2013届高考英语一轮复习课时知能训练:人教版选修六 Unit 3《A healthy life》

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2013届高考英语一轮复习课时知能训练:人教版选修六 Unit 3《A healthy life》_第1页
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2013届高考英语一轮复习课时知能训练:人教版选修六 Unit 3《A healthy life》_第3页
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111课时知能训练.完形填空I heard a story about two workers who were interviewed by a reporter.The reporter asked the first worker,“What are you doing?” His _1_ was to _2_ that he was almost a slave,an underpaid bricklayer who spent his days _3_his time,placing bricks on the _4_of one another.The reporter asked the second worker the same question.His response,_5_,was quite different.“Im the _6_ person in the world,” he said.“I get to be a part of important and beautiful pieces of architecture; I help turn simple pieces of brick into fine and delicate masterpieces.”They were both _7_.The truth is,we see in life what we want to see.If you search for _8_,youll find _9_of it.If you want to find _10_ with other people,your career,or the world in general,youll certainly be able to do so and find life is unfair to you always.But the _11_ is also true.If you look for the extraordinary in the _12_,you can train yourself to see it.The question is,can you? Can you see extraordinary things that exist in our world,the extraordinary beauty of nature and the incredible miracle of human life? There is so much to be _13_ for,so much to respect.Life is precious and extraordinary._14_ your attention on this fact and little,ordinary things will _15_ on a whole new meaning.1A.reactionBthoughtCresponse Dopinion【解析】下文有response,可知选C。response回答。【答案】C2A.blame BcomplainCpraise Ddoubt【解析】下文说他像个奴隶,用complain(抱怨)符合语境。【答案】B3A.taking BenjoyingCwondering Dwasting【解析】他认为做低报酬的工作是“浪费”时间。【答案】D4A.point BtopCcover Dheight【解析】把一些砖砌到另一些砖的上面。【答案】B5A.therefore BhoweverCotherwise Dmoreover【解析】第二个工人的回答完全不同,这里表示转折。【答案】B6A.funniest BluckiestCbest Dwisest【解析】从下文看,这个工人觉得自己很幸运。【答案】B7A.wrong BrightCexact Dactual【解析】两人的答案都是对的。【答案】B8A.beauty BuglinessCkindness Devil【解析】从下文的unfair知道,如果你想找生活丑陋的一面,那么丑陋随处可见;如果你想找别人的错,一般说来,你肯定找得到,你就会觉得生活不公平。【答案】B9A.lot BfewCplenty Dbit【解析】参看第8题解析。【答案】C10A.fault BfavorChatred Ddifference【解析】参看第8题解析。【答案】A11A.objection BoppositeCcontrary Dcomparison【解析】但是它的反面也是对的。【答案】B12A.ordinary BcommonCusual Dregular【解析】如果你想在平凡的工作中找到不平凡的东西,你也肯定能找到。【答案】A13A.respectful BcarefulCregretful Dthankful【解析】你就会心怀感激。【答案】D14A.Lay BDevoteCStick DCarry【解析】把注意力放在平凡工作的不平凡的地方,这些平凡的小事就会呈现全新的意义。【答案】A15A.look BholdCtake Dkeep【解析】参看14题解析。【答案】C.语法填空(2012广州模拟)We arrived at Chiang Mai at 9 pm.It wasnt 1._two days later that we were able to take a closer look at Thai elephants.2._our stay there,we visited the Measa Elephant Camp,some 20 minutes drive from the city center.The camp,3._ stands aside a rushing river in a lush tropical valley,is the home of 78 elephants.When we arrived there in the early morning,many black elephants,some with creamy white tusks,4._(enjoy) their daily bath in the river.At Measa,we were amazed by the elephants 5._(astonish) skills.They could not only play football and 6._harmonica (口琴),but also paint incredibly wonderful pictures with 7._trunks.Little wonder then that Bangkoks little elephant accomplished the feat (技艺) vividly 8._(describe) in the primary school textbook.At the end of the Thailand tour,everybody in the group seemed to be attracted by these elephants as all of 9._rushed to purchase elephant sculptures,toys,ornaments and Tshirts.I was no 10._(except)The elephantpendant (坠饰) key chains I bought turned out to be popular gifts for my colleagues.