高考英语一轮复习课时作业12:Unit 3《Tomorrow’s world》(牛津译林版必修4通用)

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高考英语一轮复习课时作业12:Unit 3《Tomorrow’s world》(牛津译林版必修4通用)_第1页
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高考英语一轮复习课时作业12:Unit 3《Tomorrow’s world》(牛津译林版必修4通用)_第3页
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111课时作业(十二)必修模块4Unit 3Tomorrows world限时:30分钟.单项填空1Whats the matter with you?After the long walk, my strength _ and I couldnt go any further.Agave out Bgave off Cgave in Dgave up2_ was known to all that Bob had broken his promise _ he would give them a rise.AAs;which BWhat;that CIt;that DIt;which3My teacher says shes canceling the class play.I just cant understand._ .You were looking forward to it.AIt doesnt matter BIts very unwise of herCDont worry about it DYou must be disappointed4He is connected_the Zhangs by marriage.Ato Bby Cwith Dfrom5In recent years many football clubs _ as business to make a profit.Ahave run Bhave been run Chad been run Dwill run6Why does the lake smell terrible?Because large quantities of water _.Ahave polluted Bis being pollutedChas been polluted Dhave been polluted7The wet weather will continue tomorrow,when a cold front _ to arrive.Ais expected Bis expecting Cexpects Dwill be expected8Hurry up! Its time _ class and its high time for you _ class.Afor;to go back to Bof;for going toCof;to go back to Dfor;going to9Information has been put forward _ Zhao Wei will play an important role in this film.Awhile Bthat Cwhen Das10Mary,I should tell you it is the third time that you _ your homework.Aforgot to do Bforgot doing Chave forgotten to do Dhad forgotten doing10The computer was used in teaching.As a result,not only _,but students became more interested in the lessons.Asaved was teachers energyBwas teachers energy saved Cteachers energy was savedDwas saved teachers energy 11He had a wonderful childhood,_ with his mother to all corners of the world.Atravel Bto travel Ctraveled Dtraveling12_,she is the sort of woman to spread sunshine to people through her smile.AShy and cautious BSensitive and thoughtfulCHonest and confident DLighthearted and optimistic13Traditional folk arts of Tianjin like paper cutting _ at the culture show of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo.Awere exhibiting Bwas exhibiting Cwere exhibited Dwas exhibited14Great efforts to increase grain production _if food shortages are to be avoided.Acould be made Bmust be made Cmight be made Dwould be made15The lecture that Mr Chen made this morning gave a strong _on the students.Aexpression BexpectationCimpression Dreputation.完形填空Creativity is the key to a brighter future,say education and business experts.Here is _16_ schools and parents can encourage this important skill in children.If Dick Drew had listened to his _17_ in 1925,we might not have a product that we now think of as of great importance: a new type of _18_.Drew worked for the Minnesota Mining Company._19_ he developed a kind of material strong enough to hold things together._20_ his boss told him not to think more about the _21_.Finally,using his own time,Drew improved the tape,_22_ now is used everywhere by many people.And his former company learned from its _23_.Now it encourages people to _24_ 15 percent of their work time just thinking and developing new ideas.Creativity is not _25_ one is just born with,nor is it necessarily a character of high _26_.Just because a person is highly intelligent does not mean that he uses it creatively._27_ is the matter of using the resources one has to produce new ideas that are good for something._28_,schools have not tried to encourage creativity.With strong attention to test results and the development of reading,writing and mathematical skills,many educators _29_ creativity for correct answers.The result is that children