英语外研版必修1 学案 话题导入Module 4《A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood》

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英语外研版必修1 学案 话题导入Module 4《A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood》_第3页
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111Module 4A Social SurveyMy Neighbourhood话题导入背井离乡多年后,感觉最亲的还是我们的故乡,外面的世界固然美好,那家乡的青山、绿水、善良勤劳的人们却无法从记忆中抹掉。归来吧!把我们的智慧和汗水溶入家乡的建设,让我们的理想随着家乡的每一步发展而飞翔!背景知识鼓浪屿位于厦门岛西南面,与厦门岛只隔一条宽600米的鹭江,乘轮渡5分钟可达。鼓浪屿原名“圆沙洲”,别名“圆洲仔”,明朝改称“鼓浪屿”。乃因岛西南方有一礁石,每当涨潮水涌,浪击礁石,声似擂鼓,人们称“鼓浪石”,鼓浪屿因此而得名。鼓浪屿面积仅1. 91平方千米,是厦门最大的一个卫星岛,常住居民2万人。岛上岩石峥嵘,挺拔雄秀,因长年受海浪扑打,形成许多幽谷和峭崖,沙滩、礁石、峭壁、岩峰,相映成趣。鼓浪屿街道短小,纵横交错,清洁幽静,空气新鲜,岛上树木苍翠,繁花似锦,特别是小楼红瓦与绿树相映,显得格外漂亮。鼓浪屿楼房鳞次栉比,掩映在热带、亚热带林木里,日光岩奇峰突起,群鸥腾飞组成一幅美丽的画卷。鼓浪屿是“音乐家摇篮”“钢琴之岛”,小小鼓浪屿有钢琴600台,其密度居全国之冠。只要你漫步在各个角落小道上,就会不时听到悦耳的钢琴声,悠扬的小提琴声,轻快的吉他声,动人优美的歌声,加以海浪的节拍,环境特别迷人。音乐,已成为鼓浪屿特别绚丽的风景。 鼓浪屿是“建筑博览馆”,许多建筑有浓烈的欧陆风格,古希腊的三大柱式陶立克、爱奥尼克、科林斯各展其姿,罗马式的圆柱,哥特式的尖顶,伊斯兰圆顶,巴洛克式的浮雕,门楼壁炉、阳台、钩栏、突拱窗。争相斗妍,异彩纷呈,洋溢着古典主义和浪漫主义的色彩。引入型阅读A Survey of XiamenXiamen,“Gate of Chinese Mansion(宅地)”,is the second largest city in Fujian Province.It was said that the egrets (白鹭)frequently perched on the island,so Xiamen is also called Egret Island.It is located at the southeast of Fujian,bordering the sea in the southeast and facing Penghu,Taiwan,across the strait,being close to Zhangzhou in the west and to Quanzhou in the north.It covers an area of 1516.12 square kilometers,consisting of Siming,Kaiyuan,Gulangyu, Xinglin, Huli,Jimei districts and Tongan Country,with a total population of 1.17 million.Xiamen Island,covering an area of 128.14 square kilometers,is the fourth largest island of Fujian.Because of the sub-tropical marine (亚热带海洋的)climate,it has the spring season all the year,with an average temperature of 21.The average temperature of the coldest February is 12 and that of the hottest August is 28.It is available for travel all year round,with the best tourist season from April to November.Xiamen has a long history.As early as 3000 years ago,a primitive people lived here.The first administrative unit was set up in Song Dynasty.In the last 1000 years,it has changed its name for several times,from “Jiaheyu (Excellent Grain Island)” in Song Dynasty to “Middle and Left Offices” at the beginning of Ming Dynasty,then to “Xiamen Town”.At the end of Ming Dynasty,Zheng Chenggong changed Xiamen again into “Siming Zhou (Si-ming means longing for the restoration (恢复)of the Ming Dynasty)”.In 1933,it was renamed Xiamen City.Reading Comprehensions:1.“Gate of Chinese Mansion” shows the _of Xiamen.A.importanceB.beautyC.valueD.location2.The underlined word “perched” probably means _.A.livedB.gave birth to young egretsC.leftD.served as main food 3.Xiamen Island can enjoy spring all the year around because of its_.A.locationB.temperatureC.island lifeD.size4.In which period of history was Xiamen called Jiaheyu?A.Qing DynastyB.Ming DynastyC.Song DynastyD.At the end of Ming Dynasty答案:1.A2.A3.A4.C111


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