Module 1《My First Day at Senior High》cultural corner and task教案3(外研版必修1)

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Module 1《My First Day at Senior High》cultural corner and task教案3(外研版必修1)_第1页
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Module 1《My First Day at Senior High》cultural corner and task教案3(外研版必修1)_第3页
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111Teaching Plan of Module One Book 1(NSE)Topic: My First Day at Senior HighTask: Introduce ones own school教学内容、目的和要求一、 题材内容及任务:介绍一位高中新生第一天到校观察和接触到的人和事物以及个人的感受,内容紧密结合学生现实生活。教学中应根据学校、班级和学生实际情况,灵活掌握教学过程,组织教学内容:Introduction 通过学习有关课程的英语名称,让学生初步了解高中阶段的学习内容。Reading and Vocabulary 通过阅读、学习生词,让学生对教师、班级、学生以及学校等情况英语表达有一个初步接触和了解;要求学生通过阅读,初步认识以-ing和-ed结尾的形容词在句子中的作用。Grammar 复习一般现在时的用法,和现在进行时比较。Speaking通过回答模块提出的问题,对美国一所中学进行口头描述。Listening and Vocabulary 学习生词及其构词法并为听力活动打下词汇基础,通过听力活动巩固所学词汇并加深理解,培养思维能力。Grammar2学习以-ing和-ed结尾的形容词。Pronunciation 学习以-ed结尾的单词的发音。Writing 阅读一名美国中学生写的电子邮件,通过回答问题的方式,为写一封回信作准备。Everyday English and Function练习对话,学习使谈话继续进行的表达方式。Cultural Corner 通过阅读初步了解和比较中美两国的中学教育系统。Task 通过讨论,准备用书面形式介绍所在学校。Module File有助于学生对本模块学习内容进行归纳,对自己的学习进行反思和检验。二、 教学目标1)语言知识目标:语音掌握含有-ed结尾的词的发音规则并能准确读出。词汇见113页中本模块的Word List语法1. 学习一般现在时的三种不同用法:a permanent state of affairs; a habit or something you do regularly; something which is always true.2. 学习以-ing和-ed结尾的形容词。功能表达态度(attitude)和感情(emotions)。话题介绍学校或班级概况;对比国内外教育体系。2)语言技能目标:听听懂有关学校介绍的内容并获取信息;听懂其他材料介绍的学校情况并获取信息;识别所学生词、词语和含有-ing、-ed的派生词,听懂它们所在句子和段落的意义并获取信息。说能说出Everyday English 介绍的使对话继续进行的表达方式;熟练地和同学讨论本模块布置的话题;熟练地介绍学校或班级情况;流利说出含有本模块生词、短语和含有-ing、-ed的句子及段落。读理解所学生词、短语和含有-ing、-ed的句子和段落并获取信息;理解模块、同学提供的介绍学校的材料并获取信息。写熟练写出含有一般现在时的句子和段落;熟练完成模块所要求的各种书面练习;比较自如地写出介绍学校情况的文章。3)学习策略:认知策略利用派生规则的以形释义和按义择形的认知策略;复习一般现在时的用法;用现有知识和经历对材料进行理解、分析及综合加工。调控策略根据模块问题锻炼略读和查读技能,加强对思维方向的自觉控制。交际策略学习Everyday English and Function中运用恰当词语使对话继续的交际策略。资源策略通过其他资源获取更多介绍中学情况等方面的信息。4)文化意识:交谈技巧了解英语交际中如何根据对方的话语作出恰当的反应。中外对比了解英语国家中学教育的大致情况;通过对比,思考我国中学教育。5)情感态度:热爱新学校、新班级和新同学,参与各种英语活动,克服困难,在新环境中进一步树立准确的语言学习观。三、 教学安排PERIOD DIVIDINGPERIOD 1: INTRODUCTION& EVERYDAY ENGLISH AND FUNCTIONPERIOD 2: READING AND VOCABULARY & CULTURAL CORNERPERIOD 3: LANGUAGE STUDY IN TWO PASSAGESPERIOD 4: LANGUAGE STUDY IN TWO PASSAGESPERIOD 5: GRAMMAR1&LISTENING AND VOCABULARYPERIOD 6: GRAMMAR2&PRONUNCIATION &SPEAKING&WRITING教学设计PERIOD 1: INTRODUCTION& EVERYDAY ENGLISH AND FUNCTIONTEACHING DEMANDS AND AIMSa) have the students to introduce themselves b) have the students to know what you expect from themc) have the students get familiar with some words of subjectsd) have the students to learn the Everyday English and function TEACHING METHODSa) speaking b)discussing c)pair-work& group-work教学设计Task 1: Learn more words about subjects and expressions about how to make the conversation continue.Pre-task:Activity 1: SPEAKING Self-introduction (I) This is the first English class in Senior high, you are fresh to the students , so are the students. So it is necessary for you to introduce yourself to the students and get them to introduce them to you and other students , you must stress that the students must introduce them in English. If necessary, you can make an example first. eg : My name is XingpingZhao , I am your new English teacher ,you can call me Ms.Zhao. I was born on April 15th in a small village in Heilongjiang province. I graduated from Harbin Normal University , I have taught English in this school for 10 years. I am a friendly teacher , I am usually ready to help everyone of you. I like music very much ,but I am not good at it. I dont like sports so much, especially football, in my opinion, it is so tiring and meaningless. In my spare time, I like reading and listening to music. I hope we can get along well with each other and I will try my best to teach you how to learn English well more than