Module 1《My First Day at Senior High》Listening,Spenking and Writin学案5(外研版必修1)

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Module 1《My First Day at Senior High》Listening,Spenking and Writin学案5(外研版必修1)_第1页
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111高一英语必修1 Module 1 My First Day at Senior High 学案Knowledge and Skills:Master the following : be similar to :; attitude to; in a manner; have fun; I dont think ; as as; look forward to ; be impressed with; Would you mind ?; So have I.; cover; Process and Methods: Encourage the students to look up dictionaries and refer to exercise books to finish the pre-learning papers.Emotion and Values:Encourage the students to love English and like to use it.Important and difficult points: I dont think ; So have ILearning Procedure:自主学习:(A级)1必背短语 be different from write down by oneself in other words take place be happy with be disappointed with choose from start school start a school at the start of write to sb. be divided into 2. 必背句型 1What do you think the students are doing? What do you think +陈述语序的句子 ? 2 What do you think about the lessons they attended? What do you think of / about ? 你认为。怎么样? 你对。有什么看法? 3. Would you mind answering the questions for me? Would you mind doing ? 你介意做。么?Would you mind + 代词宾格/形容词性物主代词 + doing ? 你介意某人做。么? 4. Hows it going? 近来怎么样?合作学习:(B级)1. The manager didnt ask him to come. _A_, he was fired.A. In other words B. In a word C. In many ways D. In any way 2. He divided the sweets _D_ the children who were divided _ three groups.A. in; in B. into; into C. between; in D. among; into3. No one helped me. I did it all _B_ myself.A. for B. by C. from D. to4. -I havent heard from Henry for a long time.-What do you think _C_ to him?A. happening B. to happen C. has happened D. had happened5. _B_ will win the football match?A. Do you think who B. Who do you think C. Whom do you think D. Who you will think6. The questions which are _B_ to yours are not easy to answer.A. different B. similar C. real D. the same7. He didnt seem to mind _C_ TV while he was trying to study.A. them to watch B. that they watch C. their watching D they watch教师点拨:(C级) similar to 和类似, 如:Marys hat is similar to James. 玛丽的帽子和简的差不多。对比: be familiar to “(某事)对(某人)是熟悉的”,be familiar with “(某人)对(某事)是精通的、熟悉的”, 如: Your name is very familiar to me.He has become familiar with the city.反馈练习:这本书和那本书相似。 _ This book is similar to that one _ .2. attitude to/ towards 对。的态度take a/an attitude to sb./ sth 对。采取。的态度反馈练习:(1) Describe your attitude to studying English. 描述一下你怎么看学英语 (2) He took a friendly/hostile attitude to us. 他对我们是抱着友好的态度 3. in a serious and polite manner 以严肃友好的态度对比: in a manner 以。态度 with the method 用。方法 in a way 用。方法4. I live in Shijiazhuang, a city not far from Beijing. (1)far from a) 远离 b) 毫不;远非;一点也不away from & far (away) from , away from用在表示具体距离的词后面时,意为“离(多远), be away from意为“离开”。 (2)a city 短语是Shijiazhuang 的同位语。反馈练习:(1).The nearest bus stop is 10 miles _D_ our school.A. far from B. far away from C. far away D. away from(2).What he has done is far from _A_.A. satisfactory B. satisfied C. satisfaction D. satisfy5. Ms Shens method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school. 申老师的教学方法和我们初中老师的一点也不同。 (1)nothing like 什么也不如 ; 一点也不像 something like 有点像 , 大概 very like 很像 Theres nothing like a good game of baseball on a saturday afternoon.没有比在星期六下午来一场棒球比赛更美好的了。(2)that 可用来代替前面提到的物体,避免重复。 ( 注意,当指代物为复数名词时,用 those) 典例 : The climate of Beijing is quite different from that of Qingdao. 北京的气候与青岛(的气候)有很大不同。 反馈练习: _ The buildings in my village are nothing like those in Beijing._ 我家乡的建筑和北京的一点也不同。 6. have fun 过得开心,玩地快乐 fun 是不可数名词,“趣事” a lot of fun; make fun of 取笑还可以用作形容词 ,”有趣的” a fun house/person;常用句型: What fun it is to do sth! 