湖北省监利一中高二英语同步练习《Unit 3 A healthy life》人教版选修6

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湖北省监利一中高二英语同步练习《Unit 3 A healthy life》人教版选修6_第1页
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湖北省监利一中高二英语同步练习《Unit 3 A healthy life》人教版选修6_第3页
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111Unit 3 A healthy lifeA Smoking cigarettes is the most important preventable cause of death in the United States and is responsible for over 19.5 % of all deaths. Long-term cigarette use results in heart disease, lung disease, and various forms of cancer. Research has clearly shown that to most smokers addiction happens during adolescence(青春期). Most smokers begin smoking in childhood or adolescence while those who graduate from high school without smoking are unlikely to take up the habit. Among the US adult daily smokers, 82% tried their first cigarette and 53 % became daily smokers before the age of 18. It has been estimated that 1. 266 million US daily smokers are under the age of 18. The latest national estimate of present cigarette use is 35 % among students in Grades 9 -12. In the past ten years, smoking has dwindled among the adult population, but not among teens. Most teens have great difficulty giving up smoking. According to a national survey, only about 1.5 % of adolescents who ever smoked were successful at quitting. While social reasons such as to bond with peers(同龄人) and to appear grown-up are strong influences for adolescents to smoke, nicotine addiction seems to be the main cause of the continued use of cigarettes. Because of the high rate of smoking among adolescents and their difficulty in quitting, effective cessation(停止) programs are greatly needed. A recently evaluated school-based teen smoking cessation program is the N-O-T ( Not on Tobacco) Program. The 10-week program was based on theory and research evidence. and was done by specifically trained, school-based facilitators(诱导者). Teens showed quite a high quitting rate (20.8%) in the N-O-T group. The increasing number of adolescent smokers is a significant problem in the USA. Much effort should be made to help them to stop smoking and reduce the risk of associated long-term health effects and early death. 1. What information can we learn from Paragraph 2? A. Those who dont smoke during adolescence are less likely to become smokers later. B. Smoking does less harm to high school students than to others. C. Smokers under 18 make up half of the daily smokers of the United States. D. The influence of the first cigarette can never disappear. 2. What does the underlined word dwindled in Paragraph 3 probably mean? A. Happened. B. Reduced. C. Disappeared. D. Changed. 3. Many teenagers cant stop smoking mainly because _. A. smoking makes them popular in social activities B. they want to be considered grown-up C. they dont get enough support D. they feel bad without getting nicotine 4. From the passage, we know that _. A. the N-O-T Program lasted 10 days in all B. smoking hasnt been taken seriously so far in the United States C. the N-O-T Programme was mainly designed for teenagers D. smoking is the No. 1 cause of death in the United StatesB Smoking is costing the US military more than $130 million a year because of the high early discharge(瘤速率) rate among smokers, American researchers said on Tuesday. A study of 29,000 Air Force trainees by scientists at the University of Memphis in Tennessee showed that the discharge rate among smokers was nearly double that of nonsmokers and cost the Air Force $18 million a year in extra training costs. When they studied the costs across all the US military services, they found it came to $130 million a year. Smoking is related to early discharge from the US army and may cost the Department of Defense over $130 million per year or close to one percent of the total training costs of one year, said Dr Robert Klesges of the Centre for Community Health at the university. In a study published in the magazine Tobacco Control, Klesges said the Air Force had the lowest rate of smokers with 28. 5 percent while nearly half of all Marines, or 45 percent, were smokers. They found that smoking was the best indicator(指示器) of early discharge over one year of training among new soldiers. Smokers were mostly from lower income families. The habit also had something to do with dieting, drug and too much alcohol and lack of physical activity. Probably the best advice would be for the military to step up its efforts to encourage non-smokers to join the armed forces as well as to support efforts to give up smoking among those who smoke, Klesges added. In the United States more than 430, 000 deaths are caused by smoking each year, including 30 percent of all cancer deaths. Treating smoking related diseases costs $ 50-73 billion a year, or six to eight percent of personal health costs in a year. 5. The passage is mainly about _. A. why and how some soldiers start smoking B. how much money the US military has spent on training C. the problem that smoking has cost the US military much money D. how the US military helps soldiers give up smoking 6. The Department of Defense spent _ per year in the total training. A. over $130 million B. $18 millionC. $180 millionD. about $13,000 million 7. According to the scientists, which of the following statements is TRUE? A. Half of the Air Force trainers were smokers. B. 45 percent of the Air Force trainers were smokers. C. All the Marines smoked. D. 45 percent of the Marines smoked. 8. Smokers in the US military services _. A. were encouraged to stop smoking B. were advised to be discharged C. are mostly from rich families D. supported other smokersC Doctors and health advocates(提倡) have warned for years that American children are getting fatter. Now even some kids teddy bears are packing on the pounds. But these heavy toys aim to combat(对抗) obesity, not add to it. Researchers at Indiana State University in Terre Haute tried a small experiment to test the effects of having kids play with heavier toys. They found that 10 children aged 6 to 8 burned more calories and had higher heart and breathing rate when they moved 3-pound toy blocks instead of unweighted blocks. So could adding a small weight to stuffed animals and other toys help kids get fit? This is not going to solve the obesity problem, said John Ozmun, a professor who did the study with graduate student Lee Robbins. But it has the potential to make a positive contribution. Some experts cautioned that children could hurt themselves by trying to lift too much too soon and said more activity is preferable to heavier toys. But all agreed that childhood obesity is a big problem. Obesity rate has tripled over the past 40 years for children and adolescents, raising the risk of diabetes(糖尿病) and other health problems. Federal health officials say more than a third of American children are overweight, and about 17 percent are considered obese (肥胖的). Squeezing activity into daily routines can be a good way for children to get more exercise and shed unhealthy pounds, said Alicia Moag Stahlberg, who heads Action for Healthy Kids. By adding weights, youre adding some intensity to the action, she said. Kara Tucker, youth development coordinator for the National Institute for Fitness and Sport in Indianapolis, said active playing helps youngsters work out without realizing it. Giant soccer is one of my favorites, Tucker said. If we told the kids, Hey, youre going to turn up and down the court 20 times, they would completely be uninterested. Yet when we put a big soccer ball out there, they will just run forever. Theyre having a great time. 9. What does the passage mainly tell us? A. American children are getting fatter. B. New toys are needed for overweight children. C. Heavier toys help children to combat the obesity problem. D. Doubts about heavier toys for obese children. 