unit 2《Englishi around the World》教案12(人教版必修1)

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111Unit 2 English Around the World Teaching Design1st Teaching Period Reading 第五备课合作组(THE ROAD TO MODERN ENGLISH)1) AimsTo talk about varieties of EnglishTo read about the history of English languageProceduresI. Warming up 1)Ask students to name the English-speaking countries according to the national flags.2). Ask the students to suggest the reasons why they want to learn English as many as they can think of, for example, for work, as a hobby, to learn about other people, to travel, to read literature in the original, to read research papers, to meet foreigners, to surf the Internet, to pass exams, etc. 3). Provide the students with an opportunity to think about the reasons for the spread of English around the world. English is one of the official languages of the Olympic Games and the United Nations. English dominates international websites and provides nearly all of the new computer terminology. Tourism and trade from Western Europe and North America has contributed to the spread of English. Satellite TV, radio programs like Joy FM, CDs and, of course, Hollywood films all broadcast English into China. Also, a number of Chinese films include English subtitles.II. Reading1. SkimmingRead quickly to get the main idea of the text.Guide the students to find out key sentences of each paragraph or ask them to summarize the main points for each paragraph in their own words.Paragraph 1: The spread of the English language in the worldParagraph 2: Native speakers can understand each other but they may not be able to understand everything.Paragraph 3: All languages change when cultures communicate with one another.Paragraph 4: English is spoken as a foreign language or a second language in Africa and Asia.2. Scanning1)Read to locate particular information and complete comprehending Exercise One. 2)The cause Cultures communicate with one anotherTimeThings that happenedBetween AD 450 and 1150Based on German1150 to 1500Less like German; more like FrenchIn the 1600sShakespeare broadened the vocabulary. A big changed in EnglishLaterBritish people brought English to Australia3. Following up Work in groups. Discuss the two questions and then ask two groups to report their answers to the class. 1). Do you think it matters what kind of English you learn? Why?Possible answer:I dont think so. Here are the reasons: Native speakers from different parts of the world have no difficulty in understanding each other despite the fact that they speak a bit differently. It is necessary for us to learn the narrow differences between different kinds of English if we hope to communicate fluently with native speakers of English from all over the world. Different kinds of English have the same language core. If you have got a good command of one kind, you will almost have no difficulty understanding another kind of English.(Any persuasive and supporting reason the students give is accepted.)1) Why do you think people all over the world want to learn English?Possible answer:The reasons why people all over the world want to learn English are as follows With economy globalization, English has become the best bridge to serve peoples purpose of communicating with one another around the world. However, like all major languages in the world, English is always changing. In order to adjust to native speakers from different parts of the world, it is a must for people all over the world to learn English, whether in English speaking countries or in non-English speaking countries. Also, people from different parts of the world speak English with various accents and dialects, and people have to learn about the slightest differences between different kinds of English in order to avoid misunderstanding while communicating.(All persuasive reasons can be accepted.)4. Language focus:2) even if=even though: in spite of the fact; no matter whether: eg. He likes to help us even if he is very busy.3) communicate with: exchange information or conversation with other people: eg. He learnt to use body language to communicate with deaf customers.4) actually=in fact: used when you are adding new information to what you have just said:eg. Weve known each other for years, actually, since we were babies.5) be based on6) make use of: use sth. available 7) Only time will tell: to say that something can only be known in the future: eg. Will Chinas national football team enter for the next finals of the World Cup? Only time will tell.Language Chunks from Unit 2 English around the worldbe different