the grammar & vocabulary & drills. I will be strict with every student, so you must follow my words, or you will be punished. (some drills needed to be written on the black board)a) My name is b) I am a c) I was born on/in d) I graduated from e) I like/ am good at / am fond of f) I hope/ think/ want g) Activity 2 Get the students to introduce them to their partners in group of four, then ask some volunteers to introduce them to all the students in English. or Ask them to introduce them one by one.Task-cycle Vocabulary and speakingActivity 1: VocabularyAsk the students to tell you what subjects they learned in Junior High school and what other subjects they will learn in Senior High school, ask the students to express them in English as possible as they can, then write the words on the Bb, teach the students to pronounce the words they dont know. eg : Chinese English Mathematics Physics Chemistry Biology Politics History Geography Arts Music IT (Information Technology) PE(Physical Education) GT(General Technology) Japanese Russian FrenchActivity 2. Dialogue (pair-work) T: How many subjects are science subjects? S: T: How many of them are languages? S: T: Which languages do you study at our school? S: . T: Which subjects do you like best? Why? S: Ask the students to imitate the dialogue to get which subject their partner like and why by using the following drills. Which subject do you like best? Why? Which subject do you like better between .and ? Why? I like because I think is important because I would like to study/learn because In my opinion is so I . Ask some of them to show their dialogues to the ss.Post-task Everyday English and Function Activity 1:listening and studyT: After we have talked about the favorite subjects you like best, now lets turn to another part. Every day when we have a break between classes we may meet some old friends, you may talk about your classes , now please turn to P8 , lets learn the dialogue in Everyday English and Function . Ask the students to listen to the tape ,then to read the dialogue in pairs. (explain some difficult words and teach ask them to pronounce them by looking up them in the dictionary)Ask the students to read and analyze these sentences.1 How are you doing?2 Oh really?3 Is that right?Activity 2: Make a dialogue and report it.Work in pairs. Make a conversation about one of your classes . Use the conversation in activity 1 to help. Ask some of them to report and act their dialogue out. Summary and question timeThe teacher summary the whole class for the students and tell them what they should do to improve. The teacher answers some students questions.HomeworkI Review the drills we learned in this class.II Preview Reading and vocabulary & Cultural corner.Feedback:Period 2 READING AND VOCABULARY & CULTURAL CORNERTEACHING DEMANDS AND AIMS a) get the students to understand the texts wellb) get the students to know the school life in other schools ( at home and in the USA)c) help the students to improve their reading abilityTEACHING METHODS a) speaking b) reading c) discussing d) pair-work& group-work教学设计 Task 1 Reading the passage and train the reading skills.Pre-task Activity 1 Revision I Revise last class by ask them which subject they like best and why.II Revise everyday English by asking which class do you have before our English class and talk about it with the help of Everyday English and Function on P8Activity 2 Lead-in (Discuss and compare)T: Everybody , we have studied in a new school . Before you come here , all of you studied in different schools, now I will give you some time to think what the main differences and similarities between Junior High school and Senior High school. And ask them to discuss these two problems:1 Do you think that work at Senior High school is