Unit 2《Growing pains》-welcome教案1(牛津译林版必修1)

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Unit 2《Growing pains》-welcome教案1(牛津译林版必修1)_第1页
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Unit 2《Growing pains》-welcome教案1(牛津译林版必修1)_第2页
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Unit 2《Growing pains》-welcome教案1(牛津译林版必修1)_第3页
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111Unit 2 Growing painsPart One Teaching DesignAims and requirements Read a play about an American family and two letters Listen to a radio talk show Talk about problems common to teenagers Present a dialogue Write an advice letter proceduresWelcome to the UnitStep 1: Brainstorming1. Do you love your parents? Do you think you show respect to your parents?2. Do you sometimes quarrel with your parents? How do arguments usually happen? Will you give examples of kinds of problems you sometimes have with your parents. Some parents may interfere in their childrens lives and try to influence their decisions about their future career or study plans. Parents may want to make decisions for their children and also force them into doing things they dont want to, such as household chores or extra study. Some parents dont always trust that their child is telling the truth. They may ask lots of questions about a childs social activities or the reason why they are late coming home, etc.Some of the problems we have been discussing are quite common in families nowadays. What should you do to deal with these problems? Do you nowadays always listen to your parents instructions? Do you always explain yourselves to your parents and resolve problems peacefully? Or do you disobey your parents and quarrel with them about your decisions? In every family there are certain issues that cause problems and arguments. What are the most common causes of family arguments? Are these daily conflicts over doing homework, doing household chores and going to bed and getting up on time? Or are they over bigger issues such as study, careers, university and making friends?Step 2: Discussing and practicing1. Look at each picture carefully. There are four pictures here. First of all, Id like you to imagine the situation and try to describe it with your own words.(The teacher can show an example to students by describing the first picture.)Last Sunday, after leaving school, Li Ping went home feeling extremely tired. He wanted to have a good rest and relax. When his parents said hello to him, he was so impatient that he didnt say anything and went straight to his own bedroom. Though his parents were very confused, they didnt ask him why and continued with the cooking. After a while, loud music came from Li Pings bedroom. His mother was very angry and she rushed into his room.2. Now please talk about each picture as fully as possible in groups of four and share your opinions with your partners. Better not let go the chance to speakJ. I will invite some of you to report back your descriptions.3. Do you think there is a generation gap between you and your parents? Does the generation gap really exist? How do you overcome the gap?Sample answersA. Yes, sometimes my parents try and interfere in my life and make my decisions for me. My parents want me to be a lawyer, but I want to be a writer or a journalist. We argue a lot about what subjects I should study at university and which job I should get. I spend much of my time working on the school newspaper, but my parents say I should concentrate first on my subjects and forget about extra-curricular activities. They think if I waste my time on these activities, I wont get good enough grades to attend a good university.They also try to control my home life a lot. My mother is always asking me to help with the cooking and keep my room clean, but I just want to relax and listen to music or chat to my friends on the Internet. My father wants me to take extra maths lessons at the weekend, but I think I need time to have fun with friends as well as study. B. My parents want to control my life too. We argue about my grades and study almost every day. Whenever I feel angry with my parents, I talk it over with my best friend. I dont expect that she will have a better solution to the problem than me, but I can express my inner feelings to her better than to my parents. Unlike my parents, who shout at me and say I am wrong and bad for not wanting the same things as them, my friend understands completely what I am feeling. We have the same dreams and ambition.C. My parents dont trust me at all. They always think I am out having fun with my friends, not studying. I often meet my friends after school to research projects and do homework. We do have fun, but we still do lots of work. Sometimes I am late home and my father always asks me lots of questions about where I have been and who I met. They think I am playing games in the Internet cafe or out shopping for clothes or CDs. I tell them I am studying but they just dont believe me. We often argue and they call me a bad child and say I am disobedient and dont respect them. I try to be a good child, but sometimes when I am tired or in a bad mood, I am not very polite to my parents, I sometimes stay quiet and dont answer their questions and dont do the things they ask me to, like helping around or going to bed on time, but I think sometimes they just dont understand me.111


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