can _30_ information but cant recognize ways to use it in new situations.They may know the rules correctly,but they are unable to use them to _31_ practical problems.It is important to give children choices.From the earliest age,children should be allowed to _32_ and understand their results.Even if its choosing between two food items for lunch,decisionmaking helps _33_ skills.As children grow older,_34_ should let their children decide how to use their time or spend their money,but not help them too much if they make the wrong decision.The child may _35_,but that is all right.This is because the most important character of creative people is a very strong desire to find a way out of trouble.16A.way BhowCwhat D. where17A.teacher BdirectorCboss D. headmaster18A.tape BproductCcompany D. material19A.On business BAt workCAt table D. At home20A.Meanwhile BHoweverCWhile D. But21A.idea BproductCtape D. job22A. this BthatCwhat D. which23A. discovery BinventionCmistake D. lesson24A.spend BwasteCcost D. save25A.anything BsomethingCeverything D. nothing26A.ability BactivityCintelligence D. quality27A.Desire BCharacterCCourage D. Creativity28A.Unfortunately BSurprisinglyCStrangely D. Fortunately29A.give in Bgive upCgive out D. give off30A.give back Bfind outCask for D. bring up31A. work at Bwork outCwork for D. work on32A.make time Bmake progressCmake their way D. make decisions33A. judging BchoosingCthinking D. deciding34A.teachers BmanagersCparents D. coaches35A. have a good time Bmake mistakesChave a hard time D. have a breakdown.阅读理解Sports shoes that work out whether their owner has enough exercise to warrant time in front of the television have been devised in the UK.The shoes named Square Eyescontain an electronic pressure sensor and a tiny computer chip to record how many steps the wearer has taken in a day.A wireless transmitter passes the information to a receiver connected to a television,and this decides how much evening viewing time the wearer deserves,based on the days efforts.The design was inspired by a desire to fight against the rapidly ballooning waistlines among British teenagers,says Gillian Swan,who developed Square Eyes as a final year design project at Brunel University in London,UK.“We looked at current issues and childhood overweight really stood out,” she says,“And I wanted to tackle that with my design.” Once a child has used up their daily allowance gained through exercise,the television automatically switches off.And further time in front of the TV can only be earned through more steps.Swan calculated how exercise should translate to television time using the recommended daily amounts of both.Health experts suggest that a child take 12,000 steps each day and watch no more than two hours of television.So,every 100 steps recorded by the Square Eyes shoes equals precisely one minute of TV time.Existing pedometers(计步器)normally clip onto a belt or slip into a pocket and keep count of steps by measuring sudden movement.Swan says these can be easily tricked into recording steps through shaking.But her shoes have been built to be harder for lazy teenagers to cheat.“It is possible,but it would be a lot of effort,” she says,“That was one of my main design considerations.”36According to Swan,the purpose of her design project is to _.Akeep a record of the steps of the wearerBdeal with overweight among teenagersCenable children to resist the temptation of TVDprevent children from being tricked by TV programs37Which of the following is TRUE of Square Eyes shoes? AThey regulate a childs evening TV viewing time.BThey determine a childs daily pocket money.CThey have raised the hot issue of overweight.DThey contain information of the receiver.38What is stressed by health experts in their suggestion?AThe exact number of steps to be taken.BThe precise number of hours spent on TV.CThe proper amount of daily exercise and TV time.DThe way of changing steps into TV watching time.39Compared with other similar products,the new design _.Amakes it difficult for lazy teenagers to cheatBcounts the wearers steps through shakingCrecords the sudden movement of the wearerDsends teenagershealth data to the receiver课时作业(十二).1.A考查give短语搭配。