做某事是多么快乐的事啊! What fun it is to visit Suzhou gardens! 参观苏州园林是多么令人开心的事啊! 反馈练习: 1:_ What fun it is to learn something new every day! _ 每天学习一些新东西是多么快乐的事啊! 7. I dont think I will be bored in Ms Shens class ! 我认为上沈老师的课我是不会感到厌倦的!否定转移是指将宾语从句的否定转移到主句部分。如: Im sorry,but I dont think I know you对不起,我想我并不认识你。I dont believe hell come我想他是不会来的。注:在反意疑问句中,若陈述部分是第一人称,think等词用一般现在进,则疑部部分需与从句中的主语和谓语保持一致,否则要与主句的主语和谓语保持一致。如:I dont think its going to rain tomorrow, is it? You dont think I have made mistakes, do you?8。There are three times as many girls as boys. 英语表示倍数:(1) A + be + times + as +原级+ as B.Our room is twice as large as theirs.(2) A + be + times + 比较级 + than B.Our room is twice larger than theirs.(3) A + be + times + the + n + of B.Our room is twice the length/ width/ size of theirs.反馈练习: 1: _这所房子(面积)是那所的两倍大。答案: This house is twice as big as that one. (This house is twice the size of that one.) 9. For our homework tonight, we have to write a description of the street where we live. where we live是定语从句,用来修饰the street ,其中关系副词where在从句中做地点状语。10. Im looking forward to doing it! look forward to sth./doing sth. 意思是“期待着某事/做某事”,其中“to”是介词。如:I look forward to hearing from you as early as possible.动词介词to构成的常用短语有:look forward to 盼望turn to 求助于;转向;翻到pay attention to 注意 stick to 坚持get down to 开始认真干object to 反对belong to 属于refer to 谈到,涉及,参阅point to 指向see to 处理,料理come to 共计;苏醒reply to 答复agree to 同意add to 增加devoteto 贡献给compareto把比作11. be impressed with对 印象深刻impress v. impress sb. with sth. impress sth. on sb.impression n. make a/an . impression on sb. 给 . 留下 . 的印象 12. So have I. “so +助动词/情态动词/系动词+主语”表示“(另一人/物)也”If you can finish it in time, so can I .表示否定意义时用“neither/nor +助动词/情态动词/系动词+主语”,意为“(另一事物)也不”Bob wasnt at school last Friday, and neither/nor was Jack.“so +主语+助动词/情态动词/系动词”表示对之前或对方所说的情况表示赞同或证实,意为“同一个人或事物)确实”-You have dropped a word here. -Yes, so I have.反馈练习: Ive just been to my first language class. Oh really? _B_ . Which language are you studying?A. So do I B. So have I C. So I do D. So I have13. Secondary school in the US usually covers seven years, grades six to twelve. cover v 1)覆盖The street is covered with snow.2)占(时间或空间)The town covers 5 square miles.小镇占地5平方英里。3)行过(路程);通过I want to cover 100 miles by dark.4)报导;对进行新闻采访The best reporters were sent to cover the war.最优秀的记者被派去作战地报道5)涵盖(内容);涉及The book covers all the information you want.这本书包含有所有你想要的信息。反馈练习: 1 _ 我们的学校占地两百亩。 2 ; _ 他的回答涵盖了大部分要点。 答案: 1; Our school covers 200 mu. 2; His answer covered most of the key points. 合作学习并展示:(B级)1. -David has made some mistakes in the test. - _D_ , and _ .A. So he has; so you have B. So has he ;so have youC. So has he; so you have D. So he has; so have you2. No bread eaten by man is as good as _B_ got by his own labor.A. one B. that C. it D. those3. It is reported that we have produced _C_ this week as we did last week.A. as much waste water B. as twice much waster waterC. twice as much waste water D. much as waste water twice4. _A_ great fun it is to swim on such a hot day!A. What B. What aC. How D. How a5. A house built of brick lasts longer than_A_ built of woodA. one B. that C. ones D. those6. The house rent is expensive. Ive got about half the space I had at home and Im paying _D_ here.A. as three times much B. as much three timesC. much as three times D. three times as much7. Mary said she was looking forward to his return and _B_ him.A. have seen B. seeing C. see D. be seen8. I shall never forget those years _C_ I live in the farm _ you visited last week.A. when; where B. which; which C. when; which D. which; whereReflection:111


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