江西省西山学校高一英语《Unit 3》(第五课时)学案

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江西省西山学校高一英语《Unit 3》(第五课时)学案_第3页
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111必修 1 Unit 3 Travel journal 导学案主编:陈小晶 审核: 包科领导:第 六 课时 单元检测Class_Name_Group_Date_I.听力(略)II.单项填空21. -Im going to take part in the basketball match to be held in our school. -_to you! A. Go ahead B. Good luck C. No problem D. Cheer up22. Food, gas and vegetables have been _ by rail directly to the city ever since the highways were blocked. A. packed B. transported C. rescued D. persuaded23. -Which do you _ , to walk there or to take a taxi? -The latter one. A. request B. prefer C. think D. disagree24. -Where _during your holiday? -Im going to travel in Beijing with my family. A. have you travelled B. are you travelling C. did you travel D. were you travelled25. -He tried to _his father to help him to open a business, but he failed. A. fool B. guide C. persuade D. order26. They promised to find jobs for those who would attend their college after_. A. hearing B. learning C. removing D. graduating27. -Whats the _ of the weekend? -The opening ceremony of our schools Art Festival will be held. A. item B. schedule C. journey D. step28. Many people are _ of games on the Internet, which they usually spend much time on. A. interested B. surprised C. moved D. fond29. -Are you free next weekend? -Sorry. Im _ for my hometown to attend a wedding. A. going B. leaving C. taking D. coming 30. Mary still stayed outdoors at dusk, so her parents were _ her. A. bothering about B. caring about C. hearing about D. talking about31. -Whats your _towards the way he treats his mother? -I think it is bad manners for him to do so. A. attitude B. altitude C. detail D. shortcoming32. Can you offer _ information or evidence to the police? A. colorful B. frequent C. reliable D. official33. The waste water has been made clean before it goes into the river _ the new rule was made. A. when B. ever since C. after D. before34. Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten(系) your seat belts. The plane _. A. takes off B. is taking off C. has taken off D. took off 35. A special group has been _ to help those in need the other day. A. suggested B. organized C. noticed D. producedIII. 完形填空 I dont know whats your opinion about mountains. It was only in the eighteenth century _36_ people in Europe began to _37_that mountains were beautiful. _38_ that time, mountains were fearedby the people _39_ on the plain, especially by the city people, _40_they were wild and _41_ places _42_ one was easily _43_ or killed by terribleanimals. Slowly,however,_44_ people _45_ comfortably in the towns began togrow _46_ them. They began to feel _47_ looking for wild excitement, astheir attention turned from the man-made town to the _48_ country; and toplaces _49_ dangerous and wild. So high mountains began to be _50_ for aholiday. Then, mountain-climbing began to grow popular _51_ . To some people,there is something _52_ about getting to the _53_ of a high mountain: astruggle against nature is finer than a battle _54_ other human beings. Andafter a difficult climb, what a _55_ reward it is to look down on everythingwithin sight.36. A. when B. which C. that D. and37. A. regret B. seem C. hope D. think38. A. After B. Before C. During D. At39. A. lived B. living C. to live D. who living 40. A. whom B. who C. with whom D. to whom 41. A. danger B. dangerous C. dangerously D. dangerless42. A. that B. which C. where D. in where43. A. lost B. missed C. found D. searched44. A. many B. much C. many the D. a lot45. A. that living B. who were living C. that were lived D. who living46. A. tiring with B. tiring of C. tired with D. tired of47. A. interesting B. interest in C. interested D. interested in48. A. untouched B. touched C. untouching D. touching49. A. where was B. which were C. which that was D. which it was50. A. excited B. expensive C. popular D. terrible51. A. for sport B. as a sport C. with a sport D. like a sport52. A. pleasure B. pleased C. pleasant D. unpleasant53. A. top B. middle C. bottom D. foot54. A. about B. for C. without D. against55. A. disappointed B. satisfied C. satisfactory D. disappointing IV. 阅读理解 Travel is fun and exciting, but its not if you get sick. You may think,“Notme, I wont get sick on my vacation.”But, for many people, that is what happens. Of course you dont want to spend your vacation sick in bed. So what can youdo to stay in good health? There are three things you should remember when you travel: relax, sleep and eat well. A vacation is supposed to be a time for relaxing. But very often it is not.Think about what you do when you are a tourist. There are so many places to visit:museums, shops, parks and churches.You may spend most days walking around these places. This can be very tiring.You may have a terrible headache after a few hours.If this is the way you feel, you should take a rest.Dont ask your body to do toomuch. A tired body means a weak body. And a weak body gets sick easily.So sit downfor a few hours in a nice spot.In good weather, look for a quiet park bench.Or you can stop at a cafe.You can learn a lot by watching people while you rest. Sleep is also important.If you want to stay healthy, you need to get enoughsleep. You may have trouble sleeping at night when you travel.Your hotel room maybe noisy or the bed may be uncomfortable. If this is true, dont be afraid to changerooms or hotels.Or you may not get enough sleep for another reason.You may want tostay out late at night. In many cities the nightlife can be very exciting. Then you should plan to sleep for an hour during the day. The extra hour can make a big difference. Finally, if you want to stay healthy, you must eat the right kinds of food butyou need to be careful about how much you eat. Lots of food is not good for you. So, remember this. If you want to enjoy your vacation, take good care of yourself.Give your body some rest.Get enough sleep and eat good,healthy food.56. This passage is about _. A. what you eat when you travel B. how exciting travel is C. relaxing when you travel D. how to stay healthy when you travel57. Sightseeing is_. A. the best way to relax B. very tiring C. never fun D. unhealthy58. Your body needs sleep to _ during your travel. A. enjoy the nightlife B. change hotels C. stay strong and healthy D. learn a lot about a new place59. According to the passage, which of the following is a good way to relax when you travel? A. Stopping at a cafe. B. Visiting museums, shops and churches. C. Sleeping in a hotel. D. Eating a lot of food. 60. If _, you can change your rooms or hotels. A. you want to stay out late at night B. you want to eat different food C. your hotel room is noisy D. you cant get on well with the manager in the hotelV. 短文填词Dear friends, Im sorry to hear that an earthquake hit your hometown.Faced with such a disaster, you remain so c_ and1._strong-willed _ we are all moved to tears. A friend2._in _ is a friend indeed. Thinking about3._your _(目前) situation, we can not wait a minute4._to _ every effort to help you. On behalf of all my classmates,I,5._as the chairman of the students union, will _ (表达) our6._most sincere pity and care for you. B_, we have made a7._donation of 80 thousand yuan to you, h_ that it can8._help you go through the _(困难). A better hometown 9._can be rebuilt. Therefore, never _ up whatever happens.10._Remember we wont be far away when you need any help! Yours sincerely, Li Hua111


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