高考英语同步练习《Unit 4 Films and film events》译林版选修8

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111选修八 Unit 4Films and film events.单项填空1.(2009山东模拟)Having retired from business,he nowhimself with the welfare of the disabled and lives a meaningful life.A.associatesB.occupiesC.charges D.rewards解析:occupy oneself with.“使忙于”。associate“联系”;charge“收费”;reward“奖赏”。答案:B2.The boy went swimming in the deep lake his mothers fears for his safety.A.regard B.regardlessC.regard of D.regardless of解析:考查固定短语。句意:那个男孩不管母亲对他安全的担心还是到深湖游泳去了。regardless of“不管,不顾”。答案:D3.Id like to find a job in the library.Good idea, it doesnt affect your studies.A.now that B.as long asC.as soon as D.even if解析:考查连接词用法辨析。根据上下文B符合题意。语境为:只要不影响你的学习,在图书馆找个工作是个好主意。as long as“只要”,表条件。A、C、D不合本题逻辑。答案:B4.Can they takeof that house if we fail to reach an agreement with them?A.notice B.holdC.possession D.care解析:句意:如果达不成协议他们可能会占有那幢房子吗?take possession of“占有”。take notice of“注意”;take hold of“抓住”;take care of“关心,照顾”。答案:C5.Wehimgiving false information.That would be terrible.A.suspect;of B.suspect;withC.suspect;from D.suspect;in解析:suspect sb. of doing sth.表示“怀疑某人做某事”,为固定搭配。句意:我们怀疑他提供了虚假的信息,那将太可怕了。 答案:A6.You can never dream of what difficulty Ive hadout the plan.A.to carry B.carryingC.carried D.to be carried解析:have difficulty(in)doing sth.“在做方面有困难”。句意:你决不可能想到我在执行这项计划方面所遇到的困难。答案:B7.(2010宁波统考)On holiday,some aregoing travelling rather than stay at home with the purpose of increasing their knowledge.A.in place of B.in need ofC.in favor of D.in memory of解析:in place of“代替”;in need of“需要”;in favor of“支持,赞成”;in memory of“为了纪念”。根据句意,C项正确。答案:C8.(2010湖南长沙模拟)It is the hotellocated in the downtownhe applied to for a job.A.that;that B.which;thatC.that;where D.不填;that解析:此句用了强调句,被强调部分在句中作apply to的宾语,located in the downtown作定语修饰hotel,相当于定语从句which is located in the downtown。答案:D9.We agreedhere but so far she hasnt turned up yet.A.meeting B.to have metC.to meet D.having met解析:考查agree的用法。句意:我们同意在此会面,但到目前她还未出现。agree to do“同意做某事”,meet动作还未发生,因此应用to meet, 而不能用to have met。答案:C10.You may not like the newcomer,but you have to that she is good at her job.A.admit B.declareC.announce D.report解析:admit“承认”;declare“宣布,宣称”;announce“宣布”;report“报道”。答案:A11.Hes beento the State Supreme Court in California.A.determined B.admittedC.appointed D.assumed解析:考查动词的区别。句意:他被委派到加利福尼亚州最高法院任职。appoint sb. to.“派某人到任职”;determine“决定”;admit“承认”;assume“假设”。答案:C12.her satisfaction,her son solved the problem at last.A.At B.ToC.With D.By解析:本题考查固定短语的含义。to ones satisfaction“令某人满意的是”,句意:使她满意的是,她儿子终于解决了那个问题。答案:B13.his age,he did it quite well,so donthim any more.A.Given;speak B.Considered;blameC.Considering;blame D.Giving;speak解析:句意:考虑到他的年龄,他做得相当不错,因此不要再责备他了。Considering在此是介词,意为“考虑到”;blame“责怪,指责”。答案:C14.One of the advantages of living on the top floor of a high building is that you can get a good .A.sight B.sceneC.scenery D.view解析:考查词义辨析。sight“景色,风景”,多用来指一地方或一地区值得看的,自然的,及人工建造的景色;scene“景色,景象”,指一眼可以浏览的风景,大多包括景物中的人及活动;scenery是由多个scene构成的景色,即风景的总称;view“视野,视域,景色,风景”,是从某一角度所看到的景色,尤指由高处眺望到的景色。故选D。答案:D15.Dress warmly, youll catch a cold.You see the flu is spreading quickly,right?A.on the contrary B.insteadC.on the other hand D.or else解析:考查短语辨析。