from, pay a role(part) in, because of, either or, in/on a team, the number of/a number of, than ever before, even if, come up to, over time, communicate with, be based on, make use of, have ones own identity, such as, Only time can tell, native speaker, as well as, solve a problem, believe it or not, no such a, all over the world, at the top(bottom) of, pen friends, to this day, sum up, Pardon?, beg your pardon, go abroad, be used for, more of a , encourage sb. to do sth., work on, feel like sth., from time to time, English-speaking countries, from oneto another, do business, on the air, would like sb. to do, make notes, fight against, keepa secret, even though, save time(money), a form of5. Assignment Do a research on the differences between American English, British English (in spelling, accent etc.), imitate their accents and act out the scene where they happen to meet.Unit 2 2nd Teaching Period Learning about Language第六备课合作组I. Word Study1 Lead in (Go over the new words from Warming Up and Reading) include, role, play a role in, because of, international, native, elevator, flat, apartment, rubber, petrol, gas, modern, come up, culture, AD, actually, present, rule, vocabulary, usage, identity government, such as, Singapore, Malaysia, rapidly2 Whole Class (P11 Ex3) Complete the sentences, using words above. 1 includes 2 cultures 3 present 4 actually 5 usage 6 gas 7 international 8 rapidly 9 However 10 government3 Pair Work (P11 Ex1) Match the new words and expressions with their meanings. 1 C 2 D 3 E 4 F 5 A 6 B 7 J 8 G 9 I 10 H4 Whole Class (P 11 Ex2) Complete the passage with some of the words above. native English speaker; actually; vocabulary; apartment; elevatorII. The differences between British English and American English.1 Different Preposition (Teacher can explain the difference by giving quick examples. Make the students listen attentively, and then ask them to finish Ex4 on page 12. See how many of them can get it correct.)2 Different Vocabulary ( print out list , let the students learn it after class.)3 Different Spelling (the same as Different Vocabulary)III. Discovering Useful structures1 Summarize the difference between commands and requests. Work in pairs. T: First, listen to me carefully. ( Speak to three students) S1, open the window. S2, pass on the book to Lucy. S3, will you please close the door? (Write the three sentences on the blackboard.) T: What is the difference among the sentences I spoke to them just now? S4: The first sentence is not polite, while the last sentence is very polite. T: Excellent! How did I show my politeness? S5: You use “ PleaseWill you please?” T: Speaking the first sentence, I give a command. Using “Please Will you please?”, I make requests. Show the following on the screen.Direct SpeechCommands: Do/ DontRequests:Do, please.Can you?Could you?Will you?Would you? T: Please turn to page13. Change the commands into requests. (Students work in pairs.) S1: Close the door! S2: Could you please close the door? 2 Find out the command and request from Warming Up and Reading. Example: “Look at these examples,” the teacher said to us. (warming up) “Would you please come up to my flat for a visit?” she said. (reading) Show the students how to retell the two sentences in indirect speech. The teacher told us to look at those examples. (command) She asked me to go up to her flat for a visit. (request)3 Follow-up Activity Work in group of three, pretending they are newspaper reporters. Think of a question to ask people. Role 1: reporter Role 2: a person being interviewed Role 3: a person who hears the reporters translation from direct speech to indirect speech. Example: Reporter: What do you think about growing more trees in our city? Person 1: I think its a very good idea. Person 2: What did he say? Reporter: He said that he thinks its a very good idea.4 ConsolidationDo Ex2 on WB P50 : Read the replies and write a request or a command. Students read the exercise to know what they are expected to do, then do it individually. Go and collect the wood right now. / Will you please collect my shopping? Shut the door at once. / Go and get my coat. Would you please get that book for me?5 Summary the rules of turning Direct speech into Indirect speech. Work in pairs. Show some examples on the screen.T: Look at the screen, please. Discuss with your partner: What do I want you to learn?“Make sure the door is open.” The teacher said to me.The teacher told me to make sure the door was open.“Dont play game sin the classroom.” the monitor said to us.The monitor told us not to play games in the classroom.