【答案】1.until此处是it was not until.that.句型。2During/In意思是“在我们逗留期间”。3which关系代词which指代前面的the camp,引导非限制性定语从句。4were enjoying当我们在清早到达那里时,许多黑象正在享受它们的日常洗浴,其中一些有着乳白色的象牙。5astonishing那些大象令人惊讶的技巧让我们大为惊奇。astonishing意思为“令人惊讶的”。6the大象们不但可以踢足球、吹口琴,还可以用它们的鼻子作画。乐器前要用定冠词the。7their物主代词their表示the elephants。8described过去分词短语作后置定语。意思是“在小学课本里生动描述的(技艺)”。9themthem指代前面的everybody in the group。10exception意思是“大家好像都被这些大象吸引住了,因为他们都匆匆地购买大象雕塑、玩具、饰品还有T恤衫。我也不例外。”.阅读理解AAcross the United States,there are several places where two independent towns grew together to become one citybut kept both their names.WinstonSalem is one of them.Its a midsized city in whats called the plateau(high land),between the Atlantic Coast and the inland mountains in the state of North Carolina.The Winston part is a relatively new place,founded early this century.Its home to the nations biggest openair tobacco market.The giant RJ.Reynolds Tobacco Companys headquarters is in WinstonSalem,and Winston is the name of one of Reynolds bestknown cigarette brands.Fastgrowing Winston soon surrounded the much older town of Salem,so in 1913,people in the area voted to combine them into a single place.From a historical and tourist point of view,Salem,or Old Salem,as its called today,is the interesting and unusual part of town.Salem was founded in the 1700s by the Moravians.They spoke German,and their community was religiously based,with single men and single women living apart in separate dormitories.The Moravians greatly valued womens work and brainpower.In fact,one of the nations oldest boarding schools for young womenthe Moravians Salem Academy founded in 1772is still in operation.Over the years,Salem lost its Moravian character.That all changed,though,when a nonprofit group began to rehabilitate the historic area.These days Old Salem is whats called a living history museum,with exhibits,music,and tours of 18thcentury houses,taverns and Moravian dormitory buildings just seven blocks from the tallest skyscraper in WinstonSalem.The historic community is booming again.Just as RJ.Reynolds is taking in millions of dollars making cigarettes across town,Old Salem is generating about D|S15 million a year in tourism revenue and donations.1From the passage we can know that_.AWinstonSalem is the name of a cityBSalem is home to the tobacco marketCthe city WinstonSalem has two namesDOld Salem is the name of a tobacco brand【解析】推理判断题。根据文章第一段及第二段的第一句话可知WinstonSalem是由两个独立的乡镇联合起来发展而成的一个城市,因此是个城市名。【答案】A2It can be inferred from Paragraph 3 that_.Athe two cities benefited each otherBSalem developed faster than WinstonCR.J.Reynolds Company has moved into SalemDthe combination meets the wishes of the people【解析】推理判断题。根据.so in 1913,people in the area voted to combine them into a single place.可知,Winston和Salem合并是这个地区的人们投票表决的结果,满足了这些人的愿望。【答案】D3The city Salem is special for its_.Aboarding school Blifestyle and traditionCrespect for brainpower Dreligious belief【解析】细节理解题。根据第五段的内容可知,答案应选B,A、C、D都只说明了其中一个方面。【答案】B4The underlined word “rehabilitate” in Paragraph 6 is closest in meaning to “_”Areconstruct BevaluateCenlarge Ddecorate【解析】词义猜测题。根据These days Old Salem is whats called a living history museum,with exhibits,music,and tours of 18thcentury houses,taverns and Moravian dormitory buildings just seven blocks from the tallest skyscraper in WinstonSalem.可知,画线部分意为“重建”。【答案】A5What will probably be talked about in the following part?ASome other attractions in WinstonSalem.BHow Winston makes profits from tourism.COther examples of cities combined by two parts.DSomething about the boarding school for women.