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新版PEP四年级英语上册期中测试题(1)Class_ Name_ Marks_一。 根据划线字母的发音规律,选择正确的同类单词写在四线格里。fit hot lake time hopeTim Jones Mike Bob Kate Big note nine dog name 二.根据图片,选择正确的单词。 A.shoes B. English book C. picture D. glasses E.computer1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三。读一读,选出每小题中与其它选项不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. floorB. wallC. ball( ) 2. A. notebookB. English bookC. Chinese book( ) 3. A. long hairB. friendC. short hair( ) 4. A. cakeB. candyC. kite( ) 5. A. kiteB. quietC. toy四Look and choose.根据图片,选出正确的句子。 ( ) 1. A. Put your maths book under your schoolbag. B. Put your maths book on your schoolbag. ( ) 2. A. Put up the picture. B. Turn on the light. ( ) 3. A. She has short hair and big eyes. B. He has short hair and big eyes. ( )4. A. I have a pen, a book and three keys in my desk. B. I have a pen, a book and three toys in my desk. ( )5. A. This is my teacher. B. This is my mom.五 选择正确的选项。 ( ) 1. How many crayons do you have? _ A. I am seven. B. I have seven. C. I like seven. ( ) 2. Whats in your schoolbag? _ A. 3 story-books. B. 20 desks. C. 3 classrooms.( ) 3. My friend is not quiet. She has long black hair. Who is she? She is _. A. B. C. ( ) 4. Whats _ name? John, he is my friend. A. her B. his C. your ( ) 5. A ruler? No, its a _ A. pencils. B. eraser. C. pen. ( ) 6. Lets clean the classroom. _ A. OK. B. Thank you. C. Good morning. ( ) 7. Where is it? _ A. Its green. B. I like it. C. Its near the door.( ) 8. Who is she? _ A. Her name is Alice. B. His name is Alice. C. My name is Alice. ( ) 9. What colour is your bag? _ A. Its nice. B. Its blue and white. C. Here it is. ( ) 10. I have _ English book and three in my desk. A. an , stroybooks B. a , stroybooks C. an , stroybook六 问答句搭配。( ) 1. Where is the picture? A. Her name is Lucy.( ) 2. Who is your friend? B. Miss White.( ) 3. Whats her name? C. Its on the desk.( ) 4. What colour is your book? D. An English book and three storybooks.( ) 5. Whats in your schoolbag? E. Its red.七读一读,给下列句子重排顺序,排成一段正确的对话。 ( ) A Chinese friend? ( ) Whats his name? ( ) I have a friend. ( ) Yes. He is tall and quiet. He has black glasses and big eyes. ( ) His name is Wu Yifan. 八选出与划线词不同类的单词。( ) 1. My bag is blue. A.yellow B. red C. cat ( ) 2. John is strong. A. glasses B.thin C.tall( ) 3. I like English. A. Chinese B. maths C. candy ( ) 4 Open the door. A. window B. quiet C. light( ) 5. My shoes are white. A.glasses B.friendly C.hat九。.选择题。( )1. Mike : Nice to meet you . John: _.A. Nice to meet you,too. B. Good morning . C. Hi( )2. Let_clean the board. A. me B. my C. I( )3. How many _do you have? A math books B math book C a math book( )4. _ is it? -Its red. A. What B. Where C. What colour( )5.Look _ the blackboard! A. at B. / C. to( )6.We _a new classroom.A. have B. has C. had( )7.- I have two . A. friend B. book C. books( ) 8.-_ is my pencil? -Its under your book. A. What B. Where C. Who( ) 9. I have _ English book and _ story-book. A. a , a B. an , an C. an , a( ) 10. -Whats name ? - Zhang Peng.A. he B. His C. Her十情景应用。( )1.早上,你见到老师怎样打招呼: AGood morning! BNice to meet you.( )2. 