高中英语外研版必修一学案Module 6《The Internet and Telecommunications》(2)

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111Book1 Module 6 The Internet and TelecommunicationsPeriod 2【学习目标】理解Introduction和Reading部分的主要词语和句型结构,并掌握重点词语的用法。【学习重点难点】Introduction和Reading部分的重点和疑难词语和句型【学习策略指导】利用多媒体和录音机让学生自主学习,小组合作探究解决当堂所学主要内容中存在的问题【预习自学】Introduction和Reading【教学环节设计】Step 1 自主学习Introduction和Reading部分的语言要点,标出你认为的重点和疑难部分1. It consists of millions of pages of data.consist of 由组成 make up 组成 be made up of 由组成The committee _ _ ten members.The committee _ _ _ _ ten members.Ten members _ _ the committee. 他的工作包括帮助无人照顾的独居老人His job consists of _ old people who live alone.【知识拓展】consist in vt. 在于(存在于) Success consists in hard work.consist with vt. 合于(符合相容); 与.一致 What he does does not consist with what he says.2. It then became possible for universities to use the system as well.Bermers-Lee made it possible for everyone to use the Internet, not just universities and the army.A. it 作形式主语或形式宾语,to do sth / doing / that clause 作真正的主语或宾语(1) It + be / become + necessary/ important/ possible/ easy+ for sb to do sth (2) It is kind/ foolish/ polite/ rude/ brave/ careless/ clever+ of sb to do sth(3)*Its no use/ no good/ a waste of time + doing sth(4) Its clear + that(5) It worried the mother a bit that she hadnt heard from her son.(6)*主语+ believe/ think/ make / feel/ find/ consider/ regard/ suppose/ imagine + it (形式宾语) + adj./ n. (宾语补足语)+ to do / doing/ that 从句 It is necessary for us students to remember as much English as possible. Its kind of you to help me. Its no use _. 学而不思则罔。 Its clear that English is very important. Computers make it easy for people to communicate with each other. (句子结构分析) ( ) ( )( )( ) ( ) How I wish everyone considered it a duty to help the poor!B. as well 也,常常放在肯定句句末,相当于too,但too前面有逗号。 as well as 与一样好 prep. 也,一同,和 ,后接名词 Father sent me a letter and some money _. = Father sent me a letter _ some money. Peter is fond of music _ biology. Peter is fond of music. And he likes biology _. She cooks _ her mother.【比较】Its not as heavy, either. I have been to New York, too. Mr. Smith as well as his children _ (have been / has been)invited to the party.【沙场练兵】 She _ likes English. A. eitherB. tooC. alsoD. as well His father is a teacher and his mother is a teacher _. A. tooB. as wellC. eitherD. also E-mail, as well as telephones, _ an important part in daily communication. A. is playedB. have playedC. are playingD. plays John plays football _, if not better than, David. A. as wellB. as well asC. so wellD. so well as3. NSFNET became known as the Inter-Network be / become known as = be / become famous as 作为而出名 be/ become known for = be / become famous for 因而出名 be / become known to sb = be / become familiar to 为所熟知 Liaocheng is _ the “Water City.” Guilin is _ its landscapes. It is _ us all that the earth moves around the sun.4. At the moment, about 80 percent of web traffic is in English, but this percentage is going down. at the moment 此刻,现在 at that moment 在那一刻 at any moment 在任何时候 for the moment 目前,暂时 in a moment 一会儿,立刻 * the moment (that) + clause (从句) 一就, 相当于连词as soon as Mother is on holiday _, and she will be back next week. Please stop the discussion _. He paused(停顿) _ as if to think of something. He will come back _. _ I saw him, I recognized him.5. He came up with the idea of the world wide web in 1989 while he was working in Switzerland. 1989年,当他在瑞士工作时,他提出了(创建)万维网的想法。 A. come up with 提出,想出;追上,赶上你真聪明能想出这么好的注意。 Its wise _. 他走得快,不久就追上了我们。 He walked fast and _. B. while 强调从句动作和主句同时发生,从句中常用延续性动词,常用进行时。 While I was doing my homework, my brother was watching TV. when 可用于主句和从句同时发生或从句先于主句动作发生的情况。既可引导一个持续动作,也可引导一个短暂动作。 When the teacher came in, we were doing our homework. When I was young, I lived in the countryside. as 强调从句和主句动作同时发生,意为:“一边, 一边”;“随着” He hurried home, looking behind as he went. Tom sang songs as he was taking a bath. * As time goes on, its getting warmer and warmer. 【比较】*With time _(go) on, its getting warmer and warmer.Step 2小组合作讨论解决疑难问题Step3【检测反馈】I. 