高考英语外研版必修2《Module 2 No Drugs》SectionⅡ速效提能演练

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111.词汇知识1i_to put liquid, especially a drug,into someones body by using a special needle2r_ to make something smaller or less in size,amount, or price3a_ someone who is very interested in something and spends a lot of time doing it4c_ illegal activities in general5c_ the way in which two facts, ideas, events etc.are related to each other, and one is affected or caused by the other.6t_ something that is done to cure someone who is injured or ill7i_ not allowed by the law8p_ physically strong9d_ the possibility that someone or something will be harmed, destroyed or killed答案:1.inject2.reduce3.addict4.crime5.connection6treatment7.illegal8.powerful9.danger.重点短语1during /in_在二十世纪九十年代2die_死于3be_to与有关,与有关联4break_闯入5_.with sb.与某人分享6in_处境危险7_to属于,归附于8be/become_to对上瘾,沉溺于9take ones_采纳某人的建议答案:1.the 1990s2.from3.connected4.into5.share6danger7.belong8.addicted9.advice.必背句型1Thirteen people die (every hour/every day) from illnesses_smoking tobacco,_cancer, bronchitis and heart disease.平均(每小时/每天)有13 人死于与吸烟有关的疾病,比如 癌症,支气管炎和心脏病。答案:related to;such as2Im 19 years old and I _be a drug addict.我19岁了,我曾经是个吸毒上瘾的人。答案:used to3By dieting and exercise, I_my weight to 70 kilos.通过限制饮食和锻炼,我把体重减到了70公斤。答案:reduced4Now I work in a centre for drug addicts, _others to stop taking drugs.现在我在一家戒毒中心工作,帮助别人戒毒。答案:helping5The next day ,I_a house and stole a television and a video recorder.第二天,我闯入了一户人家,偷了一台电视机和一台录像机。答案:broke into.品句填词1Once you become a_to drugs,its difficult for you to give them up.答案:addicted2His father is a heavy smoker and needs at least 20 c_every day.答案:cigarettes3I live in a n_ village.It is not far from here.答案:nearby4His grandfather died of lung _(癌症)答案:cancer5Farmers here can grow fine _(烟草)答案:tobacco6He was _(注射)with a sleeping drug.答案:injected.选词填空1Youd better avoid the old bridge,which is _.答案:in danger2The shop _ last night and had lots of jewellery stolen.答案:was broken into3He is one of the members _ our club.答案:belonging to4It has been several years since Tom _ drugs.答案:became addicted to5You should learn to _,or you will be sorry one day.答案:take others advice.语法和词汇知识1She had never _(spared/shared) the secret with anyone before.解析:填shared。句意:她以前没有和任何人分享过这个秘密。spare匀出,空出;share分享,分担。2Yesterday,when he got back home,he found his house _(break)into and a lot of things _(steal)解析:填broken;stolen。句意:他昨天到家时,发现房子被破门而入,许多东西被盗了。find sth.done发现某件事被做。其中,his house和a lot of things是宾语,是动作的承受者,因此,宾语补足语用过去分词broken和stolen。3The stubborn boy didnt _(give/take) the advice so that he missed the chance.解析:填take。句意:这个固执的男孩没有接受意见,因此他错过了这个机会。take the advice接受意见;give the advice提供意见。4Some students become addicted _ computer games and spend too much time on them.解析:填to。句意:有些学生沉迷于电脑游戏,并在这上面花费了太多的时间。become addicted to“对上瘾,沉迷于”,为固定搭配。5The girl was bit by a dog,and we quickly sent her to a _(near/nearby) hospital.解析:填nearby。句意:这个女孩被狗咬伤了,我们迅速将她送到附近的医院。nearby “附近的”,多作定语或宾补,符合题意。near“近的”,多作表语。6He was _ because he was attacked by a _ animal(dangerous/in danger)解析:填in danger;dangerous。句意:他处于危险中因为他被一个危险的动物袭击。in danger“处于危险中”,dangerous“危险的”。7When he was a child,he _(got used to/used to) go to the river and catch fish.解析:填used to。句意:当他是小孩时,他常常去河里逮鱼。get used to“习惯于某事”,后面接动名词。used to“过去常常”,后面接动词原形。8The language people speak there is closely related _ Russian.解析:填to。句意:那儿的人们说的语言与俄语有密切的关系。be related to“与有关”固定搭配。9Many poor people in Africa died for lack of medical _(cure/treatment)解析:填treatment。句意:在非洲许多贫穷的人们由于缺少医学治疗而死亡。treatment“治疗”,cure“治愈”。10He took the book _(belong)to Jack for mistake.解析:填belonging。句意:他误拿了属于杰克的书。本句的谓语是took,所以空格中要填非谓语动词,belong to没有被动语态,故填ing形式,相当于which belonged to。.