高考英语一轮总复习 课时作业22 Module 5《A Trip Along the Three Gorges》外研版必修4

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111课时作业(二十三)必修4Module 5A Trip Along the Three Gorges.单项填空1Youll get_better view of the temple in_distance if you stand here.A/;/Ba;theCa;/ D/;the2How is the weather in your town today?Is it raining?It_be now,according to the weather forecast,but its not.Awill Bshould Ccould Dmust3Now I live in a small house but_ theres a beautiful garden.Aat last Bat first Cat most Dat least4The true price of the pair of glasses is 150 yuan,but you paid 450 yuan.I think you have been_.Apaid off Bripped offCcut down Dbroken down5_by books and papers,Daisy felt she had spent a busy but meaningful day.ASurround BTo be surroundedCSurrounded DHaving surrounded6You will smell the air is heavy_the pleasant smell of flowers when you walk around the garden.Aon Bin Cof Dwith7Some instruments couldnt be transported here on time,_made our experiment more difficult.Awhat Bthey Cwhich Dthat8Several police are now working on the spot,_the accident happened last night.Athat BwhenCwhich Dwhere9The patients are forbidden,even if they have recovered,_in hospital.Ato drink BdrinkingChaving drunk Dto be drunk10In such dry weather,the flowers will have to be watered if they_.Ahave survived Bare to surviveCwould survive Dwill survive11There are days when we feel especially upset.When you are_ such a difficult period,it often helps to talk to someone.Agoing through Bbreaking throughCseeing through Dlooking through12(2013江苏四市联考)The final score of the basketball match was 9394.We were only_beaten.Anearly BslightlyCnarrowly Dlightly13Did you tell Tom about the good news?Oh,no,I forgot.I_him now.Awill be calling Bwill callCcall Dam to call14Some Chinese students find it difficult to understand native speakers when in London.Exactly,_ theyve learned a lot about grammar and known many words.Aif only Bnow that Cas if Deven if15Now that you have known that it is your own fault,why not apologize to your boss_? Aon every side B on no accountCon the spot Don the contrary.完形填空建议用时15(2013郑州第一次质量检测)I wanted to be just like those big kids I saw wearing their medals and carrying their ribbons (绶带)So I_1_the crosscountry team at my school.However,I was very slow in the team.In races,I would finish almost_2_.Id always have to_3_in the longer races.The_4_races and at least 100 people competing in it made me really_5_.Every time I stopped,10 people would_6_me.But I still couldnt push myself to keep going,even though I_7_watching them go by me.After every race,Id go home and burst into tears.Then one of my friends joined the crosscountry team,too.She never got tired and didnt get cramp (抽筋) in her legs.I just didnt understand how that was_8_!Id been running much longer than she had,but she could run_9_while I had to suffer.She even came 8th in a big race with over 200 people in it!My_10_was lower than ever and I wanted to quit badly.I didnt,_11_.Even a whole month before a race,Id get so nervous that I felt like I might give up.Still,I_12_to quit.I still had that_13_appearing in my mind and I hung on to it.Finally,I realized the reason why the bigger races made me so nervous was that I was always worried that I wasnt_14_for them.I started to practice at home almost every day.I_15_a plan that had me running almost three kilometers every day,which helped me build up a steady_16_.When the time came for the big race,all the practice really_17_.I stopped only once and my pace was much better.I was_18_of myself for sticking with it even though it was really hard and Id even wanted to quit.I showed myself that I was_19_enough to keep going.That was what made me feel good about myself and gave me confidence.The next time Im faced with a tough_20_.I will know that I can take it up.None of this would ever have happened if I