“Can you lend me ten yuan?” Tom said.Tom asked me to lend him ten yuan.“Will you please not smoke here?” she said.She asked me not to smoke here. After discussion, the correct answer is shown on the blackboard. Direct SpeechCommands: Do/ Dont Requests: Do, please.Can you? Could you?Will you? Would you?Indirect SpeechCommands: A told/ ordered B (not) to do sthRequests: A asked B (not) to do sth. PracticeMake dialogues according to the situations on P13. Work in pairs. T: There are three situations. Would you please make dialogues using commands or requests with your partner? (Students are encouraged to imagine interesting dialogues.) After a few minutes. T: Lets see which pair completes the task well. Group 1, come here, and play your dialogue. (Situation 1) A: Excuse me. Who would do me a favor to close the door? B: Speak louder, please. A: Will you please close the door? B: OK. I will. A: Thank you very much. B: My pleasure. (Situation 2) A: Excuse me. Its time for me to get off. Would you please make way for me? B: Of course. Ill be happy to make way for you. Go ahead. A: Thank you. B: Youre welcome. Oh, my God, I need to loose my weight. Homework Page 49 Ex1-3注:1课本第12页练习5放在听力部分,本课不使用。 2 印给学生的关于英国英语和美国英语的资料在教参第27-28页。Unit 2 English around the world 3rd Teaching PeriodReading, listening & speaking 第七备课合作组Aims: 1.to further understand the related knowledge of the language of English, esp.the differences between Am.E and Br.E and some English dialects 2.to integrate reading,listening and speakingSteps:Lead in1.Play a guessing game: T says “同学们好” in one Chinese dialect. Get the Ss to guess the meaning and say it in other Chinese dialects. Ss are encouraged to say some daily Chinese in different dialects.2.Have a brief introduction to the dialect family in China 3.Questions: Is it easy to communicate with each other if people speak different Chinese dialects? What is Standard Chinese? Why is Putonghua used in China? Is there any standard English and dialects ?Reading1. pre-reading questionsWhat is standard English? Are there many English dialects?2.Fast readingSs are required to answer the questions above3.Careful readinga.Let the Ss identify the words: standard, dialect, Spanish, recognize, play a part; midwestern, southeastern, northwestern, easternb.Questions: 1)How many dialects of American English have been listed in the text?2)Why do people from both northeastern and southeastern of U.S. speak with almost the same dialect?3)Why does American English have so many dialects? Can Americans recognize each others dialects?4. Get the main idea of the passage.(It tells us that there is no such thing as standard English, and American English has many dialects because people come from all over the world and geography plays a part in it but Americans can recognize each others dialects.)Listening1.Give the students a brief introduction about the listening material (tell the Ss that the first speaker speaks with one kind of southern dialect and accent).2.Prediting:.Get the Ss to observe the picture and answer the questions:What are the boys doing? What does the fish look like?How do you think the little boy feels? What about the other two boys?3.Play the first part for the Ss to listen and try to answer the first four questions on Page 144.Play the second part and answer questions 5&65.Check the answers 1) Work in pairs to explain the following sentences in “standard English” a. Now, yall need to understand that we aint really a state , but a wholenother country. Now let me tell ya a storybout when I was just a pup. b. We was jumpinin the water and feelingood.Then along comes this catfishbout the size of a house. c. Little Lester starts to thinkinits gointo eat him surenough. Man, you shoulda seen him. He got outta the water fast as lightning and climbed up a tree. (yall- everyone ; ya-you; aint-arent; nother-northern; bout-about; pup-small boy; swimmin-swimming; jumpin-jumping; feelin-feeling; surenough-sure enough; shoulda- should have; outta-out of)2) Discuss the answers in pairs and then check the answers with the whole classSpeaking1.Ask the students to read the dialogue in roles and list the different words between Am.E and Br.E. Amy(American) Lady(British)subway undergroundleft left-hand sidekeep going straight go straight ontwo blocks two streetsright right-hand side2.Comparision. Match the American expressions and British expressions to learn more about the differences between American English and British English(T may play games or have a competition among the Ss.Ss are encouraged to say more differences between Am.E and Br.E.)American English British Englishfall autumneraser rubbertruck lorrysubway undergroundmovie filmcandy sweetsdrugstore chemistsliving room sitting roomapartment flatthe first floor ground floorelevator liftvacation holiday3.Practice:Divide the Ss into groups and ask them to make a dilogue about giving directions to a certain place according to the map.They may use the words and expressions above.Ss are required to use indirect and direct speech and requests.