阅读理解Some teens believe drugs will help them think better, and be more popular.These days, drugs can be found everywhere.Many teens are tempted(诱惑)by the excitement or escape from reality that drugs seem to offer.Drugs are chemicals that change the way our bodies work.When you put them into your body, drugs find their way in your blood and are taken to parts of your body, such as your brain.The effects of drugs can be different depending on the kind of drug taken, how much is taken, how often it is used, how quickly it gets to the brain, and what other drugs or food are taken at the same time.Although drugs can make you feel good at first, they can finally do a lot of harm to the body.There are many kinds of drugs available, and there are many reasons for trying them regularly.People take drugs just for pleasure they believe they can bring.Often its because someone told them that drugs would make them feel good or that theyd have a better time if they took them.Many teens use drugs because theyre unhappy or think drugs will help them escape their problems.The truth is that drugs dont solve problemsthey simply hide feelings and problems.When a drug wears off, the feelings and problems remain, or became worse.Drugs can ruin every aspect of a persons life.1The main idea of the second paragraph is probably _.Ahow drugs workBwhat drugs are made ofCthat drugs can reduce physical painDthat drugs dull your senses解析:选A。段落大意题。第二段主要讲述了毒品是如何起作用的。2People take drugs regularly _.Ajust for good healthBbecause they can have a better lifeCjust for pleasureDbecause they need them解析:选C。细节理解题。由第四段第三句“People take drugs just for pleasure they believe they can bring.”可知答案。3_ cause teens to take drugs.APhysical pain, escaping and fearBEscaping, excitement and unhappinessCCuriosity, fear and escapingDExcitement, unhappiness and their physical pain解析:选B。细节理解题。由第一段第三句“Many teens are tempted(诱惑)by the excitement or escape from reality that drugs seem to offer.”及最后一段第一句“Many teens use drugs because theyre unhappy or think drugs will help them escape their problems.”可知答案为C项。4Which of the following is NOT true?ADrugs may be tempting to teens.BDrugs do harm to the body.CDrugs can solve peoples problems.DDrugs can make people happy.解析:选C。细节理解题。由最后一段第二句“The truth is that drugs dont solve problemsthey simply hide feelings and problems.”可知答案为C项。5Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?ADrugs:the Killer of PeopleBDrugs:the Favorite of TeensCDrugs:What You Should TakeDDrugs:What You Should Know解析:选D。主旨大意题。本文主要讲述了毒品是如何起作用、青少年受诱惑的原因及毒品不能解决问题、只会危害健康的本质,以帮助青少年全面了解毒品。.信息匹配阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。首先请阅读下列国外媒体上的人物图片及提示性文字:阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。以下是一些食物和菜肴的图片:下面是一些食物和菜肴的简要介绍。请把相关的内容与它们的图片匹配起来。 1. This food can be found in almost every fast food restaurant. Eating too much of it can easily lead to obesity and heart disease. In the frying process, large amounts of harmful substances are produced. Studies have shown that people who always eat this food are at a higher risk of developing cancer than those who seldom or never eat it.解析:选B。根据“.can be found in almost every fast food restaurant”和“In the frying process”可知,所描述的食物是“炸薯条”。2. This food is sweet and delicious, but on the other hand it can increase your blood sugar and make you gain weight. Believe it or not, your appetite (胃口) will be spoiled even if you consume only a piece of it before meals.解析:选A。根据“sweet”和“only a piece of it”可知,所描述的食物是“奶油蛋糕”。3. This dish looks shiny and tastes good. The meat is soft, but it contains a large amount of fat. It has been identified as a cause of heart disease. In addition, it is found that a female may have the risk of suffering from breast cancer increased if she always eats it.解析:选C。根据“.looks shiny and tastes good”和“The meat is soft,but it contains a large amount of fat.”可知,所描述的菜肴是“红烧肉”。4. This food is loved and eaten by many people, especially by those who like the flavor of cream. Despite of that, the frozen dessert has three major disadvantages: leading to obesity, reducing appetite and stimulating the gastrointestinal tract (刺激胃肠道)解析:选E。根据“.the flavor of cream”和“the frozen dessert”可知,所描述的食物是“奶油冰淇淋”。5. This food is primarily made of pork (猪肉) and pork fat.It is easy to take and convenient to eat. It can also be used to cook delicious dishes. However, it contains a certain amount of nitrite (亚硝酸盐) that contributes to cancer. Besides, consuming too much of it can lead to excessive (过多的) intake of salt, due to which you may suffer from unstable blood pressure.解析:选D。根据“made of pork and pork fat”和“can lead to excessive intake of salt”可知,所描述的食物是“腊肠”。111

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