10. What does John Ozmun think of the measure of using heavier toys? A. It can solve the obesity problem. B. It is of little use to the obesity problem. C. It may be of some help to the obesity problem. D. It may hurt children. 11. Some experts think it would be better for obese kids to _. A. play with light toys B. play with heavier toys C. be on diet D. have more activity12. What Tucker said in the last paragraph suggests that _. A. he himself likes playing giant soccer balls best B. he prefers kids to have active playing C. kids have no interest in running D. an activity will work if kids know the purpose of itD Two scientists in the University of Oklahoma are starting research that they hope will someday lead to the development of a vaccine to fight against the HIV virus, which causes AIDS. The research, to be carried out by Mark Lang, an assistant professor at the OU Health Sciences Center, and microbiologist John West, will examine the basic aspects of the immune system, rather than the complex aspects of the virus. They theorize that if a key function of the bodys immune system can be found exactly, it could be the first step toward developing a vaccine. To develop a new vaccine, we realized we first have to study and understand the immune system, Lang said. Lang said their work will focus on researching the basic antibody responses from Natural Killer-like T-cells. A potential vaccine would contain NKT cells and would improve the immune systems antibodies, which fight outside invaders(侵入物) such as HIV by preventing them from entering cells or giving the immune system enough of a boost to kill them. NKT cells, which have been a part of research into cancer and other diseases, have not previously been the focus of HIV research, Lang said. The research will last 18 months, with tests being performed on mice. The Oklahoma Center is giving $ 300,000 toward the research, and if the research proves promising, Lang and West will apply to the National Institutes of Health for more funding. If we are successful, we will have made an important contribution to the field, but we will still be several steps away from an effective vaccine, Lang said. Lang said that in a best-case scenario(最好的情况), their research could lead to a vaccine ready for use in about four years. 13. The research to be carried out will focus on _. A. the immune systemB. the test performed on mice C. NKT cellsD. the HIV virus 14. The underlined part a boost in Paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to_. A. growth in size B. an amount of time C. a great number D. an increase in power 15. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Lang works at the National Institutes of Health. B. The research will last one and a half years. C. The vaccine is ready for use. D. The AIDS virus may cause HIV. 16. What would be the best title for the passage? A. Two researchers begin to study the immune system B. NKT cells have been a part of research into cancer C. The relationship between the immune system and HIV D. Two scientists work to develop HIV vaccineE Health experts are calling for action to expand cancer care and control in the developing world. A paper published by the medical journal Lancet says cancer was once thought of mostly as a problem in the developed world. But cancer is now a leading cause of death and disability in poor countries. Experts from Harvard University and other organizations urge the international community to fight cancer aggressively. They say it should be fought the way HIV/AIDS has been fought in Africa. Cancer kills more than seven and a half million people a year worldwide. The experts say almost two-thirds are in low-income and middle-income countries. They say cancer kills more people in developing countries than AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria combined. But they say the world spends only five percent of its cancer resources in those countries. Felicia Knaul from the Harvard Medical School was one of the authors of the paper. She was in Mexico when she was found to have breast cancer. She received treatment there. She says the experience showed her the sharp divide between the rich and the poor in treating breast cancer. She said, Its the number two cause of death in Mexico for women thirty to fifty-four. All over the developing world, its the number one cancer-related death among young women. And there is much more we could do about it than we are doing about it. The experts say cancer care does not have to be costly. For example, patients can be treated with lower-cost drugs that are off-patent. This means the drugs are no longer legally protected against being copied. In another new report, the American Cancer Society says cancer has the highest economic cost of any cause of death. It caused an estimated nine hundred billion dollars in economic losses worldwide in two thousand and eight. That was one and a half percent of the world economy, and just losses from early death and disability. The productivity losses are almost twenty percent higher than the second leading cause of economic loss, heart disease. 17. What does the passage mainly talk about? A. More efforts should be made to fight cancer in the developing world. B. More efforts should be made to prevent tile terrible diseases all over the world. C. How to control cancer in the developing world. D. How to reduce the cost of cancer care in the developing countries. 18. From the first paragraph we learn that _. A. cancer is not a problem in the developed world B. cancer is under control in the developed world C. cancer is one of the most important problems in the developing countries D. cancer causes the most deaths every year in the developing countries19. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Cancer has become the most important problem all over the world. B. The developing countries spend a lot of their resources on cancer. C. Cancer kills more people in developed countries than AIDS. D. Most people who died of cancer arc in the developing countries. 20. According to the passage, Felicia Knaul _. A. was a professor of the Harvard Medical School B. suffered from lung cancer while in Mexico C. got treated in Mexico D. worked for the medical journal Lancet111


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