高考英语牛津译林版必修2总复习基础经典习题《Unit 2 Wish you were here》2-2(江苏专用)-4

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高考英语牛津译林版必修2总复习基础经典习题《Unit 2 Wish you were here》2-2(江苏专用)-4_第1页
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高考英语牛津译林版必修2总复习基础经典习题《Unit 2 Wish you were here》2-2(江苏专用)-4_第3页
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111第四章排除语境干扰点拨设题者常通过变换句子的正常结构,利用词语的不同含义和用法,词形的变化,各种搭配,标点符号,转折词等设置干扰语境误导学生。碰上此类陷阱题时,考生务必认真审题,弄清句子的基本结构,分析句子所处的语境,了解句子的真正含义,最后作出正确的选择。训练每小题0.5分,共30小题;满分15分得分:_1.He may not come for the meeting, in _ case we will invite Mr White to host the meeting instead.Awhose Bthat Cwhich Dwhat答案Cthat一般不引导非限制性定语从句,B错误;what一般不引导定语从句,D也错误。which引导非限制性定语从句时,可作定语,是“那个(种)”的意思。2This kind of glasses made in Shanghai _ comfortably.Ais worn Bwears Cwearing Dare worn答案B“物wear副词”的结构中,wear常用主动表被动。3_ the general state of his health, it may take him a while to recover from rain.AGiven BTo giveCGiving DHaving given答案A此处的given是介词,作“考虑到”解。4You _ pay too much attention to your reading skill, as it is so important.(2011江西白鹭洲中学高三9月月考)Acant Bshould Cmust Dneednt答案Acant.too.固定说法,意为:无论都不为过或越就越。全句意思是:你无论怎么重视你的阅读技能都不为过,因为它太重要了。5Hes smiling;_ doesnt seem to have been any trouble solving the problem.Ait Bhe Cthere Dthat答案C这是there be句型,句意:他微笑着,解决这个问题好象没有任何困难似的。6Everybody knows the truth that all men are created _, so he as well as the others in the organization has the same rights.Aequal Bnormal Cfairly Djustly答案A此处用形容词作状语,说明主句的性质或特征。7Although he likes playing tennis, he is _ but a good tennis player.(2011长沙市一中高三第一次月考)Aanything Bsomething Cnothing Deverything答案Aanything but是“根本不”;nothing but是“只,仅仅”。8The _ to challenge his difficulties has been praised by the headmaster.Aenough brave boy Bbrave enough boy Cboy brave enough Dboy enough brave答案Cenough修饰形容词或副词时须后置,所以A、D错误,形容词短语brave enough作定语时须放在所修饰的词之后。故选C。9He told me that _ nothing there was worth looking into.Anearly Balmost Chardly Dseldom答案B放在否定词前一般只用almost不用nearly。10Shylock, how can you hope for mercy yourself when you show _?Ait Bnothing Cnone Dno one答案Cnothing和no one分别指物和人,都是泛指,none可指人或物,是特指。此空须填none, none(no mercy)意为“没有同情”。11Do you have any difficulty _?(2011甘肃天水市三中高三第一次月考)Ato get rid of Bgetting rid ofCgot rid of Dget rid of答案A该不定式是主动表被动,其逻辑宾语是difficulty。句意:你有要摆脱的困难吗?若选B,要在of后加宾语,例如:Do you have any difficulty (in)getting rid of flies?意为:你除掉苍蝇有困难吗?12He hid himself behind the door, _ he still could see what would happen to his classmates.Athere Bbehind whichCfrom which Dfrom where答案D如果用from which的话,先行词应是名词(短语),如:The sun is a good thing, from which we can get light and heat.(注:先行词是the sun )用from where时,先行词通常是介词短语结构,本题的先行词是behind the door。13They are good friends._ is no wonder that they know each other so well.AThis BThat CThere DIt答案DIt is no wonder that是固定句型,意为:难怪。14He spends a lot of time _ the TV set.Ain watching BaboutCin front of Don watching答案C若选A,需将该空后的the TV set 改为 TV。15If we cant afford, we shall have to _ with fish.Ado Bgo Ceat Ddeal答案Ado with 是“以对付过去,以凑合着用”的意思。若选C,应去掉后面的介词with。16His father has raised fifty _ on his farm.(2011内蒙古赤峰市平煤高中高三第一次学情测试)Aheads of sheeps Bheads of sheepChead of sheeps Dhead of sheep答案Dsheep和head 作“(猪、牛等的)头数”解,都是单复数同形的词,其后不加s。17Before liberation, where floods, earthquakes, fires and many other disasters struck, many people were _ to leaving their hometown.Amade BintendedCreduced Dforced答案Cbe reduced to意为“沦为”,其中to是介词。若选A须将to leaving改为leave;若选D须将leaving改为leave。18He looked _ at the news on the radio.Asad Bsadly Cfun Dsadness答案A句中looked 是系动词,需跟形容词作表语。句意:他听到收音机上的新闻后,看起来很悲伤。19Where do you _ the writing paper?In that drawer.(2011湖北荆州市监利县第一中学高三八月月考)Aput Bhold Ckeep Dplace答案C由该句的一般现在时可知选C。若选A、D应将时态改为一般过去时或现在完成时。20I this computer for 4,000 yuan.Apaid Boffered Cspent Dcost答案BA、C、D的宾语一般是“钱”,故可排除。offer意为“主动要价”。21Most people would not consider _ to a dentist their idea of a good time.Avisiting Bto visitCvisit Da visit答案Dconsider后跟一个名词作宾语。如果选A,此空后的介词to须去掉。22The man lying on the ground was _.He must have drunk too much.Adead drunk Bdead drunkenCdrunken Ddrunk too答案Adead在此是副词,意思是“完全地”;drunk常作表语,drunken常作定语,修饰名词。23_ your teacher against your plan? (2011江西吉安一中高三上学期开学模拟)ADo BDoes CIs DCan答案Cagainst是介词,不是动词,故选C。24It is _ that Saddam will be sentenced to death.Asure Bsurely Ccertainly Dcertain答案DIt is certain that.结构中的certain一般不可用sure来取代。25Please call me at 800 tomorrow morning.Im kind of forgetful.Dont worry about that;youll be surely _.Areminded Btold Cwarned Dinformed答案A怕人忘记才“提醒”。26If you are not sure of the meaning of this word, you can _ the dictionary.Arefer to Blook up Csee Dlook at答案Arefer to意为“查阅”。look up虽也可作“查阅”解,其后一般不可跟dictionary等词作宾语,一般为:look sth.up in a dictionary。27If Tom carries on working like that, hell _ sooner or later.Agive out Bkeep out Chold out Dwear out答案Agive out是“(身体)垮掉”的意思。若选D,应改为be worn out。28When he got off the bus, he found his pocket _.(2010福建泉州一中高三最后一次模拟考试)Astolen Bpicked Cgone Dmissing答案B由pocket“口袋”一词可知选B“被扒”,若将pocket改为wallet,A、C、D都正确。29_ he said at the meeting the other day was _ impossible.AThat;very BThat;qui teCWhat;very DWhat;quite答案Dimpossible等没有比较等级的形容词前一般用quite来修饰。30Lets go out for a picnic if _.(2010江苏扬州中学高三第四次模试题)Ayou are convenient Bit is convenient to youCyou feel convenient Dit is convenient with you答案Bconvenient作表语时,主语一般不可是“人”。111

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