高一英语备课《Module 2 No Drugs》提能训练 (附解析) 外研版必修2

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111Module 2No Drugs能 力 闯 关.单词拼写1The _(入室盗窃)in the area have risen by 5%.2It is _(违法的)to drive without a license.3Would _(参赛者)in the next race come forward?4We should help the boy _(沉迷)to computer games.5The best _(疗法)for a cold is to rest and drink more water.6She came home so thin and weak that even her own children hardly r_ her.7I was for the plan,but he d_ to it.8Smoking is b_ in some public places,such as on the bus and at the cinema.9The old soldier used all he had to buy a pack of c_.10Theyve r_ the prices in the shop,so its a good time to buy.答案:1.burglaries2.illegal3.participants4.addicted5.treatment6.recognized7.disagreed8banned9.cigarettes10.reduced.单项填空1_ about wild plants that they decided to make a trip to Madagascar for further research.ASo curious the couple was BSo curious were the coupleCHow curious the couple were DThe couple was such curious解析:此句的语序应该是The couple were so curious about wild plants that.,可以把so置于句首,后面引起倒装,所以要选B。the couple意为“夫妇”,作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式,可排除A和D,此句是so.that结构,所以选项C也可排除。答案:B2Ronaldo was _ to win the 100meter hurdles race,but he fell to the ground and missed the chance.Apossible Bprobable Clikely Dmaybe解析:possible和probable作表语时,主语只能为it或事物,而不是人;maybe为副词,它只能作状语,常常位于句子开头;likely作表语时,主语可以是人,也可以是物。答案:C3Actually,Bungee is a kind of sport _ one is easily addicted.Ato which Bin which Cto that Dby which解析:句意:“实际上蹦极是一项人们很容易着迷的运动。”本题是一个定语从句,但实际上考查be addicted to.“迷恋,对着迷”。答案:A4Are you content with her lecture?Nowhere near that.It _.Amay have been good Bcouldnt have been worseCcant be better Dmust be better解析:句意:“你对她的报告满意吗?”“一点都不满意,报告最糟了。”Nowhere near that.“根本不,远远不。”答案:B5We always pay attention to the weather because it _ so directly what we wear,what we do and even how we feel.Abenefits Baffects Cconcludes Dattracts解析:句意为“我们总是关注天气,因为它直接影响我们穿什么衣服,做什么事,以及我们感觉如何”。benefit“有益于”;affect“影响”;conclude“总结”;attract“吸引”。答案:B6The deadly accident _ his careless driving.Aresulted in Bresulted of Cresulted from Dled to解析:本题考查词组用法辨析。句意为“那次可怕的事故起因于他的粗心驾驶”。A、D两项都为“导致的结果”,可以说:His careless driving resulted in(led to)the deadly accident.此处表示“起因于”。答案:C7The cars give off a great deal of waste gas in the streets.Yes. But Im sure something will be done to _ air pollution.Areduce Bremove Ccollect Dwarn解析:本题考查动词辨析。reduce air pollution表示“降低空气污染”。答案:A8I agree with most of what you said,but I dont agree with _.Aeverything Banything Csomething Dnothing解析:若紧紧抓住“I dont agree with.”为否定句,就会死抠“anything用于否定句和疑问句”这一语法规则,就会步入误区而选B。该题应依据上文中关键词语“most of what you said”,借助“not everything”这一“部分否定”确定正确答案。答案:A9The woman used to _ a hard life,_ she?Alive;hadnt Blive;didnt Chave;hadnt Dhave;didnt解析:used to live a hard life表示过去过着艰苦的生活。used to do反义疑问句有两种表达方式:didnt she?或usednt she?答案:B10I was still sleeping when the fire _,and then it spread quickly.Abroke out Bput out Ccame out Dgot out解析:根据“and then it spread quickly”可知空格要填“(火)着了”。break out指战争、火灾等突然发生;put out释放出,产生;come out长出,出现;get out离开,逃脱。答案:A.翻译句子1他父亲是如此激动,以至于忍不住流下了泪水。(so.that)_2医生迅速地用药麻醉了患者。(drug)_3他吸可卡因上瘾。(addicted)_4大火把森林烧得仅剩下几棵树。(reduce.to.)