英语北师大版选修7 Unit21 Lesson 3 《Epidemics Explained》 3教案

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英语北师大版选修7 Unit21 Lesson 3 《Epidemics Explained》 3教案_第1页
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英语北师大版选修7 Unit21 Lesson 3 《Epidemics Explained》 3教案_第2页
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111Epidemics Explained Teaching Aims: 1. To practice the Reading strategies of sequencing of information2. To know some epidemics in history3. To use the words about epidemicsTeaching difficulties: To practice the Reading strategies of sequencing of informationTeaching Aids: computer and cassetteTeaching procedures: Step 1 Lead-in (1) Do you remember SARS ? (2)What did you feel when SARS was spreading? (3) Whats the outcome of SARS ? (4) Besides SARS, what other diseases can be epidemic?Step 2 Reading(1) Reading strategies: Sequencing of information (2) Match the five paragraphs (A-E) with gaps 2,4, 7, 9 and 11 in the text. (3) Read the text and finish the table(4) Read the text and match each epidemic with the statementsStep 3 Speaking Discuss in group of 4 and predict an epidemic in the futureStep 4 Language points(1) Underline important collocations and work out their meanings.(2) Use the phrase to finish the exercise(3) Important wordsExercise 111


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