Unit 3《 The World Online》-Reading教案1(牛津译林版选修7)

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Unit 3《 The World Online》-Reading教案1(牛津译林版选修7)_第1页
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111Unit 3 The World OnlineReading-教案Teaching aims : 1.To help the students know some background knowledge about the Internet technology . 2.To read a debate about the effects of the Internet on our lives . 3. Let Ss have right attitude towards internetIP&DPHow to help Ss understand the text and reading strategy better.How to organize Ss to have a debate.Step1 Reading strategy1.Statememnt of what the argument is about2.Find a list of the points the person wants to make3.Look for supporting points4.The statement about what the other side believes, and why the debater does not agree.5.Find the conclusionStep2 lead-inWith the development of internet,it brings us some advantages and disadvantages,Can you tell us somethig that happened in our daily life ?Step3Fast reading . Read the passage quickly and answer the questions of part A on page 34. 1. What are the speeches about? 2. The first speaker talks about the positive effects of the Internet on our lives. How many main points does she make? 3. The second speaker talks about the negative effects of the Internet on our lives. What are the two points he makes?Step4 Careful readingRead the passage again more carefully and try to answer the questions of part C1 on page 36.1 People can write anything they want, and we cannot always tell if the information is true or false.2 Of regular Internet users, 80 per cent mainly use it to search for answers to questions.3 Some experts say that spending too much time building Internet relationships can damage peoples abilities to live normal lives.4 With the Internet, people who are disabled and must stay in their homes can communicate with the outside world and meet others with similar interests.5 One of the benefits of Internet friendships is that they are based on common interests, rather than appearance, age or popularity.6 As the Internet has gained popularity, there has been an interesting change in the way people, particularly families, spend their time.1.against 2.for 3. against 4. for 5.for 6.againstStep5 Write down the arguments each for supports.Debaters:Zhuzhenfei VS Linlei ZhuzhenfeiArgument: The Internet is a great help to people who are in need of various information People use the Internet to build social ties. Conclusion: The internet remains a postive tool that helps make our lives better.LinleiThe amount of false information on the Internet becomes more of a problem every day. Spending too much time building relationships on the Internet can damage peoples abilities to live normal lives. Conclusion:It remains important for us either to limit our use of the internet or to learn how to handle the problems it has caused.Step 6 partD 1.package (line 8) _ a. having doubts about something 2. downtown(line 11) _ b. in the city centre 3.sceptical (14 ) _ c. problems that make something seem not as good 4. frequent (line 17) _ d. causing a lot of problems over a long period 5. drawbacks (line 33) _ e .deal with 6. troublesome (line 41) _ f. sets of things sold together 7. addicted (line 55) _ g. happening very often 8. handle (line 65) _ h. unable to stop doing something Answers to part D: 1 f 2 b 3 a 4 g 5 c 6 d 7 h 8 e Step 7 Answers to part E(1) Internet (2) debate (3) speakers (4) experts (5) social ties (6) heavy (7) aspect (8) up-to-date (9) disabled (10) statistics Step 8 Composition随着网络的逐渐兴起,因特网给我们带来了方便,缩短了距离,加强了人们之间的交流与合作。然而,许多学生沉溺于网络,放弃了学业,也有的利用网络进行诈骗。那么,你们只有什么样的观点呢?根据书本中所学内容,给出你观点,加以论证。要求:字数 150左右。111

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