_5他们可能会对他发怒。(likely)_答案:1.So excited was his father that he couldnt keep his tears on his face.2The doctor drugged his patient quickly.3He was addicted to cocaine.4The fire reduced the forest to a few trees.5They are likely to become angry with him.完形填空“How did you do it,Dad?How have you _1_ not to have a drink for almost twenty years?” It took me almost twenty years to have the _2_ to ask my father these very personal questions.When Dad first stopped drinking,the whole family was _3_ every time he got into a situation that _4_ have started him off drinking again.For a few years we were _5_ to bring it up _6_ the drinking would begin again.“I would recite this little _7_ to myself at least four to five times a day,” Dad replied. “The words were a _8_ and a reminder to me.They told me that things were never so difficult that I could not _9_ them,” Dad said.Then he _10_ the poem with me.It was _11_,yet the meaningful words immediately became a part of my daily life.About a month after this talk with my father,I received a _12_ from a friend.It was a book of daily mottos with one listed for each day of the year.It has been my _13_ that when you get something with days of the year on it,you naturally _14_ the page that lists your own birthday.I hurriedly opened the book to the page of November 10 to see what words of _15_ this book had in _16_ for me.I was shocked to see the words on that _17_.There was the exact same poem that had helped my father for all these years!It is called the Serenity(平静)Prayer:God,grant me the Serenity to _18_ the things I cannot _19_,the Courage to change the things I can,and the Wisdom to know the _20_.【解题导语】 文章讲述了父亲成功戒酒的故事,而作者由此也受到人生的启示。1A.decided Btried Cattempted Dmanaged解析:由文意可知,父亲已成功戒酒,故用manage to do“设法做成了(某事)”。答案:D2A.courage Bbravery Cconfidence Dpride解析:下文有提示:these very personal questions,故用have the courage to do sth.“有勇气做某事”。答案:A3A.nervous Banxious Ceager Dconcerned解析:由下文可知,家人怕父亲再喝酒,故紧张。答案:A4A.must Bwould Ccould Dshould解析:would have done指有可能发生(实际上没有),符合文意。答案:B5A.nervous Bafraid Cfearful Dcautious解析:be afraid to do“不敢做(某事)”,符合文意。答案:B6A.for fear Bin case of Cas a result Din some way解析:for fear“恐怕”,符合文意。答案:A7A.poetry Bpoem Cstory Dmessage解析:根据下文可知此处为poem。答案:B8A.relaxation Bliberation Cfreedom Drelief解析:由下文诗的内容可知应用relief“慰藉,宽慰”。答案:D9A.handle Bdo with Cget through Dgo through解析:handle“解决(问题)”,符合文意。答案:A10A.read Brecited Cshared Denjoyed解析:由下文可知,父亲与“我”分享了那首诗,share sth. with sb.“与某人分享某事”。答案:C11A.complicated Bdifficult Csimple Dplain解析:根据后面的yet可以判断,这首诗很简单。答案:C12A.book Bpoem Cgift Dletter解析:根据后面的book判断这是一份礼物,是一本书。答案:C13A.motto Bexperience Cchance Dprayer解析:由下文描述可知,此处指作者的经验。答案:B14A.open Bswitch Cturn to Dcome across解析:turn to“翻到(某一页)”,符合文意。答案:C15A.philosophy Bwisdom Cmethods Dtricks解析:由上文a book of daily mottos可知应用wisdom,words of wisdom“名言警句”。答案:B16A.shop Bstore Cthe corner Dthe way解析:in store“等待着,准备着”,符合文意。答案:B17A.book Bpaper Cpage Dmotto解析:上文提及11月10日的那一页,故此处用page。答案:C18A.receive Bacquire Cobtain Daccept解析:由下文语意,应是接受那些“我”无力改变的事情。答案:D19A.solve Bchange Cturn Dface解析:见上题解析。答案:B20A.result Bgoal Cdifference Dfuture解析:此处指上面提到的两种情况的区别。答案:C111

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