had quitted!1.A.liked BadmiredCsupported Djoined2A.best BfirstClast Dleast3A.stop BrestCbreathe Dsuffer4A.exciting BtiringCinteresting Ddisturbing5A.nervous BfrightenedCsad Dangry6A.help BencourageCleave Dpass7A.missed BhatedCavoided Descaped8A.equal BreasonableCfair Dtolerable9A.quickly BeasilyChappily Dhopefully10A.strength BdemandCgoal Dconfidence11A.yet BeitherCthough Dstill12A.refused BdecidedCfailed Dwanted13A.lesson BfaithCfuture Dpicture14A.suitable BactiveCready Dwell15A.took out Bmapped outCfigured out Dlet out 16A.pace BraceCwill Dlevel17A.set off Bpaid offCgot off Dtook off18A.sure BawareCproud Dafraid19A.strong BpatientCsteady Ddevoted20A.job BsportCcompetition Dchallenge.阅读理解(2013石家庄市一模)Occasional sleepwalking does not tend to present a problem and must children grow out of it.If it happens every night and causes problems,then sleep disorder specialists suggest that parents spend a week noting the time when the sleepwalking tends to happen,and then gently wake the child about fifteen minutes before this time.This will often break the cycle.So what should you do if you find your relative sleepwalking?For a start,they are in such a deep sleep that they will probably not notice you,even if you try to wake them.If you do succeed in waking them,they will become distressed.Everyone has experienced that feeling of confusion when the alarm awakens you from deep sleep,instead of the lighter sleep we are usually experiencing by the time our alarms sound.I once had the shock of being woken by a crash and found myself in the kitchen,standing barefoot and surrounded by broken glass.Id tried to get a glass of water while sleepwalking,but like most sleepwalkers I failed to turn on the light,and had smashed the glass against the tap.Waking a sleepwalker will not cause them to have a heart attack,but the kindest thing to do is not to try to wake them at all.Lead them gently back to bed so that they do not hurt themselves.They will remain deeply asleep,and it is likely that they will not remember a thing in the morning.1What do the specialists advise the parents to do to avoid their childrens sleepwalking?AGo to bed with their children at the same time.BKeep a record of the time when children wake up.CTake 15 minutes to wake children from sleepwalking.DTry some time to break the cycle of the sleepwalking.2When a sleepwalker is suddenly woken,he is most likely to_.Adie from heart attackBdo some cookingCfeel lost Dbecome relaxed3What should we do to deal with a sleepwalking relative?ADo nothing but take him back to bed.BTry every means to wake him at once.CLeave your relative where he stays.DSend him to a specialist immediately.4What is the best title for the text?ASleep Disorder BSleepwalking CSleep Advice DSleepwalkers.短文改错(2013洛阳统考)I joined in a program call the “Happy School” in the holidays.It was given to some volunteers from the universities in our city.There were many courses,including photography,painting,basketball training for us to choose from.These courses were intended to help us leftbehind middle school student in the countryside,our parents are working in other cities,make use of our holidays.The volunteers took good care of us,showed them how to do our homework and make sure of our safety.I learned a lot from the interested program.I will attend such programs again the next summer if there is some.详解答案课时作业(二十三).单项填空1解析:view作“风景”讲是可数名词,且在此为泛指,故其前用不定冠词a;in the distance在远处,为固定搭配。答案:B2解析:问句是在询问对方所在地是否在下雨,根据according to the weather forecast,but its not可知,答话人是说“理应下雨”,should符合题意。答案:B3解析:房子虽小,但却有个漂亮的花园,故用at least对否定情况补充肯定的评论,意为“起码”。答案:D4解析:实价150元,而你付了450元,所以你被“敲竹杠(ripped off)”了。pay off偿清;cut down削减;break down分解。答案:B5解析:surround与其逻辑主语Daisy之间为动宾关系,故用surround的过去分词作状语。surrounded by.被所包围,周围都是。答案:C6解析:be heavy with.有大量的,充满了。答案:D7解析:分析句子结构可知,这是一个非限制性定语从句且从句中缺少主语,又结合句子内容可知,关系代词应指代主句的内容,故用which引导。