高一英语备课《Module 5 A lesson in a lab》-grammar素材《外研版必修1)

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111Module5 A Lesson in a Lab- Grammar素材1 形容词和副词的比较等级的用法:1) 原级比较:表示两者程度相同。用句型表示:(倍数+)as+adj./adv.原级+ as ,否定句式:not +(倍数+)as/so+ adj./adv.原级+as,如:e.g. Dick is as tall as his brother. I have never seen a person as/so clever as he is.2) 比较级:A.表示A超过B。此时使用句型: A is (倍数+)形容词和副词的比较等级+than+B如:Our classroon is brighter than yours.Dogs run faster than rabbits.I dont think maths is more important than physics.B.表示A不如B。用句型:less + adj./adv.原级表示。如:Rabbits ran less fast than dogs.Jenny is less clever than her sister.It rains less often here in autumn than in spring.3) A is three(four )times the size(height,length,width,depth,)of B.e.g. The new building is four times the size of the old one.注意:一倍用:once 二倍用:twice/double 三倍及以上使用:three/four times.4) 形容词和副词的比较等级的特殊用法:A.“越来越”e.g. You are growing taller and taller. English is becoming more and more important.B. “越,越”e.g. The harder you push, the more quickly the cart will move. The more careful you are, the better you will do in the exam.C.“两者之中比较的一个”:用of 引导,比较级前加上the,如:Jack is the taller of the two brothers.D.no more than 表示“只”,“不超过,不多于”相当于only.e.g. She has on more than one yuan in her pocket.E.no more than 表示“一样不”;而 not more than则表示“不像那样”,相当于“not so as ”.e.g. He is feeling no better than yesterday.他觉得不比昨天好多少。(即今天昨天感觉都不好) She is not more generous than her younger sister. 她不如她妹妹那样慷慨大方。=She is not so generous as her young sister.F.no less than 表示“多达,那样多;至少,起码”,相当于as much (or many )as, 蕴含这个数是最大的;而not less than表示“不少于”,不强调这个数的大小,只说明数据本身。e.g. I have no less than ten dictionaries.我起码有十本字典。 I have not less than ten dictionaries. 我具有的词典不少于十本。Gno lessthan 表示“和一样”,相当于as as 。e.g. She is no less diligent than you.H.不用比较级形容词的比较,如:senior, junior, superior, inferior等。e.g. Mr Smith is three years senior to his wife.I.同一个人或物,比较其两种性质或状态时,不管形容词是单音节或是多音节,一律用morethan表示,如:He is more wise than diligent.与其说他勤奋, 不如说他更聪明。注意:Farther和 further主要指“距离”和“时间”的比较,表示“更远”;further和furthest指“程度”,表示“更进一步”。elder和eldest是用来表示家族关系的长幼顺序,只作定语形容词;older和oldest表示年龄的比较,以及事物的新旧,既可以作定语形容词又可以作表语形容词。later和latest指时间的先后,但latter和last指顺序的先后。J.英语中常见的用来修饰比较级的词/词组总结如下:1.a little, a bit, rather 比一点e.g. He is a little taller than his brother.2. much , a lot, lots, far, a great/ good deal 比得多e.g. This book is much more instructive than that one. Things were far worse than expected.3.even, still, yet 比 更., 愈.e.g. He is even fatter than his father. This river is wide but that river is wider still.(=still wider)still 有时可置于比较级之后,其条件是:比较级单独使用,后面没有than从句4.分数,百分数,倍数及有关时间长度重量等的名词修饰比较级表示比较的程度.e.g. She is a head taller than I. My elder brother is two years older than I.5.表”并不”,”和.一样不”no 或not any e.g. He is no richer than I.=He is as poor as I.6.some 或any 修饰比较级,但多用于more 之前, some 用于表建议或请求的问句中,any 用于否疑问句中.e.g. Are you feeling any better? Would you like some more rice?Much/a little/a bit +more +uncountable noun.many/a few/num.+more +countable noun.e.g. He has made much more progress than anyone else in his class.7.by far 修饰比较级注意位置:在比较级或最高级形容词或副词之后或在有the或a 的比较级或最高级词句前或后译为:大量;.得多,非常,最e.g. She is the best by far. =She is by far the best. e.g. His explanation is clearer by far. He is by far the taller of the two brothers.His handwriting is better by far than that of any other student in his class.The Pacific is by far the largest ocean.Far from :远非=not at alle.g. Hes far from pleased with your work.111


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