a writer.1939 _ _._ Gained masters degree in chemistry.1942 Finished working in the candy store. _.19421945 _._ Got his PhD in chemistry._ Became a biochemistry teacher,Boston University School of Medicine.1950 Published his first novel. _.Developed three laws for robots.19511953 Published the Foundation trilogy and won an award for it._ Published his first science book_ Became a fulltime writer.1973 Divorced his first wife. _._ Had a blood transfusion.Became infected with HIV.1992 _.Suggested answers:DateEventDateEvent1920Born in Russia.1949Became a biochemistry teacher,Boston University School ofMedicine.1922Sister_born.1923Moved_with_family_to_New_York. Parents bought a candy store.1929Started_working_in_the_candy_store.Mother had her third child.1950Published his first novel.1931Started to take himself seriously as a writer.19511953Published_I,Robot.Developed three laws for robots.1958Began_having_stories_published_in_science_fiction_magazines.1939Published the Foundation trilogy and won an award for it.1941Gained masters degree in chemistry.1953Published his first science book. Became a fulltime writer.1942Finished working in the candy store. Got_married.1973Divorced his first wife. Married_for_a_second_time.19421945Worked_as_a_junior_chemist,Philadelphia_Navy_Yard.1983Had a blood transfusion.Became infected with HIV.1948Got his PhD in chemistry.1992Died_in_New_York.Step 4Group discussionT:By now Im sure you have a better understanding about Isaac Asimov.In one of his short stories,I,Robot,he developed three laws for robots.The first law was:“A robot must not injure human beings or allow them to be injured.”In groups of four,discuss what the other two laws might be.Write them down on a piece of paper.Then exchange your opinions with other groups.Suggested answers:1A robot must help human beings do what they wish to do.2A robot must protect its owner but cannot have him/her fall in love with it.After that,get the students to refer to Asimovs laws for robots on Page 18.Step 5ListeningT:OK,so much for Isaacs biography and his three laws for robots.Lets come back to his short story Satisfaction Guaranteed.How do you like this story?S1:I like the story very much.I wish to have a robot like Tony at my house.T:You are not alone.Someone else wants to have such a Tony too.Now please listen to the tape carefully.Ask students to look through the questions in Exercise 1 before playing the tape.Play the tape again when necessary and then tick the correct boxes.Step 6WritingT:So it seems that Molly likes the idea of a handsome robot such as Tony to stay at her house and make her happy all the time.And we have every reason to believe that in the future,household robots will be more and more popular.They can help us with our housework or homework,and they can even play with us.Suppose you are an engineer in a company that makes household robots and you have been asked to design a new type of robot.Describe it in a short passage and draw a picture of it if necessary.The following tips may help you:Your robot should follow Asimovs three laws.You should state the purpose of your robot and the abilities you want your robot to have.Youd better make a list of the kinds of body part your robot would need to carry out your instructions.Name the different parts if necessary and explain what each part does.While the students are preparing their assignment,encourage them to make full use of their imagination.Step 7Report/PresentationAfter the students have finished their work,ask three or four of them to report or present their short passages or pictures.Sample writing:The rubbish collectorThe rubbish collector is a robot about half the size of a small car.Its body is square and contains a large rubbish bin inside it.It has a camera attached to the top front of its body.Also at the front is a pair of arms.Underneath it has four wheels and six legs.With the camera it can “see” rubbish such as paper,glass,and plastic.If the surface of the ground is smooth,it runs on its wheels,and if the ground is rough,it unfolds its legs and walks.When it sees a piece of rubbish,it stops and uses its arms to pick it up and put it in its rubbish bin.However,when it sees a person,an animal or a plant,it goes around it as it is able to recognize when something is not a piece of rubbish.The company should make this robot as it would be very popular with schools.It would clean the outside ground of the school and so give the students more time to spend on their studies.It would also be a great advantage to have at sports grounds or any other area where rubbish is dropped by the public.Step 8Homework1Try to improve the short passage after class.2Go over the text,and learn all the new words and expressions in the reading passage.111


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