harder than that at Junior High school?2 Are Senior High teachers similar to Junior High teachers?T: After we have compared Senior High school and Junior High school, now we will learn something about Likangs First day at Senior High . before we read the text lets learn some words first.Activity 3 Vocabulary Deal with the vocabulary on P2 by finishing the questions in the part.Task-cycle ReadingActivity1 Scanning Read the text quickly and try to find the answer to these questions:a) What are the differences between Likangs Junior High school and Senior High school?b) What are the two things the English teacher thinks important to do in class?c) What are the two things that the English teacher wants to improve?Suggested answers:a) The teaching method, classrooms, studentsb) Reading comprehension and speakingc) Spelling and handwritingActivity 2 UnderstandingPlay the tape for the students and ask them to listen & read following the tape in a low voice. Then finish the forth part in Reading and Vocabulary on P3.Activity 3 Careful-readingRead the passage carefully and try to get the main idea of each Paragraph.Paragraph 1Self-introduction.Paragraph 2Paragraph 3Paragraph 4Paragraph 5Paragraph 6Possible Answers: 2. Description of the school. 3. Teaching method. 4. What the students did in the first English lesson.5.Two skills that need improving.6. Description of the class.Ask the students to read the passage again and find out which word in the box in the fifth part of Reading and Vocabulary on P4. And ask them try to guess the meaning and explain the words in English according to the text.Ask the students to read the three summaries of Likangs opinion about the new school in the sixth part in Reading and Vocabulary on P4. Decide which is the best.Activity 4 DiscussionT: We have known the Likangs life at Senior High, is your English classroom like Likangs? Is your class the same size as his? Is the number of boys and girls the same? Are you looking forward to doing your English homework? Now please discuss with your partner and compare your school life with Likangs.Post-task Cultural cornerT: we have learned likangs school life at senior high, do you want to know the life of the teenagers in the similar age of you in other countries? Now please turn to P9, lets read the text in cultural corner and learn something about the Senior High school life in the US.Activity1 listening and readingAsk the students to listen to the tape and read the text.Activity 2 pair- worksAsk the students to answer the following questions:a) What are the differences between the grades in China and the US?b) How is the school year divided?c) How long does the Summer Vacation last?d) When do they start and finish school?e) What do they do after school?Activity 3 WritingAsk the students to prepare a short reply to introduce the school system , vacation, study time & after-school activities in China by imitating the letter in Cultural corner.Summary The teacher summarizes the class by comparing the school life in China and the US.Homework:I Write a reply to Rob MarshallII Read the text for as many times as they can III Preview the language points in these two passages.Feedback:Period 3 language study and some difficult drills Task1 Study language points in the two passages.TEACHING DEMANDS AND AIMSa) get the students to master some useful words or expressionsb) get the students to master some important drillsc) get the students to do some exercises about the language points.d) to improve the students ability of using EnglishTEACHING METHODS a)explanation b)discovery c)practicePre-taskActivity 1 Revision Check the homework and let the Ss read good replies to other students.Cycle-taskActivity 1 Study some useful phrases in the reading passages.First, let