单项填空 1. Each class _ 60 students in our school this year. A. is consisted of B. consists of C. makes upD. is made of2. Jay Chou is a singer, and a song writer_. A. alsoB. eitherC. tooD. as well3. The boss is quite satisfied with the name all the employees have _ for the new company. A. put up withB. caught up withC. kept up withD. come up with4. What should the people do to solve the food problem if they live in hilly areas _ is hard to grow crops? A. whereB. when itC. thatD. where it5. Sorry, our manager isnt in the office_. Ill tell him about your calling _ he comes. A. at the moment; the momentB. on the moment; the moment C. for a moment; whenD. in a moment; while*6. Samuel Clemens, _ Mark Twain, became a famous writer. A. was known asB. known asC. was known forD. known for7. The father as well as his three children _ skating on the frozen river every Sunday afternoon in winter. (06 辽宁) A. is goingB. goC. goesD. are going8. In fact we think _ a hard work for the police to keep order in an important football match. A. thatB. itC. thisD. there*9. They _ the task by the end of next month. A. have finishedB. had finishedC. will have finished D. would have finished*10. Mother was worried because Alice was ill, especially _Father was away in France. A. as B. unless C. duringD. ifII. Classic phrases 1. 包括_ 2.作为.出名_ 3. 提出,想出 _ 4. 从那一刻开始 _ 5. 登录_ 6. 集中于_ 7. 死机,抛锚_ 8. 网上冲浪_ 9. 符合,与.一致_10. 目前,暂时_ 11. 不让.进入_ 12. 应该,应当_III. Correct the following sentences 1. Mr. Smith as well as his children have been invited to the party. 2. The little girl formed a habit of washing hands before meals. 3. Have you seen the boat floated in the river. 【课外作业】预习Grammar部分,并完成相关练习【学后反思】_ 英语模块一学案27(Module 6 Period2)Step1自主学习答案1. consists of; is made up of; make up, helping 2. A. learning without thinking; 主语,谓语,形式宾语,宾补,真正的宾语 B. as well, as well as, as well as, as well, as well as. has been, CBDB 3. known as; known for; known by或known to 4. for the moment, at the moment, at that moment, in a moment, The moment 5.of you to come up with such a good idea; came up with us soon ;going Step3 【跟踪检测】 I. 1-5 BDDDA 6-10 BCBCA II. 1. consist of 2. be known as3. come up with 4. from that moment on 5. log on 6. concentrate on 7. break down 8. surf the Internet9. consist with 10. for the moment 11. keep out of 12. be supposed to III. 1. has 2.a 改成 the 3. floating英语模块一学案27(Module 6 Period2)Step1自主学习答案1. consists of; is made up of; make up, helping 2. A. learning without thinking; 主语,谓语,形式宾语,宾补,真正的宾语 B. as well, as well as, as well as, as well, as well as. has been, CBDB 3. known as; known for; known by或known to 4. for the moment, at the moment, at that moment, in a moment, The moment 5.of you to come up with such a good idea; came up with us soon ;going Step3 【跟踪检测】 I. 1-5 BDDDA 6-10 BCBCA II. 1. consist of 2. be known as3. come up with 4. from that moment on 5. log on 6. concentrate on 7. break down 8. surf the Internet9. consist with 10. for the moment 11. keep out of 12. be supposed to IV. 1. has 2.a 改成 the 3. floating英语模块一学案27(Module 6 Period2)Step1自主学习答案1. consists of; is made up of; make up, helping 2. A. learning without thinking; 主语,谓语,形式宾语,宾补,真正的宾语 B. as well, as well as, as well as, as well, as well as. has been, CBDB 3. known as; known for; known by或known to 4. for the moment, at the moment, at that moment, in a moment, The moment 5.of you to come up with such a good idea; came up with us soon ;going Step3 【跟踪检测】 I. 1-5 BDDDA 6-10 BCBCA II. 1. consist of 2. be known as3. come up with 4. from that moment on 5. log on 6. concentrate on 7. break down 8. surf the Internet9. consist with 10. for the moment 11. keep out of 12. be supposed to V. 1. has 2.a 改成 the 3. floating英语模块一学案27(Module 6 Period2)Step1自主学习答案1. consists of; is made up of; make up, helping 2. A. learning without thinking; 主语,谓语,形式宾语,宾补,真正的宾语 B. as well, as well as, as well as, as well, as well as. has been, CBDB 3. known as; known for; known by或known to 4. for the moment, at the moment, at that moment, in a moment, The moment 5.of you to come up with such a good idea; came up with us soon ;going Step3 【跟踪检测】 I. 1-5 BDDDA 6-10 BCBCA II. 1. consist of 2. be known as3. come up with 4. from that moment on 5. log on 6. concentrate on 7. break down 8. surf the Internet9. consist with 10. for the moment 11. keep out of 12. be supposed to VI. 1. has 2.a 改成 the 3. floating111


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