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汽轮发电机制造质量监造大纲The supervision programfor manufacturing generator0JS.037.003编制:校核:批准:WX系列汽轮发电机制造质量监造大纲The supervision program for manufacturing WX generator0JS.037.003序号No.监检部套unit监检项目item监造方式Method现场见证locale文件见证document1转轴shaft1原材料质量保证书certificate of raw material2机械性能试验报告test report of mechanical property3超声波探伤报告Ultrasonic testing of shafts4残余应力试验报告test report of stress5化学成份分析报告Chemical ingredient analysis6中心孔检查inspection of the center hole7关键部位尺寸精度、表面粗糙度及形位公差的检查Key position dimension and precision2护环Retaining ring1原材料质量保证书certificate of raw material2机械性能试验报告test report of mechanical property3化学成份分析报告analysis report of chemical composition4超声波探伤报告test report of flaw detection5关键部位尺寸精度及表面粗糙度的检查Key position dimension and precision3护环板Retaining ring plate1原材料质量保证书certificate of raw material2机械性能试验报告test report of mechanical property3化学成份分析报告analysis report of chemical composition4探伤报告test report of flaw detection5与护环配合面及轴配合面加工尺寸精度及表面粗糙度检查inspection of key dimension4风扇叶fan blade1原材料质量保证书certificate of raw material2理化性能试验报告test report of physical chemical properties3探伤报告test report of flaw detection5转子槽楔Rotor slot wedge1原材料质量保证书certificate of raw material2机械性能试验报告test report of mechanical property3化学成份分析报告analysis report of chemical composition6转子铜线Rotor copper conductor1原材料质量保证书certificate of raw material2机械性能试验报告test report of mechanical property3化学成份分析报告analysis report of chemical composition4导电率测试报告test report of electric conductivity7滑环Slip ring1原材料质量保证书certificate of raw material2机械性能试验报告test report of mechanical property3化学成份分析报告analysis report of chemical composition4内径及滑环装配尺寸精度、表面粗糙度检查inspection of key dimension8硅钢片Silicon steel plate1原材料质量保证书certificate of raw material2单耗测试报告test report of loss3冲片漆膜及毛刺抽查random inspection of paint film and fin9定子铜线Stator copper conductor1原材料质量保证书certificate of raw material10转子Rotor 1 槽衬耐压试验Slot channel voltage withstand test2 铜线焊接质量检查inspection of copper conductor welding3 端部垫块inspection of end block4 励磁绕组绝缘电阻的测定measurement of insulation resistance5 励磁绕组交流耐压试验AC high voltage test6 励磁绕组冷态直流电阻测定measurement of DC resistance7 励磁绕组交流阻抗的测定measurement of AC impedance8 动平衡时轴及轴承座振动值Shaft and bearing vibration during dynamic balance9 超速试验overspeed test10 联轴器端面及圆周跳动测量inspection of coupling11 动态波形法测转子线圈匝间短路Rotor turn-to-turn short-circuit measuring using dynamic waveform method11定子线圈(本项目仅对总数的5%进行抽验)Stator coil (random inspection for 5% )1 线圈的尺寸和形状Inspection of dimension1铁心尺寸及压紧量检查inspection of core dimension2线圈焊接检查inspection of coil welding3铁心轴向几何中心偏移inspection of the core axial offsetting 4铁芯损耗发热试验core test5绕组冷态直流电阻measurement of DC resistance6绕组对机壳及相间绝缘的测定measurement of insulation resistance7定子绕组直流耐压及泄漏电流的测定DC high voltage test with measuring leakage current8定子绕组交流耐压试验AC high voltage test12整机及产品性能试验The assembly test (本项内有“”标记者以同机型的型式试验报告为见证依据)The type test report is the witness of the test with symbol .1 冷却器水压试验water pressure test of cooler2 轴瓦配合面尺寸精度及表面粗糙度检查inspection of bushing key dimension3 轴承对地绝缘电阻的测定measuring of bearing insulation resistance4 轴电压试验measuring of shaft voltage5 轴承出油和轴瓦温度measuring of temperature for oil and bushing6 相序试验Phase sequence test7 短时升高电压试验occasional over-voltage test8 短时过电流试验occasional over-current test9 空载特性试验no-load characteristic test10稳态短路特性试验sustained short circuit characteristic test11振动试验Vibration test13.12噪声试验Noise test13效率试验Efficiency test 14电话谐波因数Determination of telephone harmonic factor15电压波形畸变率Determination of the voltage sinusoidal distortion rate16温升试验Temperature rise test17短路比Determination of the short circuit ratio18电抗和时间常数Determination of the reactance and time constant14交流励磁机(如有)AC exciter1 原材料质量保证书certificate of raw material2 定子绕组冷态下直流电阻的测定measuring of stator winding DC resistance3 定子绕组对地绝缘电阻的测定measuring of insulation resistance between stator winding and ground4 电枢绕组冷态下直流电阻的测定measuring of armature winding DC resistance5 电枢绕组对地和相间绝缘电阻测定measuring of armature winding insulation resistance6 电枢绕组交流耐压试验AC high voltage test of armature winding7 定子绕组交流耐压试验AC high voltage test of stator winding15励磁调节器Auto voltage regulation1接线检查inspection of connecting wire2绝缘检查inspection of insulation3起励操作inspection of start exciting4增磁、去磁操作inspection of magnetizing and demagnetizing 5电压、电流通道检查inspection of voltage channel and current channel 6有功、无功通道检查inspection of active power channel and reactive power channel7自动、手动转换inspection of auto-channel and hand-channel


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