the Ss find out some useful expressions in the passage.A. useful expressionsbe similar to /inattitude to sth/doing sthwrite downa woman called in a fun waynothing likeintroduce oneself tobe embarrassed at/aboutin other wordslook forward to sth/doing sthfar fromsecondary schoolat the end ofdivide intosummer vacationtake part inafter-school activitiesin groupsa description of receive the high school diplomaB.let the Ss read out the sentences with these phrasesActivity 2 Explain some knowledge pointsI.wordsA.thought a)c.n. something that you think of or remember 想法;看法;主意;记忆e.g. I dont like the thought of you walking home alone. b) a persons mind and all the ideas that they have in it when they are thinking 心思;思想e.g. Id like to hear your thoughts on the subject.B. enthusiastic a) adj.feeling or showing a lot of excitement and interest about sb./sth.热情的,热心的,热烈的,满腔热忱的。常构成:be +enthusiastic结构。E.g. You dont sound very enthusiastic about the idea.b) phrasesbe enthusiastic about /over/ for 对狂热,痴迷,迷恋Cinformation u.n facts or details telling sth about a situation, person ,event, etc information about/on sb/sth 关于某人/谋事的信息 a piece of information 一则消息; 一份情报 ask for information on/about 打听关于的消息D. instruction a)n (pl) sth that sb tells you to do 指示b)(pl) information on how to do or use sth 说明follow the instructions for 遵守的指示instructions on(how to do ) sth (如何做)某事的指示instructions to do sth 做某事的指示on sb instructions 遵照某人的指示be under instructions to do sth 被指示做某事instructions in 有关的指示E. embarrassed a) adj. feeling nervous and uncomfortable and worrying be embarrassed to do sth 羞于做某事be embarrassed about/at 对感到困窘e.g. Shes embarrassed about her height. He felt embarrassed at being the centre of attention.b)ashamed adj./embarrassedashamed 指因明知故犯而感到羞愧,但一般指严重或重要的事情。e.g. You should be ashamed of treating your daughter like that.embarrassed 指犯了错误、做了傻事或在他人面前感到难为情。e.g. I was embarrassed about forgetting his name.F. attitude n sbs opinions of feelings about sth, especially as shown by their behaviourattitude to/towards sth/sb 对某人/某事的态度G. behaviour n. way of treating others ; manners behaviour towards/to 对的态度/行为be on ones good/best behaviour 循规蹈矩;行为检点put sb on his best behaviour 规劝/警告某人要规规矩矩H. previous adj happening or existing before the event or object you are talking about 以前的;从前的the previous day 前一天previous to +n./pron./doing sth. 在以前e.g. Previous to leaving for France, he studied a lot about the country. Previous to this, shed always been well.previously adv 以前;从前I.impress vt. to have a favourable effect on sb ; to make sb feel admiration and respect impress sth in /on sth impress sth on/opon sb impress sb with sth be impressed at/by/withimpression n.make an impression on sb J. cover vt to include or deal with sth 包含be covered by/ with被所覆盖cover for sb 顶替某人cover (a distance) 走(一段距离)cover (sth new )报道(消息;新闻)cover sth up/over 盖住某物post-task Practicing Ask the students to do some exercises about the language points just learnedHomeworkI Remember the usages of the words todayII Preview and try to analyze the difficult sentences in these passagesFeedback:PERIOD 4: LANGUAGE STUDY IN TWO PASSAGESTask1 Study language points in the two passages.TEACHING DEMANDS AND AIMSe) get the students to master some useful words or expressionsf) get the students to master some important drillsg) get the students to do some exercises about the language points.h) to improve the students ability of using EnglishTEACHING METHODS a)explanation b)discovery c)practicePre-task Revision Revise the words learned yesterday by doing some translation exercises.(C to E or E to C).Cycle-post language study 1The teacher is a very enthusiastic woman called Ms. Shen. 这个非常热情的女老师是沈老师。called Ms. Shen 是过去分词短语作定语,与所修饰的词之间存在着逻辑上的被动关系,相当于定语从句who/that was called Ms. Shen。 如:We visited the new library built three weeks ago.