on the contrary“恰恰相反”;instead“反而”;on the other hand“另一方面”;or else“否则,要不然”。答案:D.完形填空Jamess New BicycleJames shook his money box again.Nothing!He carefully1the coins that lay on the bed,$ 24.52 was all that he had.The bicycle he wanted was at least $ 90!2on earth was he going to get the3of the money?He knew that his friends all had bicycles.It was4to hang around with people when you were the only one without wheels.He thought about what he could do.There was no5asking his parents,for he knew they had no money to6.There was only one way to get money,and that was to7it.He would have to find a job.8who would hire him and what could he do?He decided to ask Mr.Clay for advice,who usually had9on most things.“Well,you can start right here,”said Mr.Clay.“My windows need cleaning and my car needs washing.”That was the10of Jamess oddjob (零工) business.For three months he worked every day after finishing his homework.He was amazed by the11of jobs that people found for him to do.He took dogs and babies for walks,cleared out cupboards,and mended books.He lost count of the12of cars he washed and windows he cleaned,but the13increased and he knew that he would soon have14for the bicycle he longed for.The day15came when James counted his money and found $ 94.32.He16no time and went down to the shop to pick up the bicycle he wanted.He rode17home,looking forward to showing his new bicycle to his friends.It had been hard18for the money,but James knew that he valued his bicycle far more19he had bought it with his own money.He had20what he thought was impossible,and that was worth even more than the bicycle.语篇解读:一个不服输的孩子,三个月的课外打工生涯,一辆崭新的自行车,讲述了一个感人至深的励志故事。1.A.cleaned B.coveredC.counted D.checked解析:下一句提到了钱的总数,由此可知他是在仔细“数”床上的硬币。此外,第15题后面的counted也是暗示。答案:C2.A.How B.WhyC.Who D.What解析:他的钱与他想拥有的那辆自行车的价格还相差甚远,他究竟“怎样”才能得到其余的钱呢?此处显然强调的是方式。答案:A3.A.amount B.partC.sum D.rest解析:the rest表示“其余的”,此处指的是购买那辆自行车所需要的余款。他手中已经有了一部分钱,由此可排除A、C两项。答案:D4.A.brave B.hardC.smart D.unfair解析:当与朋友们在一起时,别人都有自行车,唯独自己没有,这是一件很“艰难的”事情。答案:B5.A.point B.reasonC.result D.right解析:there is no point doing sth.表示“做某事没有意义”,即他的父母也无能为力。答案:A6.A.split B.spendC.spare D.save解析:此处spare表示“抽出、匀出”,即他的父母没有多余的钱给他买自行车。Split表示“(使)分离、(使)劈开”,语义不恰当。答案:C7.A.borrow B.earnC.raise D.collect解析:上文提到他不能向父母要钱,下一句提到他不得不找一份工作,由此可知他必须自己“挣”钱。A项表示“借”,C、D两项的意思基本相同,可排除。答案:B8.A.Or B.SoC.For D.But解析:他想赚钱购买心仪已久的那辆自行车,“但是”又不知道谁会雇他,也不知道自己能做什么。答案:D9.A.decisions B.experienceC.opinions D.knowledge解析:根据本句前半句中提到的advice一词可知Mr.Clay对大部分事情都有自己的“见解”。答案:C10.A.beginning B.introductionC.requirement D.opening解析:根据上一段中Mr.Clay所说的话可知这是James的零工生涯的“开始”。opening多用来表示大型活动的开幕,因此不太恰当。答案:A11.A.similarity B.qualityC.suitability D.variety解析:根据下一句中的内容可知人们给他提供的工作“各种各样”。前三项分别表示“相似”,“质量”,“适合”,都不符合语境。答案:D12.A.brand B.numberC.size D.type解析:他忘记了自己冲洗过的车辆和清洗过的窗户的“数量”,言外之意是他的打工生涯很辛苦而且很忙碌。答案:B13.A.effort B.pressureC.money D.trouble解析:他打工的目的就是挣钱,从而购买那辆自行车,所以此处用money,表示他的“钱”越来越多。答案:C14.A.all B.enoughC.much D.some解析:他知道他很快就会有“足够”的钱购买那辆渴望已久的自行车。答案:B15.A.finally B.instantlyC.normally D.regularly解析:他盼望已久的那一天“终于”到来了。答案:A16.A.gave B.leftC.took D.wasted解析:他终于盼来了实现心中梦想的那一天,所以一点时间也没有“浪费”,径直走进那家商店,买下了一直想要的那辆自行车。答案:D17.A.patiently B.proudlyC.silently D.tiredly解析:根据本句及下一句中的内容可知他非常“自豪地”把自行车骑回了家,想让朋友们看看他的新车,这是他通过自己的长时间劳动换来的。