上课时,老师提醒大家看黑板,会说: AAre you OK ? BLook at the blackboard.( )3. 当介绍新朋友Bob给大家认识,会说: AThis is Bob. BBob has a new schoolbag.( )4 . 你想知道你班新来男同学的姓名,你问其他同学说: A. Where is my stroybook ? B. Whats his name?( )5. 当你找不到你的钥匙,你会说: A Where is my key? B .Who is she?十一.阅读短文,判断句子对(T)错(F)。 I have three friends. Theyre Ann, Mike and Bob. Bob is tall and strong. He likes English best(最好的). Mike is short and thin. He is very friendly. He like maths best. Ann is very quiet. She has long hair and small mouth. She like Chinese best. ( ) 1. Bob is a strong boy.( ) 2. Mike and Bob like English.( ) 3. Mike is tall and thin.( ) 4. Ann has short hair and a small nose.( ) 5. Ann is very quiet.新版PEP四年级英语上册期中测试题(2)Class_ Name_ Marks_一选择正确的答语。将序号填入题前括号内。( )1. What colour is it? A. I have 6.( )2. How many books do you have? B. Its yellow.( )3. Whats in your bag? C. Good idea. ( )4. Whats her name? D. Her name is Amy.( )5. Lets clean the window. E. 3 pencils and many books.二连词成句。1. go / Lets / see / and / ._2. classroom / a / We / have / new / ._3. she / Who / is / ?_4. are / blue / shoes / His / ._5. window / Its / the / near / .三、判断划线字母发音是否相同相同打“”,不同打“”( ) 1、A、cake B、name ( ) 2、A、like B、kite( ) 3、A、nose B、not ( ) 4、A、big B、five( ) 5、A、cat B、bag四、选出不同类的单词,把序号写在括号里。( )1、A、math book B、Chinese book C、teachers desk( )2、A、red B、yellow C、door ( )3、A、storybook B、desk C、math book( )4、A、tall B、short C、computer( )5、A、fan B、pencil C、pen 三、为图片选择合适的单词,把序号写在横线上。A、key B、long hair C、fan D、notebook E、candy F、door G、computer H、window I、picture J、mathbook _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _四、单项选择。(10分)( )1、We _ a new classroom. A、have B、are C、has( )2、Look, he is tall _ strong. A、to B、and C、or( )3、A boy_a boy? A boy.A、or B、in C、and( )4、Let_ help you. A、go B、me C、I( )5、Whats his name?. -_name is Zhang Peng. A、me B、His C、her五、为下列短语或句子选择合适的汉语意思。(10分)( )1、an English book A、一本英语书 B、一本漫画书 ( )2、tall and strong A、男孩还是女孩 B、又高又壮 ( )3、 some toys A、一些糖果 B、一些玩具 ( )4、We have a new classroom. A、我们有一间新教室。 B、我有一个新朋友。( )5、Who is he? A、他是谁? B、你是谁?六、为下面的图片选择正确的句子。 A、 ( )1、Close the window.B、( )2、Clean the blackboard.ABC C、( )3、Open the door.D、( )4、Turn on the light.E、( )5、Clean the windows.七、选择合适的词或短语把句子补充完整,把序号填在括号内。A、classroom. B、tall and strong C、friendly D、 glasses E、storybook( )1、He is my friend.He is._.( )2、We have a new_.Its very big.( )3、This is my grandfather.He has_.( )4、I have a_ in ma schoolbag. ( )5、Hui Tailang is not_.八、情景交际( )1、班里新来了以个男生,你想知道他叫什么名,应该问A、Whats his name? B、What is he?( )2、你想告诉别人“我们有一个新教室”,你会说A、We have a new classroom . B、Where is my schoolbag?.( )3、你想告诉妈妈“我有一个好朋友。”你应该说A、Mum . I have a good friend . B、A Chinese boy?.( )4、打扫卫生时,你看到同学提不动水桶,你想说A、Really?. Lets go and see. B、Let me halp you.( )5、你们有了新教室,你想跟同学一起去看看,你应该说A、 Let go and see. B、Open the door.( )1.早上,你见到老师怎样打招呼: AGood morning! BNice to meet you.( )2. 上课时,老师提醒大家看黑板,会说: AAre you OK ? BLook at the blackboard.( )3. 当介绍新朋友Bob给大家认识,会说: AThis is Bob. BBob has a new schoolbag.( )4 . 你想知道你班新来男同学的姓名,你问其他同学说: A. Where is my stroybook ? B. Whats his name?( )5. 当你找不到你的钥匙,你会说: A Where is my key? B .Who is she?九选出与划线词不同类的单词。