冀教版英语必修3 UNIT1--UNIT4(经典短语)

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冀教版英语必修3 UNIT1--UNIT4(经典短语)_第1页
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111UNIT1-UNIT4经典词汇拓展1 glance at/stare at/ glare atglance at匆匆一瞥 stare at凝视glare at怒视Please fill in the blanks with the words above1The two naughty boys stopped fighting,but they _each other.2_the watch,he went out hurriedly without a word3The goat in tha cave _the hunter with a fear2 get down/get up/ get over /get through /get by1get sb down使某人沮丧 2get up起床;从事不该干的事情。 但要注意其反意词不是get down3get over康复;使起死回生4get through接通,常指打通电话5get by度日,生活Expressions with get1 I tried ringing her all morning but I couldnt get_A down B up C over D through2 Tom has been out of work for three months,which is getting him_A over B down C by D up3 After a long way,I felt so tired that I couldnt _up early as usualA down B up C over D by4 I have been looking for you all day.You are not on duty,and what are you getting_to?A down B by C up D through5 During the Depression,a great many workers were unemployed and hard to get_A through B over C by D up6 Although the modern medicine is making rapid progress,no one can get_the death of a personA down B over C by D through111


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