【解析】推理判断题。根据文章结构可知,文章应分为两部分,第二到七段为一部分,作者花了大幅篇章来描述WinstonSalem这座城市,且根据第二段WinstonSalem is one of them可知,接下来应该是讲述其他由两个地方合并而成的城市。【答案】CBWatch out,Yahoo.Theres a search engine out there with super speed and accuracy.Its really cool.Google is the Webs largest search engine.In just two years it has gained a reputation for surprising speed and accuracy,delivering exactly what youre looking for in a second.The site now does this 40 million times a daya number achieved without spending a penny on a TV or newspaper ad.Google doesnt need them.In the past six months alone,the site has won a Webby(the online version of the Oscar) for technical excellence,set a new record for search engines by indexing a billion Web pages.Yahoo still has 10 times the audience,but Google consistently ranks first in customer satisfaction: 97% of users find what theyre looking for most or all of the time.“You see people smile when they use it,like theyve found something no one else knows about,” says Danny Sullivan,editor of an online newsletter.No one is smiling more than Larry Page,27,and Sergey Brin,26,who seem certain to become billionaires when the company goes public,probably sometime next year.They make a great comedy duo.When they first met as Ph.D.students,the pair say,they found each other horrible“I still find him horrible,” adds Brinbut were driven together by a computerscience project aimed at coming up with better ways of searching the Web.The idea behind Google is that traditional search engines are stupid.They think relevance is based on repetition: if you type in a request for Tiger Woods,say,youll get websites listed according to how many times those words appear.Not only is this no guarantee of quality,but its also open to abuse.If you own a Tiger fan site and want to lead more people to it,simply type his name thousands of times in the sites source code.6The first paragraph serves to_.Acompare two websitesBbring out the topicCput blame on YahooDgive the background of the topic【解析】第一段告诉我们和雅虎相比,还有更好的搜索引擎(超级速度和准确性),下文就是介绍的这一更好的搜索引擎:谷歌。由此可以看出,本段的主要作用就是引出下文。【答案】B7What does the underlined word “them” in the third paragraph refer to?A40 million times. BAchievements.CTV and newspaper ads. DWeb pages.【解析】由语境可知,这里“them”就是指的上文的“a TV or newspaper ad”。【答案】C8Which of the following wins greater customer satisfaction?AYahoo. BGoogle.CPage. DBrin.【解析】由第四段的第一句话“Yahoo still has 10 times the audience,but Google consistently ranks first in customer satisfaction:97% of users find what theyre looking for most or all of the time.”可以看出,尽管雅虎拥有的用户多,但是97%的顾客对谷歌满意。由此可知答案。【答案】B9It can be inferred that Page and Brin_.Awork for Google Bare Tiger fansChated each other Dwork for Yahoo【解析】在上文介绍完谷歌最受用户满意之后,接着介绍了这两位:No one is smiling more than Larry Page,27,and Sergey Brin,26,who seem certain to become billionaires when the company goes public,probably sometime next year.由此可以看出这两位是为Google工作的。【答案】A10We can learn from the last paragraph that_. AGoogle is open to abuseBGoogle remains a traditional search engineCGoogle thinks relevance is based on repetitionDGoogle is better than traditional search engines【解析】由该段的第一句话“The idea behind Google is that traditional search engines are stupid.”可以看出:Google要优于传统的搜索引擎。【答案】D11用30词左右概括文章大意_【答案】This passage mainly tells about a better search engine than YahooGoogle,which is the Webs largest search engine and wins greater customer satisfaction than traditional search engine.111


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