( ) 1. My bag is blue. A.yellow B. red C. cat ( ) 2. John is strong. A. glasses B.thin C.tall( ) 3. I like English. A. Chinese B. maths C. candy ( ) 4 Open the door. A. window B. quiet C. light( ) 5. My shoes are white. A.glasses B.friendly C.hat十、阅读短文,判断对错,对的写T 错的写F 。My friend is a boy, He is fourteen. He is a Chinese boy. He has short hair . He is tall and thin. He has big eyes . He is very friendly. His name is Zhang Peng. ( )1、My friend is a girl .( )2、He is fourteen .( )3、He is a Chinese boy( )4、He is tall and strong.( )5、His name is John.新版PEP四年级英语上册期中测试题(3)一.英译汉。1. How many toys do you have? 2. I have a good friend. 3. Hes tall and strong. 4. Lets clean the window. 5. What colour is the door? 二选择正确的答语。将序号填入题前括号内。( )1. What colour is it? A. I have 6.( )2. How many books do you have? B. Its yellow. )3. Whats in your bag? C. Good idea. ( )4. Whats her name? D. Her name is Amy.( )5. Lets clean the window. E. 3 pencils and many books.三.连词成句。(10分,每小题2分)1. go / Lets / see / and / ._2. classroom / a / We / have / new / ._3. she / Who / is / ?_4. are / blue / shoes / His / ._5. window / Its / the / near / .四、单项选择,请将正确选项字母标号填写在题前括号内。(20分)( )1.-I have a good friend -A boy girl. A. or B. and C. is( )2.- is your friend - Zhang Peng.A. What B. Who C. Where( ) 3. -Is he Wu yifan - Yes. Youre .A. right B. tall C. short( ) 4. Kate is short and .A. long B. thin C. tall( ) 5. Where my ? w W w .x K b 1.c o MA. are ; glass B. is ; glass C. are ; glasses( ) 6. He is . He can put up the picture on the wall. A. friendly B. quiet C. tall( ) 7. My friend is tall thin. A. to B. and C. or( )8. She long hair.A. have B. has C. is( )9. Where my ?A. are ; shoe B. is ; shoe C. are ; shoes( )10. Shes tall and thin. name is Lucy.A. Her B. His C. Shes ( )11. Shes very . She often help me. A. quiet B. friendly C. friend五、连词成句1. tall is he strong and .2. have a friend good I . 3. is Wu yifan he ?4. right are you .5. boy girl or a ?6. is name her what ?7. short has hair she 8. very is friendly he .9. has and are he glasses shoes his blue 六、从方框中选择正确的选项补全对话。A: I have a good friend. http:/ w ww .xkb1. comA. Who is he?B. Youre right.C. Is he Wu yifan.D. A boy or girl?E. What colour is his schoolbag?B: A: A boy. Hes tall and strong.B: Is he Zhang Peng ?A: No. He has glasses and his shoes are brown.B: A: Its blue and white.B: A: Yes . 七、情景交际 1、你想表达“你的朋友又高又瘦”时,你应该说: A. My friend is tall and strong. B. My friend is tall and thin.2、你想表达“他戴着蓝色眼镜,穿着棕色鞋子”时,你应该说: A. He has blue glasses and brown shoes. B. He has green glass and brown shoe. 3.你想询问“她叫什么名字”时,你应该说: AWhats his name? B. Whats her name? 4.你想表达“你是正确的”时,你应该说: A. Youre right. B. Youre ok.5.你想表达“我的朋友留着长发”时,你应该说: A. My friend has long hair. B. My friend have long hair.八、阅读短文,判断对(T)错(F)。 My name is Lucy. Im tall and thin. I have two good friends. Theyre Zhang Peng and Amy. Zhang Peng is a Chinese boy. Hes very friendly. He has short black hair. Hes tall and strong. He has a green bag and brown shoes. Amy is an English girl. Shes quiet.She has long brown hair. Shes short and thin. She has a pink bag and yellow shoes. Weoften play together(在一起玩).( )1. Zhang Peng is a Chinese boy. Hes tall and thin.( )2. Amy has long black hair. Shes quiet.