答案:C8解析:考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知spot为先行词,且从句里缺少地点状语,故用where引导定语从句。答案:D9解析:考查非谓语动词。forbid sb.to do sth.禁止做某事,本题为其被动结构sb.be forbidden to do sth.。本句主语the patients与drink之间为主动关系,故选A。答案:A10解析:在条件状语从句中,谓语动词不能用一般将来时,但可以用be to do结构。虽然if从句中可以用现在完成时,但放在此语境中不合适,因为此处并不表示花已经存活下来。答案:B11解析:句意为:有时候我们会感觉特别沮丧。当你经历这样的困难时期时,通常跟别人交谈会有所帮助。go through经历;通过,符合题意。break through突破,突围;see through帮助渡过(困难等);看穿;look through识破。答案:A12解析:句意为:这场篮球赛的最终比分为9394。我们只是以微弱的劣势落败。nearlynot quite or not completely几乎,差不多,将近,如用nearly则表示几乎被击败,与题干中9394不符,故排除A。slightly(轻微地)常用以表程度;lightly(轻松,不慎重)常表力度、情绪。只有narrowly(勉强)可用以表双方比分接近,故选C。答案:C13解析:句意为:你告诉汤姆这个好消息了吗?噢,没有,我忘了。我这就给他打电话。此处表示“马上要打电话,属于将来时,A项为将来进行时;C项为一般现在时(一般表示习惯性、经常性的动作),故排除;be to do sth.也可表示将来,但是它表示按计划或安排即将发生的事情;will do表示临时决定要做某事,符合题意。答案:B14解析:考查状语从句的连接词。句意为:有些中国学生在伦敦发现很难听懂那些母语是英语的人。非常对!即使他们已经学习了很多的语法,认识了很多单词也是如此。if only要是就好了;now that既然;as if好像;even if即使。答案:D15解析:考查介词短语辨析。句意为:既然你已经知道那是你的过错,为什么不当场向你的老板道歉呢?on every side到处;on no account决不;on the spot当场,在现场;on the contrary相反,由句意可知,C项正确。答案:C.完形填空语篇解读:作者羡慕大孩子戴着勋章和绶带,于是她参加了学校的越野队。虽然很难,但她坚持了下来,并通过努力锻炼取得了很大进步。文章告诉我们这样一个道理:遇到困难和挑战时,要勇敢面对,不放弃。1解析:作者也想像她见到的大孩子那样戴着勋章和绶带,所以她加入了学校的越野队。第三段中“Then one of my friends joined the crosscountry team,too.”是线索提示。答案:D2解析:根据上文“I was very slow in the team.”可知,作者几乎总是最后一个完成比赛,故选C。答案:C3解析:根据下文“Every time I stopped,”可知,作者在长跑比赛中总是不得不停下来,故选A。答案:A4解析:根据上文“作者在长跑比赛中总是不得不停下来”可知,这些比赛是很累人的,再结合下文作者与她朋友的对比“She never got tired and didnt get cramp (抽筋) in her legs.”可知,应选B。答案:B5解析:这些令人疲惫的比赛以及至少一百人参加比赛的确使作者很紧张。故A项正确。下文“Even a whole month before a race,Id get so nervous that I felt like I might give up.”是线索提示。答案:A6解析:每次作者停下来,就会有10个人超过她。答案:D7解析:虽然作者讨厌看着他们超过自己,但她仍然无法说服自己继续下去。答案:B8解析:作者的朋友从不感到累,腿也不抽筋,且由该空下一句可知,作者无法理解这样怎么能称得上公平。equal相等的,平等的;reasonable合情理的;fair公平的;tolerable可容忍的。答案:C9解析:她跑得很轻松而作者却觉得那是一种折磨。解题时注意while表对比。答案:B10解析:作者从未感到如此没有自信,非常想放弃。confidence自信,符合语境。答案:D11解析:然而,作者没有放弃。though用作副词时,表示“然而”,常用在句末。答案:C12解析:比赛前一个月作者都紧张得想放弃。然而作者拒绝放弃。答案:A13解析:此处指戴着勋章和绶带的大孩子的那个画面仍然在作者的脑海里。答案:D14解析:最终作者意识到,自己面对大赛紧张的原因是她总是担心自己没有准备好。be ready for准备好(做某事)。答案:C15解析:take out取出;map out仔细策划,计划;figure out理解;let out突然发出。此处指制订计划,故选B。答案:B16解析:作者每天锻炼以帮助自己逐渐形成稳定的步伐。根据下文“I stopped only once and my pace was much better.”可知,应选A。答案:A17解析:根据下文“I stopped only once and my pace was much better.”可知,作者所有的锻炼奏效了。set off出发;pay off奏效,取得成功;get off离开;take off起飞,脱下。答案:B18解析:虽然真的很难,作者甚至曾想放弃,但她坚持下来了,她为自己感到自豪。be proud of为感到自豪。答案:C19解析:作者通过坚持不懈的努力取得了很大进步,向自己表明自己足够坚强,能够继续下去。strong坚强的;强大的,符合语境。答案:A20解析:下次作者面临艰难的挑战的时候,她将会知道自己能应对它。challenge挑战,符合语境。答案:D.阅读理解语篇解读:你或者周围的人有梦游症吗?如果有的话,该怎么办呢?本文给出了几点建议。1解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的“then sleep disorder specialists suggest that.before this time.This will often break the cycle.”可知,当孩子经常梦游时,专家建议家长花一周的时间记录梦游发生的时间,然后在梦游前15分钟轻轻地叫醒孩子,这样孩子就不会发生梦游了。答案:D2解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“.they will become distressed.Everyong has experienced that feeling of confusion”可知,答案选C。lost意为“困惑的、不知所措的”。答案:C3解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“but the kindest thing to do is not to try to wake them at all.Lead them gently back to bed so that they do not hurt themselves.”可知,答案选A。答案:A4解析:主旨大意题。本文主要建议人们该如何正确处理梦游症,sleepwalking做标题最恰当。答案:B.短文改错I joined in a program the “Happy School” in the holidays.It was given some volunteers from the universities in our city.There were many courses,including photography, painting, basketball training for us to choose from.These courses were intended to help us leftbehind middle school in the countryside, parents are working in other cities,make use of our holidays.The volunteers took good care of us,showed how to do our homework and sure of our safety.I learned a lot from the program.I will attend such programs again the next summer if there is .111


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