高一英语北师大版必修4:Unit11《The Media》导学案

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高一英语北师大版必修4:Unit11《The Media》导学案_第1页
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111班级_小组_姓名_层次_Unit11 The Media(复习导学案)Tip: Alliswellthatendswell.结果美满都是好的。Learning aims:1.Go over the words (A级)and phrases. (B级) 2.Go over the important sentence structure. (B级)Learning steps:Step 1 复习背诵本单元词汇。(A级-要求自习课上完成)Step 2 背诵下列词组。(B级)1. make preparations for/be in preparation for为做准备2. react to 对做出反应3. be made up of = consist of 由组成4. in detail 详细地5. prevent /keep/stopfrom(doing)阻止做 6.announce sth to sb= announce to sb. sth 向某人宣布It is announced that从句 意思为“据宣布”7.come down to sth. 可归结为8.demand to do sth 要求某人做某事 demand of sb to do sth 要求某人做某事 demand that 从句(should+do)要求9. be /get used to doing 习惯于 be used to do 被用来做 . used to do 过去常常10. to为介词的常见词组有:be opposed to 反对,be devoted to 致力于,stick to 坚持,lead to 导致,pay attention to 注意,preferto 喜欢胜过,get down to 着手做,开始干11. be delighted to do sth 高兴去做某事be delighted at/by 因为而高兴sb. be delighted that从句 很高兴to ones delight 令某人高兴的是12. sb be to blame for 应该受责 blame sb for sth 因某事责备某人blame sth on sb把怪到头上;把某事的责任归咎于某人 13. be willing to do 自愿做某事14.attemt to do sthmake an attempt to do sth /at doing 尝试做15. pretend to do sth 假装做某事 pretend to be doing 假装正在做pretend to have done 假装做过16. apply to(介词) 把应用于 apply (to sb)for sth 申请 apply oneself to 专心从事;专心致力于sb be certain of sth 对某事肯定=sb be sure of sth 17. sb be certain to do sth 确信干某事=sb be sure to do sthsb be certain that 确信= sb be sure thatIts certain that 确信 (注意:此句型中不能用sure)18. It is likely that sb/sth be likely to do19. stand out 突出,显眼20. linkwith/to 把与联系起来 21. as well as 也, 和, 而且22. make contributions / a contribution to 对作贡献23. participate in 参与24. attract ones attention 吸引某人的注意力25. according to 根据 26. as long as 只要27. comment on /upon 对发表评论/ make a comment on/upon对的评论28. attitude to/towards对的态度 29. get/be stuck in 陷住,卡住 30. go on holiday to去度假 31. cant help doing 情不自禁做某事 32. be harmful to/do harm to 对有害33. have an effect on 对有影响 34. look forward to(介词) 期盼,盼望35. be satisfied with对满意 36. owe to把归功于 37. come into effect 实施(指法律,规则等)38. make a distinction between 在中作出区别Step 3 巩固练习。一 单句改错(C级)1. Use your fingers when you eating chicken. _2. The man you are going to work with him has come to the party. _3.Dinner starts with a small dish, it is often called a starter. _4. Say “please” when you ask for something and “thank you” when give something. _ 5. Children love to read fairy tales, most of them have a happy ending. 6.The store that selling clothes belongs to my cousin. _7. He works very hard and has made a great progress in maths. _8.When I realised my mistake, I felt much embarrassing. _9. She avoided to answer my questions. _10. I would appreciate if you could send me the information as soon as possible. _11. The day he was looking forward to coming at last. _12. I am looking forward to hear from you. _13. To everyones delighted, they all passed the exam. _14. This event is of history importance. _15. We must do something to prevent the river from polluting. 16. The child was taken good care. _17. The music is sounded beautiful. _18. The story was happened last year. _19. Does a lot of work done by him every day? _20. When will the sports meeting held? _二 单项选择。(C级)1.He demanded that such things from happening again.A.prevented B.prevent C.be prevented D.were prevented2. What prevented you us last night?A.from being joined B.joining C.to join D.joining in 3. This is work of art that once you see it, youll never forget it.A.so good B.such good C.such a good D.so a good4. The day she looked forward to at last.A.coming B.come C.came D.have come5._,the bookseller gave him something else as a present.A.To the boys delight B.To the boys surprisingC.To the boy joy D.To make the boys happy6. He said all those pictures with a very cheap camera. A. have been taken B. had been taken C. had taken D. were taking7. The careless driver is _for the traffic accident that _yesterday.A to blame;happened B to blame;was happening C to be blamed;happened D to be blamed; was happened8. After a while,he _finished the work and went away.A pretended to B pretended to beC pretended that D pretended to have 9. We are _his plan,but they object to it.A in favor of B against C like D in for 10.This soup _ tomatoes,meat ang peas.A consist of B is consisted of C consists of D is consisting of11. If you _ yourself to the job in hand,youll soon finish it.A. request B. appeal C. apply D. claim12. It is _ that we can go to work by car. A. likely B. like C. liking D. to like13.We had some trouble_the house and nobody seemed_where it was. A. in finding.knowing B. finding.to know C. to find.knowing D. to find.to know 14. We cant imagine _ in the entrance examination, for she has never been to school. A. she succeeding B. her succeeding C. she succeed D. her to succeed 15. His room needs _ , so he must have it_.A.painting; painted B.painted;paintingC.painting;painting D.painted;painted 三 句型转换(C级)1. New zealand is mainly made up of two large islands.New zealand mainly _ _two large islands.2. He was said to have been wounded in the war._ _ _ _he had been wounded in the war.3.He is likely to come tomorrow._ _ _that he will come tomorrow.4.All the students dont like playing football._111


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