我们参观了三周前建成的图书馆。The first textbooks written for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 18th century.最早为外语教学而写的英语课本出现在十八世纪。Most of the artists invited to the party were from South Africa.被邀请来参加聚会的大多是南非艺术家。注:短语一般放在被修饰词之后,单个过去分词放在被修饰词之前2And we have fun. I dont think I will be bored in Ms. Shens class!我们上课上得很开心,我认为我不会对沈老师的课厌烦的。(1)have (great) fun 玩得开心=have (a lot of) fun= have a wonderful time=enjoy oneself 如:The children were having a lot of fun with the building blocks.孩子们玩搭积木玩得很开心。Youre sure to have some fun tonight.今晚你一定会玩得很开心。They had a lot of fun chatting on the net.他们在网上聊天聊得很开心。fun ,是不可数名词,常用于be fun 结构中,相当于interesting。如Seeing monkeys in the zoo is great fun.在公园看猴子非常有趣。What fun it is to play a game after work!工作之余活动一下多么有趣!注: 此处的what fun不能用how funny代替,因为funny是“滑稽的,好笑的”的意思。拓展for fun=in fun 开玩笑地make fun of 嘲笑,取笑。如Im not saying such a serious thing for fun.我说如此严肃的事情绝不是开玩笑。Its bad manners to make fun of the blind.取笑盲人是不礼貌的。(2) 我们要注意本句英汉表达的区别。英语中有些动词,如think, believe, expect, suppose, feel, guess, imagine 等,当它们后面接一个具有否定意义的宾语从句时,通常要把主句的动词变为否定式,而宾语从句中的谓语动词用肯定形式。这种现象称为否定的转移。如:We dont think there is anything interesting in your pictures.我们认为你的画并没有什么有趣的地方。I dont believe what he said is true.我认为他说的不是真话。I dont suppose they will object to my suggestion.我想他们不会反对我的建议。He didnt imagine that she would go abroad.他料想她不会出国了。I dont feel the food can last us through the winter.我认为这食物是不够我们过冬的。注:在反意疑问句中,若陈述部分是第一人称,think等词用一般现在进,则疑部部分需与从句中的主语和谓语保持一致,否则要与主句的主语和谓语保持一致。如:I dont think its going to rain tomorrow, is it?我认为明不会下雨,对吗?You dont think I have made mistakes, do you?你并不认为我犯了什么错误,是吗?3 In other words, there are three times as many girls as boys.换句话说,女孩是男孩的三倍。(1)in other words 意为“换句话”,在句中用作插入成分。如:In other words, she must give up singing.换言之,她必需放弃唱歌。Im not used to the way you speak to me. In other words, I dont want to continue our conversations.我不习惯于你对我谈话的方式。换句话讲,我不想继续我们的谈话了。Beethoven wrote many world-famous musical compositions. In other words, he was a great musician.贝多芬写过许多世界著名乐曲。换句话讲,他是一位伟大的音乐家。A + be+倍数 +as+ adj. +as+BAsia is four times as large as Europe.亚洲是欧洲的四倍大。A+be+倍数+ 比较级+than+BAsia is three times larger than Europe.亚洲比欧洲大三倍。A+be+倍数+the size/length/height/depth/width+ of+ BAsia is four times the size of Europe.亚洲是欧洲的四倍大。注: time 表示倍数,一般只限于表示基数词在内的三倍或三倍以上,若表示两倍可用副词twice 或形容词double。 time 表示的倍数也可以用分数,百分数或某些表程度的副词替换。The street is twice the length of that one.这条街是那条街的两倍长。Ten is double five.十是五的二倍。This pencil is a quarter as long as that one.这枝铅笔是那枝的四分之一长。Our room is 60 the size of theirs. 我们房间的面积是他们房间面积的60%。4 Im looking forward to doing it!我非常渴望去做。look forward to sth./doing sth. 意思是“期待着某事/做某事”,其中“to”是介词。I look forward to hearing from you as early as possible.我期待着早日收到你的来信。Boys and girls are looking forward to Childrens Day.孩子们期盼着儿童节的来临。Im looking forward to his return just as much as he himself seeing me.我期待他的归来同他盼望见到我的心怀一样强烈。链接动词介词to构成的常用短语有:look forward to 盼望turn to 求助于;转向;翻到pay attention to 注意stick to 坚持get down to 开始认真干object to 反对belong to 属于refer to 谈到,涉及,参阅point to 指向see to 处理,料理come to 共计;苏醒reply to 答复agree to 同意add to 增加devoteto 贡献给compareto把比作5 The school year is divided into two semesters, the first of which is September through December, and the second is January through May.一学年有两个学期,第一学期从九月到十二月,第二学期从一月到五月。(1)be divided into “把分成”。如:Our class is divided into four groups. 我们班分成四组。America is divided into over 30 stales. 美国分成50多个州。(2)the first of which是定语从句,修饰 semesters. 如:We live in a house, in front of which is a small river.6 I live in Shijiazhuang, a city not far from Beijing(1)far from a) 远离 b) 毫不;远非;一点也不(2)away from & far (away) from , 两个短语都可以用来作表语,状语和后置定语。其中,其中away from用在表示具体距离的词后面时,意为“离(多远), be away from意为“离开”。 far (away) from 通常不和具体的距离的词连

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