Unit 3《Tomorrow’s World》-word power学案1(牛津译林版必修4)

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111M4U3 Tomorrows world学案Word power第一部分:重点讲解1. I think viewers will be impressed by a film that allows them to be a character in the film. (P45) impress vi. & vt. not continuous to cause someone to admire or respect you because of sth. that you have done or said; have a strong influence on; fix deeply给予强烈印象,使铭记I remember when I was a child being very impressed with how many toys she had.What impressed me most was that she was always wearing an attractive smile.Your mother was clearly not impressed by our behaviour in the restaurant.He tried to impress me with his extensive knowledge of wine.FORMAL Im afraid the new theatre fails to impress.impress sth on/upon sb=impress sb with sth phrasal verb: to make someone understand or be aware of the importance or value of sth.:Mr. Simmons tried to impress on me how much easier my life would be if I were better organized.They impressed on their children the virtue of always telling the truth.They impressed their children with the virtue of always telling the truth. impressive adj. 1 If an object or achievement is impressive, you admire or respect it, usually because it is special, important or very large:That was an impressive performance from such a young tennis player.an impressive collection of modern paintingsThere are some very impressive buildings in the town.NOTE: The opposite is unimpressive.2 An impressive person causes you to admire or respect them for their special skills or abilities:Shes a very impressive public speaker.impression n. effect produced on the mind or feelings印象Whats your first impression of my hometown?have/make/leave a .impression on 给留下的印象 The beautiful campus left a deep impression on those who visited it.2. Mr Bezos thought that his efforts would end in failure. (P46) end in: have as a result, result in 以为结果 His project ended in a failure.The match ended in a draw.end up phrasal verb: to finally be in a particular place or situation:Theyre travelling across Europe by train and are planning to end up in Moscow.Much of this meat will probably end up as dog food.Shell end up penniless if she carries on spending like that.+ ing form of verb After working her way around the world, she ended up teaching English as a foreign language.end (up) with 以而告终start with the aim of doing harm to others only to end up with ruining oneself以损人开始,以害己告终in the end: finally, after sth. has been thought about or discussed a lot:We were thinking about going to Switzerland, but in the end we went to Austria.come to an end: to finish:Everyone wishes the war would come to an end soon.Shanghais rainy days come to an end.The two-day sports meeting has come to an end, leaving us memories of the fierce competition in each event and moving moments of team spirit that was shining all the wayput an end to sth: to make sth. stop happening or existing:How can we put an end to the fighting?Doctors are not allowed to put an end to a patients life.The president called on the people to join hands in the spirit of harvest festival to put an end to the evils of ethnic war and create a prosperous Sri Lanka.be at your wits end: to be very worried and upset because you have tried every possible way to solve a problem but can not do it:Ive tried everything I can think of to make her eat but she flatly refuses - Im at my wits end.make both ends meet 收支相抵,量入而出, 靠微薄收入为生I barely made both ends meet last year.They have great difficult in making both ends meet.He is trying to make both ends meet on a small salary.3.keep in touch with 与保持联系 in touch with与.处于联系当中get into touch with与取得联系out of touch with与没有联系lose touch with与失去联系Lets us keep in touch with each other by mail.She left for Beijing ten years ago and we have been out of touch since.4. Some very interesting technologies are being developed at the moment. (P49) at the moment: now:Im afraid shes not here at the moment.I am busy at the moment.I have nothing to do at/for the moment.for the moment: If you do sth. for the moment, you are doing it now, but might do sth. different in the future目前,暂时Stop discussing for the moment, please.Lets carry on with what we agreed for the moment.at any moment 在任何时候,随时Im expecting her to come at any moment (= very soon).The firefighters rushed into the big fire though the burning building might fall down at any moment.He paused for a moment.他停了 一会儿。The little girl opened the window at the last moment so that her parents were saved.At the last moment (= as late as possible) he changed his mind.He stopped what he was doing the moment the teacher came in.He always leaves important decisions to the last (possible) moment (= as late as possible).相关高考试题(2005福建)The classroom is big enough _, but well have to move if we have more students. A. for the moment B. on the moment C. in a moment D. for a moment答案:A5. Last but not least is the Sonic Washer. (P49)last but not least: importantly, despite being mentioned after everyone else; coming at the end but not least in importance 最后但不是最不重要的一点,最后一个要点是I would like to thank my publisher, my editor and, last but not least, my husband.the last but one (US ALSO the next to last): the one before the final one: 倒数第二Im almost finished - this is the last but one box to empty.first and last: as the most important fact:Don was, first and last, a good friend.at (long) last: finally:Ive finished my essay at last!At long last the government is starting to listen to our problems.for the last time 最后一次I warned you for the last time that you shall be punished if you do it again.to(till/until) the last 直到最后The brave PLA man fought with the enemy to the last.第二部分:练习I. 单词拼写1. The novel is (设置背景) in London.2. The parcels (递送,传送) to our office are yours.3. A spokesman (表达) the workers dissatisfaction.4. The children were (欣喜若狂的) to bits by their presents.5. Her talents are quite e and no one can catch her in our class.6. She i me as a woman of great kindness.7. His p among working people remains as strong as ever.8. They were wounded in b .9. The mother is very g with her children.10. You should consider my (提议,方案) for peace.11. The main (人物) of this novel is a beautiful, rich lady.12. The company was (破产的) several years ago.13. I have no (机会) to discuss the matter with her.14. He was a of stealing public property.15. They were eventually (营救) by the police.16. The government has been c for not taking the problem seriously.17. How many people does the company e ?18. S your name here, please.19. Parents should be r for their children.20. The software e you to access the Internet in seconds.II. 对话填空Mr Pitt: Students, please take some notes while we (1)d_ the final question. Do you think we should learn from our past (2)e_? What do you think, Betty?Betty: Yes, Mr Pitt, I think we should. We can make mistakes, (3)b_ we are human, but wed better not make the same mistake a (4)s_ time. Thats (5)w_ we should learn from the past. Mr Pitt: Thats right. Whats your (6)o_, Wang?Wang: I agree with the idea of learning from the past, Mr Pitt. Actually theres a saying to (7)e_ the same meaning in Chinese. If we put it into English, its Dont forget things in the past. They could be your teacher in the (8)f_. Mr Pitt: That makes a lot of (9)s_. Now we know one more Chinese saying. Thank you, Wang: OK, thats (10)a_ for today. See you in next weeks history class. Dont forget to bring your report on one of the historical events on the list. See you then.第三部分:练习答案I. 单词拼写1. set 2. delivered 3. voiced 4. thrilled 5. extraordinary 6. impressed 7. popularity 8. battle 9. gentle 10. proposal11. character 12. bankrupt 13. opportunity 14. accused 15. rescued16. criticized 17. employ 18. sign 19. responsible 20. enablesII. 对话填空1. discuss 2. experiences 3. because 4. second 5. why 6. opinion 7. express 8. future 9. sense 10. all111

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