句意:“你怎么了?”“经过长途跋涉后,我的力气耗尽了,我不能向前走了。”give out“用完,耗尽”;give off“发出,放出”;give in“屈服,投降”;give up“放弃,终止”。2C考查名词性从句。第一个空需要一个形式主语,只有代词it可作形式主语;promise后面跟了一个同位语从句,需用that引导。3D考查交际用语。根据下文“You were looking forward to it.”可知第一个说话人一定对取消班级表演感到失望。4Cbe connected with“与有联系的;和有关”。be connected to仅表示“和相连接”。5B句意为:在最近几年里,许多足球俱乐部的经营目的是为了谋利。in recent years往往与现在完成时连用,而club与run为被动关系,需要用被动语态,故选B。6. D考查动词时态、语态和主谓语一致。根据前一分句可知,所填动词表示过去发生的动作对现在产生的影响,时态用现在完成时,动词与主语是被动关系,用被动语态。主语是large quantities of water,其中心词是quantities,是复数,谓语动词用复数形式,所以选D。7A句意为:潮湿的天气明天将会持续,同时一股冷锋即将到来。a cold front和expect之间存在被动关系,排除B、C两项,由语境可知,是现在预测明天的天气状况,故选A。8AIts time for sth.“是的时间了”;Its time for sb. to do sth.“某人该做某事的时间了。”9B考查同位语从句。that引导同位语从句,且在句中不作成分。10B考查倒装。not only位于句首时主谓要倒装,因此该句子中的主语teachers energy与谓语was saved要用倒装语序。句意为:教学中计算机的使用,不仅节省了老师的精力,而且使学生对课程更感兴趣。 11D考查非谓语动词作状语。主语(he)与动词travel之间存在主动关系,故用traveling作伴随状语。12D考查形容词辨析。shy and cautious意为“害羞的与谨慎的”;sensitive and thoughtful意为“敏感的与体贴的”;honest and confident意为“诚实的与自信的”; lighthearted and optimistic意为“无忧无虑的与乐观的”。句意为:无忧无虑且乐观的她,是那种通过微笑把阳光撒给他人的女士。13C考查被动语态。句意为:像剪纸一样的天津民间传统艺术品在2010上海世博会的文化展览中被展出。14B 考查情态动词及被动语态。掌握短语make great efforts to do sth.,如果将其变成被动语态即为great efforts must be made。15C考查名词辨析。句意:今早陈先生做的演讲给学生们留下了深刻的印象。give an impression on/upon给留下印象。expression表情,表达;expectation愿望;指望;reputation名誉,名声。.16.B由上下文逻辑关系可知,本文主要讲述“学校和父母是如何鼓励、培养孩子们的创造力的”。17C由下文中的“his boss told him not to think more about the ”可知。18A由下文的“Finally,using his own time,Drew improved the tape”可知。19B由下文中的“his boss told him not to think more about the_. Finally,using his own time,Drew improved the tape”可知。20D由上下文逻辑关系可知,此处应表示转折。21A由下文“Now it encourages people to _ 15 percent of their work time just thinking and developing new ideas”可知。22D此处考查指代事物的非限制性定语从句。23C本句话的意思是“其前任公司从老板的决策失误(mistake)中吸取了经验教训”。24A本题考查固定句型结构sb.spend some time(in) doing sth.。25B本句话的意思为“创造力不是与生俱来的东西”。26C由下文中的“Just because a person is highly intelligent does not mean that he uses it creatively.”可知。27D由全文主题可知。28A由上下文逻辑关系可知。29B由上文中的“schools have not tried to encourage creativity”可知。30A由上文中的“schools have not tried to encourage creativity. With strong attention to test results and the development of reading,writing and mathematical skills,many educators _ creativity for correct answers”可知。 31B根据上下文此处表示“解决”,故用work out。32D由下文“Even if its choosing between two food items for lunch,decisionmaking helps _ skills”可知。33C根据常识可知,创造力属于思维(thinking)的范畴。34C35C由下文“This is because the most important character of creative people is a very strong desire to find a way out of trouble.”可知。本句话的意思为:“(这样做)孩子可能会吃一些苦头,但是没关系”。.36.B推理判断题。根据第三段“We looked at current issues and childhood overweight really stood out, she says,And I wanted to tackle that with my design.” 可以推断出,这个设计是为了解决孩子超重的问题。37A推理判断题。根据第三段以及第四段的“Once a child has used up their daily allowance gained through exercise,the television automatically switches off. And further time in front of the TV can only be earned through more steps.”可知,这种鞋利用走路的步数来控制孩子看电视的时间。38C推理判断题。根据第五段“Health experts suggest that a child take 12,000 steps each day and watch no more than two hours of television.”可以看出,健康专家给出了每天合适的运动量和看电视时间。从第五段的最后一句话“So,every 100 .”的总结可知,D项不是专家的建议。39A细节理解题。根据最后一段“Swan says these can be easily tricked into recording steps through shaking. But her shoes have been built to be harder for lazy teenagers to cheat.”可以推断出,类似产品可以用晃动来作弊,但是她设计的鞋使得懒惰的青少年很难作弊。最后一段前两句是讲计步器的缺陷,不是讲鞋的。111


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