冀教版英语必修3教案 Unit8《Protecting the Environment》(句型)

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111Unit8句型和流行英语辅导I KEY SENTENCE STYLE1. thanks for doing sth / thanks to doing区别 thanks for doing 谢谢做-you gave me so much good advice on how to learn Englsh well 。thanks for helping me succeed.你给我那么多学好英语的建议。谢谢你助我成功Thanks to doing多亏,由于做- Thanks to learning much experience in the countryside, the young man became a famous scientist later.由于在农村学习了很多种植经验,那个年轻人后来成了著名的科学家Thanks to being sent to the hospital in time, the old man was out of danger.由于及时送到了医院,老人摆脱了危险。2 seem as if /as though and look as if / as though的区别。seem as if / as though似乎好象,从句用虚拟语气。the person talked and talked as though he knew everything all over the earth.那个人说呀说呀,好象他知道世界上一切。It seemed as if the heavy black clouds in the sky would cover across the whole town.看起来好象天空的乌云要遮盖整个城市Look as if / as though看起来好象,从句用一般是陈述语气。The babys face looks as if it is a big red appleThe babys face seems as if it were a big red apple宝宝的脸看起来向个又红又大的苹果3 even though / if即使,引导的从句带有假设性even if I have to sell my house, Ill keep my business going.即使,我买了房子,我也要使我的生意运转。Even if he is poor, she loves him.即使他穷,她也爱他Even if / though +doing / done 做状语时,胃语多用虚拟语气。Even though invited to take part in the party, I wouldnt accept it 即使被邀请参加那个PARTY,我也不去。Even if you should kill me, I wouldnt tell you the truth.你即使杀了我,我也不告诉你真相II Populatr English流行英语1.i will believe it when I see it 看到的时候我会相信的这是一种委婉的说法,表示对对方所说话有所怀疑.you said life span could be as long as 200 years at the end of this century .i will believe it when I see it.你说本世纪末人的寿命可长达二百岁。如果我能看到的话,我会相信的。2 what happened to Recycle ,Reduce, Reuse ?回收,节约,再利用又怎样讲?what happened to用来提醒对方别忘记刚刚说过的话。you are smoking again. What happened to your promise ?你有在抽烟,你不是说过不抽吗-Mum. Get me some milk.妈妈,给我些牛奶-what happened to selfreliant?你不是要独立自主吗?111


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