高一英语北师大版必修4:Unit11《The Media》(4) 导学案

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高一英语北师大版必修4:Unit11《The Media》(4) 导学案_第1页
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11110级班级_姓名_层次_ Unit 11 The Media(导学案4)Lesson 2 The Paparazzi寄语:Genius only means hard-working all ones life .天才只意味着终身不懈的努力。学习目标:1学习本课单词(A级)及其用法(B/C级)。 2 复习lesson1课文。(B级)学习重点:新单词的用法。(B/C级)学习过程:Step: 1再次阅读lesson1课文,提高阅读速度。(A级)2 听课本24页录音3,回答相关问题。(B级)3 听课本25页录音6、7,回答相关问题。(B级)StepII: 词汇用法解析。(B级)1 blame vt.责备,把归咎于常见短语:(1)be to blame 应该受责 (2) blame sb for sth 因某事责备某人(3)blame sth on sb把怪到头上;把某事的责任归咎于某人 (4)bear the blame 承担责任【活学巧用】改错:1)Dont blame the accident for me._2) We blamed him on the accident._3) The careless driver is _for the traffic accident that _yesterday.A to blame;happened B to blame;was happening C to be blamed;happened D to be blamed; was happened2. willing adj. 乐意的,出于自愿的,心甘情愿的(+ to+v)(+ that)They are willing to come to help us. 翻译:_willingness n.自愿;乐意(U)翻译句子:1) Im too willing to give a hand if you need help._ 2) 如果你愿意带我去参加宴会,我就甘心听你的话。_3. attempt 1) vt. 尝试,企图,试图(attempt to do )They attempted to finish the task before May.翻译:_2)n. make an attempt to do sth /at doing 尝试做翻译:我们做出新的尝试来解决这个问题。_* attempted adj.未遂的,企图的【及时反馈】1) The girl _become one of the Super Girls,but failed.A attempted at B attempted to C attempted on D attempted in2) Now scientists are _to solve the problem about river pollution.A making an attempt B made attempt C made a lot of attempt D attempted4. pentend v.假装,装作,装扮pentend to do sth 假装做某事pentend to be doing 假装正在做pentend to have done 假装做过pentend thatEg: 翻译下列句子并背会。He pretended to be friendly to her. Some students pretended to be reading when the teacher came in.He pretended to have known the truth.【及时反馈】1) When we came in,she pretended _sleeping.A as B like C to be D at 2) After a while,he _finished the work and went away.A pretended to B pretended to beC pretended that D pretended to have 小结:Unit 11 The Media(导学案4)Lesson 2 The Paparazzi当堂检测卡班级: 姓名: 层次: 评价1.找出下列句子中的错误,并改正。(A级)1. This kind of machine is sold well. _ 2. The child was taken good care. _3. The bike needs to repaire. _4. The music is sounded beautiful. _5. The story was happened last year. _6. Does a lot of work done by him every day? _7. When will the sports meeting held? _8. The car is easy to be driven. _9.School is begun at 8 oclock. _2.短文改错。(B级)New York can be a very dangerous city-especially at 1. _ night. Many people dare not to go out alone into the streets 2. _after dark. This problem is worse for single woman like 3. _ Miss Green. For a singer, she had to drive alone to clubs 4. _ lately at night. Then she had to drive home after the shows. 5. _ She needed a friend during she drove to work or back 6. _ home. She found a man-shaped balloon that named Bob and 7. _ set him in the passenger seat of her car while she drives 8. _ at night. People on the street thought the women driver 9. _ had a man with her and she felt safely. 10. _ 111

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