( )3. Zhang Peng has short black hair. Hes very friendly.( )4. Amy has a pink bag and yellow shoes. ( )5. Zhang Peng has a blue bag and brown shoes.九小蝌蚪找妈妈。(1) A. 如此大 B. 在窗户附近 C. 鱼缸 D. 去看看( ) 1. go and see ( ) 2.near the window ( ) 3. so big ( ) 4. fish bowl (2) A. 打开 B. 挂起,张贴 C. 我的教室 D. 在图片里( ) 1. my classroom ( ) 2. in the picture ( ) 3. put up ( ) 4. open十选择正确的答案。( ) 1. I have a book, and it _ new. A. is B. are C. am( ) 2. I have a small ball. It isnt _. A. Big B. big C. small( ) 3. Whats _ the classroom? A. in B. at C. on( ) 4. -_ is it? - Its near the door. A. What B. where C. Where( ) 5. _ go and see! A. Let B. Lets C. let is( ) 6. I can see _ “b” in the picture. A. an B. a C. /( ) 7. Turn _ the light. A. at B. in C. on( ) 8. Put _ the picture on the wall. A. on B. up C. in( ) 9. These two _ are big. A. fans B. fans C. fan( ) 10. _ computer is black. A. I B. My C. Me十一找答语( ) 1. Whats in the classroom? A. Its a bee.( ) 2. Where is my seat? B. Its on the wall.( ) 3. Lets clean the classroom. C. OK.( ) 4. Where is it? D. Four lights.( ) 5. Whats this? E. Its near the door. 十、阅读短文,判断对错,对的写T 错的写F 。 I have three friends. Theyre Ann, Mike and Bob. Bob is tall and strong. He likes English best(最好的). Mike is short and thin. He is very friendly. He like maths best. Ann is very quiet. She has long hair and small mouth. She like Chinese best. ( ) 1. Bob is a strong boy.( ) 2. Mike and Bob like English.( ) 3. Mike is tall and thin.( ) 4. Ann has short hair and a small nose.( ) 5. Ann is very quiet.新版PEP四年级英语上册期中测试题(5)Class_ Name_ Marks_一用have 或has填空。1. I long hair . 2.I big eyes. 3.She short hair. 4.He big ears . 5.She long arms . 6.John big hands and big feet . 二、给下列句子填空并排序。( )Thank you so much !( )Excuse . I lost my .( )Here it is ! ( )OK.What is it ?( ) English book、 two and notebook.( )It is blue and .( ) is it ?A. In B An C toys D me E white F What G colour H schoolbag I a三、 连词成句。 1.colour what it is ? 2.a new have I schoolbag . 3.is , schoolbag, heavy , my . 4.what, your ,in, is ,pencil box ? 5.blue ,white ,it, is ,and . 四选出下列单词中不同类的单词。1.( )A. five B. rice C. nine 2.( )A. Chinese B. English C. storybook3.( )A. key B. English book C. Chinese book4.( )A. put B. on C. in5.( )A. panda B .eraser C. pencil box五、句子配对.( )1.What colour is it? A. Its yellow.( )2.Whats in your bag? B. OK!( )3. I have a new schoolbag C. 3 pencils and many books.( )4.Lets clean the window. D. Really? ( )5.May I see it? E.Sure. Here you are.六、单项选择,请将正确选项字母标号填写在题前括号内。( )1.I have English book and maths book. A. a ; a B. an ; a C. an ; an( )2. Whats your schoolbag? 新| 课 |标|第 |一| 网 - Two toys, three keys and some candies.A. in B. on C. under( )3. Its blue yellow.A. and B. or C. to( )4.- Whats this ? -Its a cute panda.A. Oh, yes. B. Sorry C. Excuse me( )5.We a new classroom.A. has B. have C. are( )6-I have six notebooks, three storybooks, an English book, a maths book, a Chinese book and two toys, so it is . A. heavy B. small C. light(轻的)( )7- ,Mum. Sweet dreams. 新 课 标 第 一 网 A. Good morning B. Good night C. Good afternoon( )8. - is it? - Its black.A. What colour B. Whats

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