答案:B18.A.applying B.askingC.looking D.working解析:他在打工期间做过各种各样的工作,而且三个月中每天都要工作,可见“工作”非常辛苦。文章中没有提到他申请工作时费尽周折,因此前三项不正确。答案:D19.A.since B.ifC.than D.though解析:因为这辆自行车是他用自己赚的钱买的,(所以)他非常珍惜它。答案:A20.A.deserved B.benefitedC.achieved D.learned解析:他“做到”了他认为不可能的事情,这甚至比自行车更重要。答案:C.任务型阅读/任务型读写Carla walked 45 minutes a day, every day, as part of her exercise regime. After two years of walking she began to notice her right foot hurt and she was always adjusting her laces. A visit to the family doctor resulted in her going to the last place she thought hed send her: a shoe store.Her solution was simple: new sneakers, fitted by a professional. Many people suffer for years without realizing their pain is caused by improperly fitted shoes and thats why its important consumers be aware of how to choose footwear. Here are some tips to keep your feet happy and pain free.Have your feet measured before you make a shoe purchase. Make sure you measure both feet, since most of us have one foot larger than the other. Always purchase shoes to fit the larger foot.Try both shoes on and walk in them before you buy. Sizes vary, as do styles and shoe shapes. A size 8 in one brand might fit perfectly, while a 7andhalf in another is too loose in the heel.Your feet swell during the day, so make sure you only shop for shoes in the evening.There should be a threeeighths to 5inch space between your longest toe and the end of the shoe.The ball of your foot should fit comfortably into the widest part of the shoe.Before buying shoes of any kinds ensure that the heel fits well and there is no slippage.Look for shoes that are similar in shape to your feet. Some brands and styles are narrower than others, or have a narrow heel.High heels can cause not only foot pain, but posture problems and back pain,as well. For these reasons women should avoid high heels. If you must wear them, never go over 2andahalf inches in heel height.Always buy shoes that fit now. Shoes do not stretch and there is no such thing as “breaking them in”.Wear the same type of socks or nylons you will be wearing with the shoes. If youre purchasing sneakers, wear athletic socks. For high heels, wear nylons during the fitting session.TitleMake Sure the Shoes (1) Your FeetSituationsAdviceNeither this shoe(2) that one fits you.Make sure you measure both feet and purchase shoes to fit the (3) foot.Something about shapes and stylesTry not only the right shoe but also the (4) one and dont buy them if you dont walk in them.Feet Swell.Make sure you only shop for shoes in the (5) .(6) between your longest toe and the end of the shoe.There should be a threeeighths to 5 inchesThe ball goes wrong with your feet and the heel is too (7).The ball of your foot should fit comfortably into the widest part of the shoe.Ensure that the heel fits well and there is no slippage.Women should (8) high heels.Some brands and styles are narrower than others,or have a narrow heel.Look for the shoes that have the similar (9) to your feet.The socks dont fit the sneakers.Remember to wear (10) socks with the sneakers.答案:1.Fit2.nor3.larger4.left5.evening6.Space7.high8.avoid9.shape10.athletic111

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