(one student plays a speaker of British English and the other plays a speaker of American English.)If the Ss are not active,T can provide the following situations or ask the Ss to complete the following dialogues.Situation1: A person from the US is standing outside the underground with his friend.He wants to go to the cinema,but he doesnt know the way,so he asks directions and tells it to his friend.A: Excuse me, could you please tell us where the cinema is_? Wed like to see a movie_.B: Movie?A Yes, thats a _ film_.B: Well. Go straight ahead and cross two streets. The cinema is on your left-hand side. There is a fountain in front of it.A:Thanks. C: What did she tell us?A: She told us to keep going straight and cross two blocks. The cinema will be on our rignt.Situation2:A worried man is standing outside the restaurant. He wants to buy some medicine but he doesnt know the way.So he asks directions.A: Excuse me. Would you please tell me the way to the nearest drugstore?B: You mean the nearest chemists?A:Yeah. My son is _sick_. I want to buy some medicine.B: Oh ,Im sorry to hear that. Please follow me. I can take you to the chemists. My _flat_ is opposite to it.APardon? What is flat?B: Oh, flat means _apartment_. I moved here last autumn.A: Do you mean “_last fall_”_?B:Quite right. Well, your English is quite different from what my teacher teaches.A: Actually, I speak American English. You understand both American English and British English. Thats great.SummaryGet the Ss to generalize what they have learnt in this period.Homework1.Prepare a new dialogue about giving directions to a place in Xiamen.Try to use both American English and British English. Be sure to use direct and indirect speech and request.2.Recite the new words 3.Make a list of as many direction words as possible.附:Unit2(Using language)教学设计说明本课是unit2中的知识运用部分,是在学生对英语这门语言有了一定认识,尤其是了解了美国英语和英国英语的异同,同时又学习了祈使句和间接引语以及如何在不同情境下使用命令和请求等相关的功能和语法项目的基础上进行的。目的是让学生进一步感受英语的特色所在,同时将所学的知识有机地结合起来进行听和说,提高学生的能力。本课各环节的编排基本不变,只是将Reading的读后部分,即对中国方言的讨论调整为全课的导入。首先进行一个guessing game,即听方言猜意思,由此调动学生的兴趣,在简单介绍中国方言的种类后,引发问题Is it easy to communicate with others if people speak different Chinese dialects? What is standard Chinese? Why is putonghua used in China? 水到渠成后引发学生思考:Is there any standard English and dialects?从而过渡到文章“standard English and dialects”的阅读。Reading这一环节重在引导学生归纳全文的中心大意,故在fast reading 和careful reading 中设计了一系列问题,帮助学生完成大意的归纳。程度好的学生可鼓励他们自行组织语言,程度较差的学生则只要安排他们根据提示完成大意填空题。在阅读中,还注重培养学生的猜词能力,重点让学生在上下文中猜出生词的大意。由于学生对所学的生词不可能一步到位,因此在课件设计中,对生词反复呈现加以强调。对于方位词,如eastern, southern, southeastern 等,教师可根据构词法等适当进行点拨,并启发学生对方位词作进一步的归纳和总结(此部分可安排在课后作业中进行巩固)。Listening部分重在让学生对比两段独白的语音,感受美国方言的特色。由于第一个speaker的口音浓重且用了不少俚语,故一定得对学生进行简明的介绍。为降低难度,听力开始时让学生认真观察课本上的插图并回答问题,进行听前的热身。听力分两部分进行。听完第一段独白后,让学生试着完成课本前四个小题,但老师不予以答案。完成第二部分后,让学生完成后两小题。在学生对两部分的听力对比之后,安排学生以pair work的形式对第一部分的相关文字进行解释,再次感受美国南部方言的特点,并在此基础上对前四个问题的答案进行讨论,得出正确答案。Speaking 环节重点不在问路,而是主要在问路的情境中让学生通过练习对话再次感悟和体验英国英语和美国英语的差异,并要求学生进行角色表演,以仿真的对话形式熟练掌握如何运用直接英语和间接引语表达请求。此环节是的本课的一处难点,学生在对话中容易陷入一般的问路指路。故在设计过程中,首先让学生分角色操练对话,得出英国英语和美国英语在词语使用的差异,再让学生以竞赛或抢答或连线等方式(应情而定)归纳出美国英语和英国英语在词语(还可适当指出读音等其他方面的区别)使用方面的不同点,在此基础上再安排学生模仿文中对话以pair work 或group work 形式根据所给的地图编排新的对话。为避免学生“偏题”,本环节还适当创设一定的情境,并提醒学生运用本单元所学的知识。为了让程度差的学生有话可说,本环节提供了相关的例子,教师们可灵活选用。在summary 环节中,可让学生总结归纳本课重点,教师适当予以补充。 在homework部分,教师可将speaking 部分进行延伸,让学生根据厦门的实际情况设定相关情境,利用所学知识按要求编排对话表演,同时在复习本课所学单词基础上,对方位词作进一步的归纳和总结。本课在设计过程中力求以多种形式启发引导学生共同完成目标,同时考虑到学生程度的差异,在一些环节中对学生做出不同要求,教师们可根据生源情况灵活增删使用。Unit 2 English around the WorldPart IV Writing 第八备课合作组1 教学内容:以“Why should I learn English”话题作为导入,指导学生根据写作要求,用brainstorming方式组织材料, 小组合作写一篇书面表达“My Experience of learning English”。2 教学目标:(1) 写作技能目标:在学习了reading 之后, 理解掌握文章的基本内容,掌握本单元的词汇和句型,熟悉写作的基本方法,培养写作的基本技能。(2) 学习策略目标:小组合作通过观察、体验、探究等形式培养写作技能并资源共享。 (3) 情感态度目标:让学生通过倾听、讨论、体验、分享、激励等合作过程,培养合作精神。3 教学重点、难点写作过程中指导学生进行小组合作的学习策略;引导学生对写作作品进行评价。4 教学过程:Step I Pre-Writing:Task 1 : learn the way of preparing oneself before writing.T: In the reading period, we have mentioned the topic “Why do so many people speak English?” You have so many wonderful ideas. Right? Now everyone, lets ask


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