Module 1 Unit 1教案

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Module1 How to learn EnglishUnit1 Lets try to speak English as much as possible.教学目标【知识目标】能够正确使用下列单词和词组: dictionary, grammar, letter, look up, make a mistake, understand等。【能力目标】1、能够听懂讨论学习英语的方法和建议的对话。2、能够谈论学习英语的问题并提出自己的建议。【情感态度目标】引导学生回顾以前的英语学习方法,与他人分享成功的学习经验,反思自己在英语学习上的不足,提出有针对性的解决方案和建议。教学重难点【教学重点】能够运用本单元学习的词汇、句型谈论英语学习中的困难并提供建议。【教学难点】学习学好英语的方法,并运用到实际学习中。教学过程Step 1. Warming-up Ask the students what they should do in English learning, thus the unit is introduced. 1. Think about. 2. Read the instructions. (activity 1). 3. Check the ones you understand.Step 2. Listening1. Play the recording2. Guide the students to catch the main sentences and key words3. Read the words and phrases. 4. Listen and answer the questions. (Part 2).Step 3. SpeakingI. Ask students to work in pairs to practice the dialogue.II. 1. Listen and read (Part3) 2. Listen again and check part43. Try to act out part3 4. Make sentences to practice the sentence structure. And then discuss what the sentence structure is like.5. Listen to Part 3 and complete Part 4 then practice reading the dialogue in groups. Then several should be asked to read in public. At last ask some groups to act out part3.6. Make sentences using the vocabulary and sentence structure.7. Check the table and let the students to share their answers and then do part 7.Step 4. PronunciationPractice students pronunciation and speaking.1. Read the dialogue together with the tape recorder.Then read the sentences of Part 5, with the tape recorder.2. Read the sentences to let the partner check if the sentences are pronounced in a correct way.Step 5. SpeakingTell students to think some questions and answer them in pairs.Talk about problems in learning English and give advice.Step 6. Important and difficult pointsadviceadvice 不可数名词, “劝告, 忠告”。一条建议: a piece of advice。常用短语:1) take ones advice 听/采纳某人的建议2) give sb. advice on . 在方面给某人建议3) ask sb. for advice 向某人征求意见My teacher gave me some advice on English.我的老师曾在英语方面给我提过一些建议。 If you take my advice, you can pass the test.如果你听我的建议, 你会通过这次考试的。You might ask him for advice on this matter. 这事可以让他给你参谋一下。advise v. 常用句式: (1) advise doing sth 建议做某事。 He advised leaving early. 他建议早点动身。advise不接不定式作宾语。不能说:He advised to leave early. (2) advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事。We advised them to start early. 我们建议他们及早开始。(3) advise sb. against doing sth. 劝告某人不要做某事。 He advised her against going out at night. 他劝她晚上不要出去。Why not do ? = Why dont you do ?Why not do ? 表示提出某种建议,而不是询问为什么不做某事的原因。Why not / Why dont you read a newspaper in English?你为什么不读英文版的报纸呢?1) - I feel a bit hungry now. - Why not _ for dinner with us? A. go B. did you go C. to go D. do you go 考查why not的用法。后接动词原形,故选A。2) - Im very tired these days because of studying for physics. - Why not _ music? It can make you _. A. listen to; relaxing B. to listen to; to relax C. listening to; relax D. listen to; relax Its a good idea for sb. to do sth. “对 来说是个好主意”。 Its a good idea for you to walk after supper.对你来说,晚饭后散散步是个好主意。How about doing? = What about doing?What about / How about doing sth? “做某事怎么样?”1) 用来询问情况或打听消息等,“怎么样?/如何?”。 How about Mother? Is she all right? 妈妈怎么样?她好吗? How about your English exam yesterday? 昨天的英语考得怎么样?2) 用来提出请求,建议或征求对方意见,“(你认为)怎么样? /如何?” What about a cup of tea? 喝杯茶怎么样? Of course Ill come. What about Friday? 我当然要来,星期五来如何? What about Father? We cant just leave him here. 父亲怎么办?我们不能把他丢在这。try to do .try to do sth. “努力做某事”。 try to do sth. 和 try doing sth. 的用法trytodosth. 表示“努力做某事;试图干”,强调付出努力,但不一定成功; trydoing 表示“尝试做某事,尝试做试试”,含有“看结果如何”之意。 Hedidnttrytodoit. 他不肯努力去做。 Pleasetrytofinishthisworkinthirtyminutes. 请尽量在30分钟内完成这项工作。 Whydidntyoutryridingabiketogotoschool? 为什么不试着骑车去学校呢? - Iusuallygotherebytrain. - Whynot_byboatforachange? A. totrygoing B.tryingtogo C. totryandgo D. trygoingagreeagree “同意” 用法有:1) agree to do sth. 同意做某事 2) agree with sb. on sth. 在某方面与某人意见一致 3) agree +从句 反义词是disagree, 名词形式是agreementMy father agreed with me on it. 在这件事上我爸爸和我意见一致。They agree that we go to university. 他们都同意我们上大学。My mother agrees that I go out to play at the weekend. 我妈妈同意我周末出去玩。 I agree with you on studying.Step 7. SummaryThe unit is focused on practicing the students listening and speaking ability, the vocabulary as well as the sentence structure is hard for the students to grasp. Sufficient examples and drilling are necessary.Step 8. Blackboard designUnit 1 lets try to speak English as much as possible.Key structuresYou should always speak English in class.Why not write down the mistakes in our notebooks?Its a good idea to spell and pronounce new words aloud every day.How about listening to the radio?Step 9. Exercise一、根据句意、首字母及汉语提示完成单词1. You can look up the word in the _(词典). 2. I dont know the _(意思) of the sentence. Can you tell me,please?3. My _(发音) is not good. Who can help me?4. Sorry, I dont _(理解) your words. 5. Its _(可能的) for him to finish the work. dictionary meaning pronunciation understand possible二、根据汉语提示完成句子1. 还有谁在教室里? _ _ is in the classroom?2. You should do your homework _ _ _ _.(尽可能仔细地)3. Can you _ these words_(将和匹配) the pictures?4. Try to _ _ _(开始了解) him; hes really nice.5. Lucy often _ _ _ _(把我妹妹误认为) me.1. Who; else 2. as; carefully; as; possible3. match; with 4. get; to; know 5. mistakes; my; sister; for三、短语背诵做某事的方法尽力做/努力做某事尽力不做/努力不做忘记做某事记得要做某事需要做某事做是一个好注意ways to do sth. try to do sth.try not to do sth.forget to do sth.remember to do sth.need to do sth.Its good idea to do sth.谈论某事与某人交谈一条建议一些建议提建议尽可能多的讲犯错误做是个好主意写下talk about with sb.a piece of advicesome advicegive advicespeak as much as possible make a mistakeIts a good idea to dowrite down课堂作业1) Recite the dialogue of Activity 3.2) Write a letter and tell him / her about problems in learning English.教学反思


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